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What if he is right?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by husker View Post
    you are right. it all started with dem's complaining about the 2000 election. politicking has always gone on, but the real hatred started in 2000. it stopped for a couple months after 9/11, but started right back up and continues to the present. anyone that denies that has their head up their ass.


    But a lot of lefties spewed venom even about 9/11, ie: Bush arranged it. The buildings were detonated. Katrina - Bush let the city flood to kill black people.

    These jokes pale in comparison, that is why they stay angry.

    Plus, in order for something to be funny, there has to be an element of truth, otherwise it would be propaganda.
    NBA is a joke


    • #32
      Not to even mention how they jumped on Palin's ass as soon as she was named a running mate. Hate and anger towards a women who was more qualified to be President than the Acorn guy. That is why they stay angry.
      NBA is a joke


      • #33
        Originally posted by KazDog View Post
        I absolutely 100% believe it because I have heard it. I have heard far more negativity about Obama in 11 months than the entire time Bush was in office. It's not even close. And it literally started the first day Obama was in office. I hear it all around the town I live in and right wingers I know and associate with. To say it hasn't is just naive.

        Every president is given at a least a chance to prove themselves in a longer period of time than 11 months. Just look around you. Even here on a betting chat site there has been far more hatred about Obama than there ever was about Bush when the rant section was open. The daily photo-shopped photos, the threads started mocking or condemning him, and emails from Conservative sponsored hate groups is just a simple reality.

        If the photos alone of Obama were published about Bush, many would be labeled unpatriotic for mocking the President of the country in such a manner. JMO

        We will just chalk this one up to disagreeing. No comaprison of the first 11 months, as 9/11 galvanized the nation for a bit. But later in term, the hatred for President Bush was immense. Radical left wing organizations like Soros and Daily Kos became mainstream in their attacks.

        You don't think there were just as many cartoons about President Bush later and towards the end of his Presidency? Comaprisons to Hitler, being accused of masterminding 9/11, WMD's, reading books upside down, Katrina, etc? He was attacked the day we were for not "responding" properly.

        In no way am I defending his Presidency, but I will defend my opinion that the attacks were just as viscious; if not more. Plus, I think the internet has expanded and fueled these fires also. 9 years of the internet is a long time for evolution.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
          We will just chalk this one up to disagreeing. No comaprison of the first 11 months, as 9/11 galvanized the nation for a bit. But later in term, the hatred for President Bush was immense. Radical left wing organizations like Soros and Daily Kos became mainstream in their attacks.

          You don't think there were just as many cartoons about President Bush later and towards the end of his Presidency? Comaprisons to Hitler, being accused of masterminding 9/11, WMD's, reading books upside down, Katrina, etc? He was attacked the day we were for not "responding" properly.

          In no way am I defending his Presidency, but I will defend my opinion that the attacks were just as viscious; if not more. Plus, I think the internet has expanded and fueled these fires also. 9 years of the internet is a long time for evolution.
          I will give you that the internet has given people the impetus to attack with ease. But definitely don't agree with you on Bush vs Obama comparison. As you said, it was towards "the end" of his presidency and mostly in his 2nd term,and most after he really failed on many fronts, ala Katrina, WMD in Iraq, etc. There was 8 years of reflection.

          I'm referring more about the rampant complete disdain since day one with Obama. There has been no grace period that there always seems to be with past presidents. Nothing he has done, in my mind, has been so onerous so far to warrant the kind of backlash that has been so openly detailed.

          [email protected]

          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


          • #35
            Originally posted by KazDog View Post
            I will give you that the internet has given people the impetus to attack with ease. But definitely don't agree with you on Bush vs Obama comparison. As you said, it was towards "the end" of his presidency and mostly in his 2nd term,and most after he really failed on many fronts, ala Katrina, WMD in Iraq, etc. There was 8 years of reflection.

            I'm referring more about the rampant complete disdain since day one with Obama. There has been no grace period that there always seems to be with past presidents. Nothing he has done, in my mind, has been so onerous so far to warrant the kind of backlash that has been so openly detailed.

            If no 9/11, how long do you think the "Bush stole election" crowd would have continued and escalated? I mean that crowd still comes out over 9 years later.

            I think President Bush was unable to be judged on anything domestic or foreign b/c of 9/11 since he couldn't really do anything.

            But given the nut jobs that came out of the wood work later on, I am pretty confident they would have started earlier if not for 9/11. Hypothetical, I know, but jmo.


            • #36
              Obama, say one term is enoughBy Joel S. Hirschhorn
              Online Journal Contributing Writer
              Dec 3, 2009

              Admittedly, I never was a fan of President Obama, either as a candidate or now as president. I always suspected, based on his dependence on corporate money and his lackluster career as a state and US senator that he would, ultimately, prove to be a big disappointment to the millions of Democrats, liberals, progressives and independents that fell for his slick rhetoric.

              He has always been too much a part of the two-party plutocracy to ever be a true reformer. Here are some of the main reasons that he should cut his ties to corporate and political elites, announce that he will not run for reelection and, instead, become the populist, reformist president the nation desperately needs:

              Though he certainly inherited a terrible economy from the Bush administration, he has steadfastly pursued the same policies (and with the same characters) to address terrible things about the national economy as well as the banking, financial and housing sectors that one would expect from someone too concerned about corporate interests rather than the needs of most Americans. All the billions of dollars pumped into business sectors has done next to nothing to stop the awful, continuing unemployment situation that has become yet another nail in the coffin of the middle class. The many greedy people on Wall Street that sunk the national and global economies have not been punished, but still hold on to their huge wealth. Obama has made a mockery of the rule of law with his infantile “I want to look forward, not backward” philosophy. Justice cannot be obtained other than by looking back and prosecuting the lawbreakers.

              At a time when there are historic levels of Americans unable to buy enough food and, therefore, increasingly dependent on government Food Stamps or charity food banks and pantries, and millions more are losing their homes and going homeless, and still more millions unable to access affordable health care, President Obama is still pursuing the obscenely costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. To waste American lives and ignore enormous domestic economic needs in pursuit of imperialistic wars is insultingly shameful. No reasonable American should ever condone such behavior that continues to put the nation in long-term financial peril that will surely negatively impact the lives of Americans for many decades to come.

              ...Obama’s performance on health care reform has been abysmal. Rather than show genuine leadership, he left if up to the corporate-controlled House and Senate to create highly delusional and deceptive health care reform bills. What the country needed was a president that was a champion for a single-payer universal health care system. Instead, what we will surely get is a bill that Obama will happily sign and then declare victory even though very few Americans will see lower costs, better insurance coverage, more affordable access to health care or the freedom to get into a first-rate government program.

              In sum, Obama’s policies and tactics are killing Americans, not metaphorically but literally. For these reasons alone, Americans should make it clear that they have lost confidence in President Obama. He needs to see that the vast majority of Americans are suffering too much in so many ways that he needs to make a sharp turn in his policies, programs and staff. Better to be a really good, historic one-term president than a losing two-termer. Giving up a second term would take courage, and courage is what President Obama needs to work for ordinary Americans, not the rich and powerful ones that continue to benefit from this administration like prior Republican ones.

              It’s time for more Americans to stop succumbing to Obama’s slick talk and promises and start demanding very loudly that their government work more aggressively to fix the burdens hitting at least a third of the population. Our current domestic conditions are so dire that if history provided any appropriate message, then President Obama should be made to see that the radical, revolutionary talk coming mostly from the right will surely become shared by the larger fraction of suffering Americans seeing themselves as liberals, independents and progressives. The time for revolution is now. Will it be peaceful or violent? That is what our political leaders (with their full stomachs, nice homes, secure income and great health care insurance) should be made to stay awake at night thinking about.

              Contact Joel S. Hirschhorn through


              • #37
                I am pissed about this too. This country is going down and fast. I am leaving a few sites to check out. I was thinking of this place. Its free to live. But don't think I could do it. I will visit one winter though. Slab City.

       | VBS.TV


                SEASON RECORDS AS OF 1/24/16

                LW 2-0 +3
                SEAS 64-40-3 +23.05

                LW 1-2 -2.3
                SEAS 17-16 +6.4

                LW 8-3 +5.85
                SEAS 20-14 +0.35

                LW 1-7 -12.1
                SEAS 16-20 -8.3


                70-79 -49.45


                • #38
                  Where is the outrage from the left on his spending ??

                  Where are their answers on climate change ??

                  Where are their answers on Healthcare ??

                  Where are their answers on creating jobs ??

                  Answers on Cap & Trade ??

                  Answers on his qualifications on ANYTHING ??

                  What about his TRANSPARENCY on everything ??

                  I'll give you their answers:

                  BLAME BUSH AND RACISM

                  And dont post anything unless it is prequalified by the left to be legit

                  They all have the questions but have the answers to shit
                  He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                  • #39
                    President George W. Bush vs the Buffoon at West Point

                    Just a little bit of contrast here I would say ...


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Spark View Post
                      Just a little bit of contrast here I would say ...


                      what a difference.
                      “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                      Gerald Ford


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Spark View Post
                        Just a little bit of contrast here I would say ...


                        and a youtube recording proves a lot.

                        He has been office 11 months and not a single tax raised yet and no official record yet no massive terrorist attack and you hate him.

                        wow what if he wouldve been president on 9-11? What wouldve been the response from the mensa crew?

                        all democrats are weak defense wise
                        not presidential
                        jr. senator
                        bowing to foreign leaders

                        could you imaginethe names he wouldve been called? he set it up because he is muslim. Wow no double standard though.

                        keep up the good work. The negative ads about him are very thought provoking.
                        Last edited by musclemann; 12-07-2009, 05:37 PM.


                        • #42
                          MM ... why you always talking about the past and not the future??? ...ummmmmmmmmmm I wonder why ...

                          your own PEOPLE are starting to turn on this jamoke ... are you listening to the news and radio?? ... maybe you should


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Spark View Post
                            MM ... why you always talking about the past and not the future??? ...ummmmmmmmmmm I wonder why ...

                            your own PEOPLE are starting to turn on this jamoke ... are you listening to the news and radio?? ... maybe you should
                            Im proving a point spark. AND LAST TIME I CHECKED THEYRE ALL OF OUR PEOPLE. IM AMERICAN, SO ARE U.

                            these are names you guys are calling him and this hasnt(9-11) happened on his watch. I wonder if something really bad happens what you guys would be calling him.

                            Dont be like rush hoping for catastrophes so you can say....see i told you so.(hoping the president of america fails)

                            real patriots.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                              Im proving a point spark. AND LAST TIME I CHECKED THEYRE ALL OF OUR PEOPLE. IM AMERICAN, SO ARE U.

                              these are names you guys are calling him and this hasnt(9-11) happened on his watch. I wonder if something really bad happens what you guys would be calling him.

                              Dont be like rush hoping for catastrophes so you can say....see i told you so.(hoping the president of america fails)

                              real patriots.
                              You still do not understand what I am saying at all do you MM?? ... You see I can care less WHO was and WHO wasn't ... all I know is right now ... you say only 11 months .. Hope you are correct but from what I see nothing is going to change .. Hope to God I am wrong ... if I am, like I said before, I will be thrilled to say I was wrong ...


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Spark View Post
                                MM ... why you always talking about the past and not the future??? ...ummmmmmmmmmm I wonder why ...

                                your own PEOPLE are starting to turn on this jamoke ... are you listening to the news and radio?? ... maybe you should
                                MM ... I just re-read your response cause i did not know what you meant when you said we are all Americans ...

                                You took this the wrong way ... i meant all the Obama's backers ...

