Originally posted by Spark
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more republican propangda. Obama proposed tax cut and credits for small business owne
Originally posted by vols fan View PostFOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last time I'm saying it.
BUSH----------- stupid
Obama --------- stupid
Palin-------------stupid but hot!!!
This country is in bad shape and it's the fuckers in Congress that we have to worry about.The President is a "figure" for us to look at but he don't do shit without everyone else saying so.
Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View PostI'm staying out of this fight but this has to be the smartest comment that I've seen in a long time. I too am a small business owner. If I had one complaint it would be that people are getting in our way of making money... I did not agree with many of Bushes policies but he did stay out of our way. For example I am in real estate. I am a licensed mortgage broker, yes the bad mortgages did get this country hot water that cost the country billions of dollars. But instead of letting the market correct itself. Meaning to have people go to jail for fraud or let companies go under(the ones that cost this shit) The government implimented new rules that is making it harder and more expensive to close loans. And that is costing me money... But hell I gamble and that cost me money too....
Originally posted by BettorsChat View PostDid you see the indymac thread? There forcing home owners into foreclosure so they can make a shit load which isn't the normal case on short sales for banks.
Originally posted by KazDog View PostFirst of all. I think Republicans would rather see this country fail. That's just disturbing to me. It happened with Clinton, and it's certainly happening even more with Obama. Liberals didn't go at Bush, esp early on, with such negativity that is seen with this administration. Sadly. Liberals for the most part went along with Bush's bonehead decisions.
Second. What do any of you think Obama could have done to correct the mess that he inherited, more than what he has done? I haven't heard one solution from anyone on here. Just a lot of complaining that he's done nothing.
So here you are Obama. You take office and you're told, you have banks that are going broke, unemployment will be rising faster and more than ever, the largest car manufacturer is going broke, we are fighting 2 wars where we can't just pull up ranks and leave and it's costing the country into the trillions to stay put. What on God's green Earth do you do? How does he solve this problem? I haven't heard one thing that any of you experts would have done.
So he passes an $800 million stimulus package immediately, cuts taxes for everyone for 2010, bails out the banks before they completely go under, bails out GM, plans for a pull out in Iraq and tightens up in Afghanistan.
End result.....Unemployment has steadied and had a slight pull back this month, the GDP rose 5.7% the most in the past 6 YEARS, the stock market has risen to 15 month highs, oil prices and gas prices have steadied and consumer confidence is up as well, and we'll see how things pan out after the tax cut in April. Only a portion of the $800 million dollar Stimulus Package has even been spent ....
Seriously. What more could he have done? I'd like to hear what you experts think. How could he have stopped the country from going into a depression.....again? This isn't and wasn't an overnight fix. It's a slow slow slow process at best. So far, he's done about all that he could do. You people act like he could sprinkle some magic dust and cure it all. It doesn't work that way.....
the banks weren't going broke, that was fixed on bush's watch. (i didn't like it at all!)
the level of unemployment rising is pure speculation.
he should have let the car co's go into bankruptcy.
he should have pulled out of both wars. iraq was winding down, but he INCREASED troops in that vietnam carbon copy afghanistan! "tighten up"??? what are you talking about!
he passed a 800 million dollar pork bill putting the country in more debt!!!
tax cuts are a good thing!
oil prices are because of the bad economy.
unemployment has gone up a lot since he has been in office. i love how you pick out the last month and notthe huge rise before that.
i always get a kick out of the stock market thing. when rep use the stock market as a measure of a successful economy, dem's say that is just for the rich. now the table is turned. what hypocrites!
all that great depression stuff was a bunch of BS!! it was just a way of scaring people into going along a bunch of crooks, and you fell for it.
all the spending is going to come due some time. i just have ONE question for you. HOW IS THIS GOING TO BE PAYED BACK AND WHEN?“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Gerald Ford
Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View PostThe guys that own OneWest bank were the ones that started this shit at the beginning. And they are profiting on the back end. Isn't this ironic???
Originally posted by husker View Postif you think any politician "goes along with" the other side for any other reason than they are following the popular side, you are completely naive. i guess you forgot all the stuff about stealing the election. then bush got a pass because of 9/11, then that wore off and it was just as bad as now.
the banks weren't going broke, that was fixed on bush's watch. (i didn't like it at all!)
the level of unemployment rising is pure speculation.
he should have let the car co's go into bankruptcy.
he should have pulled out of both wars. iraq was winding down, but he INCREASED troops in that vietnam carbon copy afghanistan! "tighten up"??? what are you talking about!
he passed a 800 million dollar pork bill putting the country in more debt!!!
tax cuts are a good thing!
oil prices are because of the bad economy.
unemployment has gone up a lot since he has been in office. i love how you pick out the last month and notthe huge rise before that.
i always get a kick out of the stock market thing. when rep use the stock market as a measure of a successful economy, dem's say that is just for the rich. now the table is turned. what hypocrites!
all that great depression stuff was a bunch of BS!! it was just a way of scaring people into going along a bunch of crooks, and you fell for it.
all the spending is going to come due some time. i just have ONE question for you. HOW IS THIS GOING TO BE PAYED BACK AND WHEN?
Originally posted by BettorsChat View PostAnyone that thinks Bush wasn't a fuck up is either in denial or a sheep. In your case a troll.
keep drinking that obama fool-aid.“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Gerald Ford
Originally posted by harold_bush View PostPathetic. Barely even a mention of Bush in his post. What a ridiculous response.
you can't expect more from someone that hits the fool-aid as much as monte. i know i don't.“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Gerald Ford
Originally posted by musclemann View Post
Where was all the outrage while curious george was at the helm and making policy THAT CAUSED OUR SYSTEM TO FAULTER. You know the banks loaning money to idiots who couldnt pay the money back which in turn caused the free fall.
YOU know it spark they called it deregulation. Curious G loved it ,did nothing about it, stood by and watched it.
Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999..look it up
Ever hear of Fannie or Freddie Mae? Look that up too
Originally posted by BettorsChat View PostAnyone that thinks Bush wasn't a fuck up is either in denial or a sheep. In your case a troll.
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“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Gerald Ford