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Will Marry For Health Insurance

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  • #16
    Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
    I would suggest cutting down on some of our foriegn aid and setting up longterm care for Americans in need like this.
    Flare that is not going to help anything. Our healthcare system is a for profit machine. We have politicians both Republicans and Democrats that is being supported by the healthcare lobby that they will do what is best for the companies not the people. We need to have the same coverage that congress and the senate has or take it away from them.


    • #17
      Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
      I know for a fact Doctors don't tell patients to eat right etc. My father is overweight and his damn doctor hasn't sent him to a specialist etc. or said a damn word about it. Preventive treatment in this Country should be rewarded to the Doctors as its done in other Countries with universal health care.

      Instead here pharmaceutical companies donate millions upon millions to Doctor training hospitals to teach them that the only way to treat someone is with a damn pill.

      And as for as HMO goes it's a damn fact that it was created because it could be run as a profit. They had nixon on tape being told so then the next day he gives a spin on it and how great it will be.


      • #18
        Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
        Flare that is not going to help anything. Our healthcare system is a for profit machine. We have politicians both Republicans and Democrats that is being supported by the healthcare lobby that they will do what is best for the companies not the people. We need to have the same coverage that congress and the senate has or take it away from them.

        This wont happen cause Congress and Senate live like Kings and Queens. Over 50% of them are Lawyers as well so they will make laws to suit themselves.
        NBA is a joke


        • #19
          Will marry for health insurance? Wow!


          • #20
            Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
            With all due respect Monte, you are blaming the Doctor for you Father being overweight?

            There is such a thing called personal responsibility.

            The culture of blame will never get us anywhere.
            That's an example. And some people have genetics for being fat and don't tell me that's BS because research has shown otherwise.

            Facts are out on Cigarettes, but guess what more people are smoking these days. How much money goes into that with the insurance companies etc?

            I'm simply stating that Doctors should get bonuses for getting people of drugs by preaching preventive care. That would cut down on the number of diseases and illnesses. However, Big pharmaceutical companies don't want that as they spend hundreds of millions of dollars per year giving monies to Medical schools to teach the Doctors there to push pills.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
              I say this with all due respect, but maybe your Dad has other conditions that prevent him from exercising; ie bad back or knees, no access to a gym, etc. And this might sound like a dumb question, but if you are such an advocate for proper diet and exercise (which is a good thing) then why would your Dad's doctor have to tell him to do it? Wouldn't you telling him be just as, if not more, effective?

              I don't understand your term of preventive treatment? If someone goes to the doc, and the doc finds high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, then it still falls upon the patient to do what hey can. If they want to try and get better taking a pill, so be it. Diet and exercise? Go for it. I wonder how many docs want to prescribe pills and the patient refuses b/c they don;t want to take drugs?

              Are you saying your Dad won't exercise b/c the doc didn't suggest it?
              Yeah, I have told him and you're right he can't exercise as he spinal cord damage.

              And I'm saying Doctors are not trained in medical schools to teach preventive medicine. They are trained at the cost of the pharmaceutical companies to push pills on everyone.


              • #22
                Originally posted by husker View Post
                i know for a fact that doctors DO tell patients to lose weight. maybe he should get a better doctor.
                Did I say all 100% doctors don't? I probably have way more experience in dealing with Doctors I'm sure than you do and most of them don't give that kind of advice. It's hear you need to take these pills for high blood pressure, these for cholesterol problems etc.

                Why the fuck am I even answering you as you do nothing, but troll forums trying to stir up shit.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
                  Flare that is not going to help anything. Our healthcare system is a for profit machine. We have politicians both Republicans and Democrats that is being supported by the healthcare lobby that they will do what is best for the companies not the people. We need to have the same coverage that congress and the senate has or take it away from them.
                  Dam straight give us the same health care these pricks get for everyone!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post

                    This wont happen cause Congress and Senate live like Kings and Queens. Over 50% of them are Lawyers as well so they will make laws to suit themselves.
                    I agree with you on that wow.......

                    A lot of them are Doctors, CEO's and Criminals.

                    That's why we as the common people need to stand up to our Government and vote in mass numbers for all voting purposes. We need to make demands that our government follows what we want and not what they want. I believe our founder fathers of this Country wanted it that way.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                      I agree with you on that wow.......

                      A lot of them are Doctors, CEO's and Criminals.

                      That's why we as the common people need to stand up to our Government and vote in mass numbers for all voting purposes. We need to make demands that our government follows what we want and not what they want. I believe our founder fathers of this Country wanted it that way.

                      Term limits are a must IMO, these bastards who are lifers in Gov dont have a clue how the common folk have it.
                      NBA is a joke


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                        Term limits are a must IMO, these bastards who are lifers in Gov dont have a clue how the common folk have it.
                        Wow I agree again with you.

                        However, the one problem with term limits is we could get worse and worse in there. However, I think if a president is limited to 2-4 year terms why should Congressmen and Senators be limited?

                        I remember one very old senator that slept through the proceedings because he was so old.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                          Wow I agree again with you.

                          However, the one problem with term limits is we could get worse and worse in there. However, I think if a president is limited to 2-4 year terms why should Congressmen and Senators be limited?

                          I remember one very old senator that slept through the proceedings because he was so old.

                          I agree with term limits, but it is SO pie in the sky. Does anyone really think that they are going to pass a law kicking themselves out of office? Getting re elected is basicall their job.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                            I agree with term limits, but it is SO pie in the sky. Does anyone really think that they are going to pass a law kicking themselves out of office? Getting re elected is basicall their job.

                            I think term limits are possible if the people start rising up. The tea party was a start. The next big revolution in this country will be about taxes and term limits.
                            NBA is a joke


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                              I think term limits are possible if the people start rising up. The tea party was a start. The next big revolution in this country will be about taxes and term limits.
                              But I don't understand what "rising up" means? People were rising up against health care and most likely something will happen imo. If a large, angry mob complains about taxes you really think all of a sudden lawmakers are going to lower taxes? Plus the "teabaggers" have been so lampooned and diminshed by the media that I don't think it gains much long-term traction. I guess we will see in Nov.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                                But I don't understand what "rising up" means? People were rising up against health care and most likely something will happen imo. If a large, angry mob complains about taxes you really think all of a sudden lawmakers are going to lower taxes? Plus the "teabaggers" have been so lampooned and diminshed by the media that I don't think it gains much long-term traction. I guess we will see in Nov.

                                It will have to come from a third party IMO.

                                Ross Perot got 17% or 18% of the vote when he ran against the establishment with some common sense platforms.

                                Problem would be to change Senate and Congress. Again, maybe a 3rd party rises up.
                                NBA is a joke

