Originally posted by Guns
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The real deficit Obama inherited from Bush?
Originally posted by husker View Posthe says he saved the economy all the time! he just blames the spending on bush.
He is in a tough spot, I don't know why anyone would want that position. I mean I can already tell he has aged..in just 1 year. I think Washington is playing him. I hope he can turn it around.
Politics......my least favorite topic
who else should be blamed? That moron took a 200 billion dollar surplus and turned it into the largest defecit in the history of the united states. Then the mensa's get on here talking about how their all fiscal conservatives. Line em up, they crack on obama and the the dems but forgot how a republican congress and a republican president spent us to this huge defecit.................
Now the repubs are all conservatives and the mensa minds are sipping the koolaid.......................
Originally posted by Guns View PostI voted for him and still support him, but not all of his policies.
He is in a tough spot, I don't know why anyone would want that position. I mean I can already tell he has aged..in just 1 year. I think Washington is playing him. I hope he can turn it around.
Politics......my least favorite topic
he has aged a LOT!
you are right, he is getting chewed up and spit out. he just wasn't qualified to begin with. a couple years in the senate doesn't prepare you for sharks like pelosi, reed, frank, and all the others. he may be book smart, but you better be street smart to be successful in washington. he definitely isn't!“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Gerald Ford
Originally posted by husker View Posthe has aged a LOT!
you are right, he is getting chewed up and spit out. he just wasn't qualified to begin with. a couple years in the senate doesn't prepare you for sharks like pelosi, reed, frank, and all the others. he may be book smart, but you better be street smart to be successful in washington. he definitely isn't!
Originally posted by musclemann View Postwho else should be blamed? That moron took a 200 billion dollar surplus and turned it into the largest defecit in the history of the united states.
Wonder if 9/11 had anything to do with economic problems? But since, (according to MANY loons) President Bush knew exactly what was going to happen on 9/11, or it was an inside job, I doubt it was a factor at all.
Originally posted by musclemann View Postwho else should be blamed? That moron took a 200 billion dollar surplus and turned it into the largest defecit in the history of the united states. Then the mensa's get on here talking about how their all fiscal conservatives. Line em up, they crack on obama and the the dems but forgot how a republican congress and a republican president spent us to this huge defecit.................
Now the repubs are all conservatives and the mensa minds are sipping the koolaid.......................
It's all Bush's fault ...
Originally posted by husker View Postcome on, i was taught as a kid "if someone told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it?"
that's a completely lame excuse. obama was saying the same thing bush was. you are starting to go back to the partisan posts again."It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain
Originally posted by grandmama View Postmy post isn't partisan Husker. I was stating my POV. I give u credit in regards to not being as partisan as you were in the past, but don't try to start stuff with me for no reason. Back to my POV, I remember what the Bush folks were saying-that we had to pass the bailout or the world was gonna end. It was the same playbook they used for the Iraq war. I agree that we needed to bail the banks out, but we didn't do it the right way. I'm too tired to explain the methods in which I believe we should have done it 2nite. I need to go back and review some notes that I took, and look at some newspaper clippings I saved.
Originally posted by Jamaicanman View PostWould you agree that the same method you think President Bush used was duplicated by President Obama and the "stimulus" package?
Obama, on the other hand, took a long a while to get he bill passed. I remember watching CSPAN as the Sen from Ohio had to fly in late, so they would have 60 votes to get it through. I think, if my memory serves me, somewhere between 56-60 of the votes were Dems- maybe some of the female R-Sen from Maine or New Hamp voted for it. As I mentioned that, it seems to me that Dems are willing to compromise with Pubs here lately than the other way around- just off the top of my head. I wish Pubs would work more with the other party more than they do. The ones in the House do, but the Sen don't for some reason. I personally would like to do away with the Sen altogether, but that's a soap box for another day."It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain
all this crying about what bush "pushed through". he never had close to the number of rep votes in congress that obama has now. he made his case, and everyone voted how they wanted. obama has made his case, but can't get the votes he needs. that ether means people don't agree with his policies, or he is in completely over his head and can't handle the position. i have always had the position that both are true.“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Gerald Ford
Originally posted by grandmama View PostI give u credit in regards to not being as partisan as you were in the past“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Gerald Ford
Originally posted by husker View Posti haven't changed at all, you just concentrated on the conservative posts i made (those involved spending where i am VERY conservative) and ignored anything that didn't fit into that rush/hannity mold that you wanted to portray everyone that didn't agree with obama. lumping people into one category because of one thing, that's where a lot of the problems start here."It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain
I stay out of these discussions online because I get infuriated at the intransigence of most who participate. Can't resist putting onw post up tho...It is neither the Pubs or the Dems who are running this Country...It is the "Progressives" in BOTH parties...Many in the Dem camp and Lindsey Graham, McCain, and Olympia Snow to name a few in the Pub side. This Nation is being run by George Soros, Andy Stern and the other Alinskyites who have been lurking for years. Bottom line is this. None (or at least very few) in Washington have the Peoples' best interest at heart...only their own and their party's. Term limits and in November make some NOISE...NOT ONE INCUMBENT STAYS ELECTED!!!
Send teachers and businessmen and firefighters and farmers and regular folks to DC and get rid of the lawyers, lobbyists, union hacks, and career politicians. The phrase "lifelong public service" is an oxymoron in itself. If we replace them all and nothing gets done in Washington...F#@$ing GREAT! Smaller government is ALWAYS preferable to BIG GOVT! I don't need or want the government taking care of me...If they stay out of my way I can do everything for myself outside of the Constitutionally mandated functions of the federal government. KEEP AMERICA SAFE AND STAY THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!
Originally posted by umreb78 View PostI stay out of these discussions online because I get infuriated at the intransigence of most who participate. Can't resist putting onw post up tho...It is neither the Pubs or the Dems who are running this Country...It is the "Progressives" in BOTH parties...Many in the Dem camp and Lindsey Graham, McCain, and Olympia Snow to name a few in the Pub side. This Nation is being run by George Soros, Andy Stern and the other Alinskyites who have been lurking for years. Bottom line is this. None (or at least very few) in Washington have the Peoples' best interest at heart...only their own and their party's. Term limits and in November make some NOISE...NOT ONE INCUMBENT STAYS ELECTED!!!
Send teachers and businessmen and firefighters and farmers and regular folks to DC and get rid of the lawyers, lobbyists, union hacks, and career politicians. The phrase "lifelong public service" is an oxymoron in itself. If we replace them all and nothing gets done in Washington...F#@$ing GREAT! Smaller government is ALWAYS preferable to BIG GOVT! I don't need or want the government taking care of me...If they stay out of my way I can do everything for myself outside of the Constitutionally mandated functions of the federal government. KEEP AMERICA SAFE AND STAY THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!
i agree 100%!!!!
“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Gerald Ford