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The Lies of Obama

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  • #16
    Im a stock trader and let me tell you, this moron killed the markets today.. And took a HUGE amount of confidence out of the market...dont be surprised if we see a 5-7% correction from here bc of this idiot...


    • #17
      Originally posted by Spark View Post
      See ya ... You will not be missed .. trust me

      Dude a couple of months ago you asked grandma what color he was.........and when he responded he was half sicilian and half something else............YOU RESPONDED YOUR BLACKER THAN MUSCLEMAN......

      I mean spark you have no idea what color that man was you was just going on your predetermined judgment on the way he posts.

      Listen I have no clue what color grandma is FOR ALL I KNOW HE COULD BE WHITE OR HISPANIC but because the way he posts you had prejudged he was a blck guy.

      Just another example of the way you look at things spark.
      Im just giving you examples here of how you look at the things. Like I said I know you could care less but your going over the top with the HITLER POSTS AND THAT B.S. You are a moderator but that is crap man.

      This whole section is turning into the rush limbaugh show.


      • #18
        Originally posted by musclemann View Post
        This whole section is turning into the rush limbaugh show.
        And if it was the Keith Olbeman show we couldn't get rid of your ass.You would be here 24/7


        • #19

          I'm white. My daughter is married to an Asian man. I have a grandson from them. My point here is DO NOT make this racist because of my comments or accuse me of being racist.

          I have to ask you something - I want you to tell me that Obama hasn't lied or tell me that Obama has been good for this country.
          Forget race and I don't want to hear about how bad Bush was cause I can agree with you - but can you honestly and intelligently say that what Obama has done and is trying to do is the best thing for the country.

          I can say that Bush did things that might not have been good for the country.
          Can you say Obama has and if so what? Don't tell me "he's fixing things from Bush" because you know that is bullshit.
          The health care system needs major repair but how can you intelligently say that what Obama wants makes it better? Unless, because Obama is black and you feel that whatever he says has to be right because of his race.

          If Obama was white and of a different political party, would the health care bill he proposes be the right thing and would what he has done and lied about from his campaign promises so far be ok with you? PLEASE let me know.
          jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


          • #20
            Originally posted by musclemann View Post
            More and more when I see your overall hate for obama its astounding to me. I dont care one bit if you supported bush or not BUT WHEN THE GUY HAD BEEN IN OFFICE FOR 30 DAYS YOU WERE DRUMMING UP THE HATE SPEECHES AGAINST HIM. At least I waited for bush to obtain some type of record before I started putting out the negative things he was up to but you started almost immediately with anti-obama campaign, I mean the bushs hadnt left the white house yet and your ANTI-OBAMA campaign was in full swing. I wont go into the previous administration record because that doesnt seem to matter to certain people in this country and then they act as if he was in office 2 centuries ago. But the thing thats most upsetting is the facts. The facts suggest that when I search for previous negative comments after catastrophies, financial meltdowns, terrorists attacks,political blunders, just stupid remarks made and a hosts of other screwups.......YOURE TOTALLY QUIET!!!Its strange and funny at the same time.

            You can say what you want spark I know you could give a rats ass about my thoughts and opinions and I could care less if your biased because of the mans skin color or you just hate him to hate but when I go through the logs here created at bettorschat I see some disturbing comments youve made towards me, grandma, and buddyluv. I accepted your apology for some comments directed towards me before but now im thinking that maybe those comments werent a mistake. Like I said if this was demonstrated before on your part I would understand but for all of this HATE TO JUST START COMING OUT SINCE HE TOOK OFFICE


            (Just one mans opinion) you can rip me apart spark or do what you need to but the 10000'S OF NEGATIVES COMMENTS(AND 1000 OF DISREPECTFUL CARTOONS) THAT STARTED BEFORE HE EVER TOOK HIS FIRST STEPS ON THE WHITE HOUSE MAKES YOU WONDER ......WHATS YOU MOTIVATION?

            No hate intended just an honest evaluation. Have a good weekend like I ALREADY KNOW IM NOT GOING TO CHANGE YOUR OPINION AND IM SURE YOU COULD CARELESS ABOUT MINE.
            I mean I understand people like insidepol and a couple of others motivation but I always believed you to be unbiased and openminded...............I cant believe that anymore man. Take care.
            You do not have a clue of what I am about.

            Have a good night MM
            He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


            • #21
              Originally posted by baseballdave View Post

              I have to ask you something - I want you to tell me that Obama hasn't lied or tell me that Obama has been good for this country
              dave he can not do that ... he will never answer this question without mentioning the past ... watch


              • #22
                Originally posted by baseballdave View Post

                If Obama was white and of a different political party, would the health care bill he proposes be the right thing and would what he has done and lied about from his campaign promises so far be ok with you? PLEASE let me know.
                this is the main question i want answered. again don't throw the race card out because as you can see in my avatar, i'm very proud of my grandson.
                jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                • #23
                  So Obama has had exactly ONE YEAR and you guys are busting his Balls?? You guys have a hidden agenda. I'm actually sick of Dems and Republicans and the whole system but atleast give the guy a couple years and if you don't like his ways, then vote for someone else in 2012 but to Call him a Liar, well what Politician doesn't lie? It comes with the territory. I think most pubs feel threatened by Obama why I don't know? Obama does need to focus on JOBS JOBS JOBS before he can do anything with healthcare.
                  Good,Honest Handicapping. Florida Tebow 24-Oklahoma Bradford 14, Jan 09'


                  • #24
                    MM is filled with hate and is obsessed with race.

                    I will put it on the record..........I hate Obama...................just like I hate all liars......I hate the terrorist friend of Obama, Bill Ayers, his racist minister, Rev Wright and most all his associates. I hate what he will do to America if his socialist, big government, big spending agenda moves forward. Fuck him, he hates white cops too.

                    Spark and Dave have no reason to explain anything to him.
                    NBA is a joke


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Powerplaypicks View Post
                      So Obama has had exactly ONE YEAR and you guys are busting his Balls?? You guys have a hidden agenda. I'm actually sick of Dems and Republicans and the whole system but atleast give the guy a couple years and if you don't like his ways, then vote for someone else in 2012 but to Call him a Liar, well what Politician doesn't lie? It comes with the territory. I think most pubs feel threatened by Obama why I don't know? Obama does need to focus on JOBS JOBS JOBS before he can do anything with healthcare.

                      The problem is if he gets this massive disaster of a plan through it will be too late. He can do damage in just one year and he has. You are right about jobs.
                      NBA is a joke


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                        Dude a couple of months ago you asked grandma what color he was.........and when he responded he was half sicilian and half something else............YOU RESPONDED YOUR BLACKER THAN MUSCLEMAN......

                        I mean spark you have no idea what color that man was you was just going on your predetermined judgment on the way he posts.

                        Listen I have no clue what color grandma is FOR ALL I KNOW HE COULD BE WHITE OR HISPANIC but because the way he posts you had prejudged he was a blck guy.

                        Just another example of the way you look at things spark.
                        Im just giving you examples here of how you look at the things. Like I said I know you could care less but your going over the top with the HITLER POSTS AND THAT B.S. You are a moderator but that is crap man.

                        This whole section is turning into the rush limbaugh show.
                        Oh you mean post #124 ... when I was laughing about it??

                        Nice try again MM ...



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Powerplaypicks View Post
                          So Obama has had exactly ONE YEAR and you guys are busting his Balls?? You guys have a hidden agenda. I'm actually sick of Dems and Republicans and the whole system but atleast give the guy a couple years and if you don't like his ways, then vote for someone else in 2012 but to Call him a Liar, well what Politician doesn't lie? It comes with the territory. I think most pubs feel threatened by Obama why I don't know? Obama does need to focus on JOBS JOBS JOBS before he can do anything with healthcare.

                          I don't care if Obama has been in office one day, one week, one year or ten years. And to "Call him a Liar", yes I will. That's not a republican, democratic, or independent view - its a fact. Did Bush lie? Yes he did. Do all politicians lie, probably so.

                          Facts are facts. I do agree that "JOBS JOBS JOBS" needs to be the main focus, but it won't happen.

                          My point with Musclemann is he accused everyone else of being racist and from what I have read, he is has guilty of what he accuses everyone else of being.

                          I just want him to answer my question and I don't think he can because if Obama was white and a different political party, he would say that Obama was wrong. He is in love with Obama BECAUSE of his race and political party and that is racism.
                          jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                            MM is filled with hate and is obsessed with race.

                            I will put it on the record..........I hate Obama...................just like I hate all liars......I hate the terrorist friend of Obama, Bill Ayers, his racist minister, Rev Wright and most all his associates. I hate what he will do to America if his socialist, big government, big spending agenda moves forward. Fuck him, he hates white cops too.

                            Spark and Dave have no reason to explain anything to him.

                            Nice try, no one mentioned your name or anything about you.Spark is a big boy who happens to live in the same city as I do and I posed the question to him, not you or dave just spark. He is the one with a POST COMPARING OBAMA TO HITLER. Just go turn on your t.v to fox and keep the hate going. You need to go take a look in the mirror buddy because you are the epitome of someone from the old south brother.
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by musclemann; 01-21-2010, 09:54 PM.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Powerplaypicks View Post
                              So Obama has had exactly ONE YEAR and you guys are busting his Balls?? You guys have a hidden agenda. I'm actually sick of Dems and Republicans and the whole system but atleast give the guy a couple years and if you don't like his ways, then vote for someone else in 2012 but to Call him a Liar, well what Politician doesn't lie? It comes with the territory. I think most pubs feel threatened by Obama why I don't know? Obama does need to focus on JOBS JOBS JOBS before he can do anything with healthcare.
                              Exactly! I agree with you 100%. I rank politicians right up there with scamdicappers. It seems that neither can keep accurate records.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                                MM is filled with hate and is obsessed with race.

                                I will put it on the record..........I hate Obama...................just like I hate all liars......I hate the terrorist friend of Obama, Bill Ayers, his racist minister, Rev Wright and most all his associates. I hate what he will do to America if his socialist, big government, big spending agenda moves forward. Fuck him, he hates white cops too.

                                Spark and Dave have no reason to explain anything to him.

                                And as far as hating people weve figured out what people you hate as well and it isnt a suprise to anyone here or there flare.

