and it really sounds like you lefties are the angry one's .. just read your posts ...
No announcement yet.
What if he is right?
Hey MM,thats bullshit.If all that happens I wont hate him.He dont want unemployment to go down though,he wants everyone to depend on the government.I dont know your financial status,but If the healthcare bill passes,and you make a combined 100k or more,u are fucked my friend.The people who have worked and suceeded in life will be punished so poor,lazy,uneducated,and illegals are taken care of.Redistribution of wealth.Thats all this healthcare bill is about.
Originally posted by Spark View Postand it really sounds like you lefties are the angry one's .. just read your posts ...
Post them away buddy, but we are far from angry.
Originally posted by musclemann View Postme and kaz arent angry at all spark. We're not the ones posting 100's of anti obama pictures around after he has been in office for 11 months and hasnt even established a record yet.
Post them away buddy, but we are far from angry.
But you guys have reasons .. if I LOVED and ADORED someone and they turned out to be a liar I would feel the same way ... No problem ... just keep on worshiping him ... just like they worshiped Jim Jones ...
Good Luck Buddy
Originally posted by Spark View PostOh yeah you are .. along with BOBBYSACS and Grandmama ... very angry people ... Like I said, just look at some of your posts ...
But you guys have reasons .. if I LOVED and ADORED someone and they turned out to be a liar I would feel the same way ... No problem ... just keep on worshiping him ... just like they worshiped Jim Jones ...
Good Luck Buddy
What if obama had been president then during that clown show?
Never saw one negative post about georgie porgie.
Oh I forgot you hated bush too
Originally posted by musclemann View PostI find more anger in people who are hypocritical. They wont say anything when things stay status quo people losing houses bailing out billion dolllar banks sleeping at the wheel during 9/11 thousands of soldiers being killed climbing unemployment...oh and the largest debt in the history of the united states all of you PATRIOTS were quiet as mouses never posted a negative picture about him did you? stood up for him during 9/11 never called him weak did you?
What if obama had been president then during that clown show?
Never saw one negative post about georgie porgie.
Oh I forgot you hated bush too
you see ... I hate all liars ...
Originally posted by Spark View Postand it really sounds like you lefties are the angry one's .. just read your posts ...
can you blame them? that's all they got, they are trying to intimidate people to stop posting. i have seen it 1,000's of times.
“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Gerald Ford
Yeah right. I guess we're the ones posting all the bogus photos of the president, the hate filled comments about this administration and rewritten and miss-attributed emails which attempt to brainwash people into believing something is factual that really isn't after all. To comment that the Liberals here only post hate-filled comments is ridiculous.
Why would the emailing author attribute this masterpiece of facts to 3 different authors and not him or herself?
I've watched politics for a lot of my life and I have never seen such a blatant backlash of hatred towards a president, after only 11 months in office that I have recently. The Right is hell bent on seeing him fail. There was never this kind of venom spewed at Bush while he systematically dismantled this country.
Yeah, we're always blaming Bush.....Because there was so much to blame him for.
Originally posted by musclemann View PostDoesnt matter kaz they hate obama....if unemployment goes down, the banking crisis is solved and the housing market picks up, and we dont get attacked,,,, they're going to hate him anyway.
Just think if something really does happen.
Jeez if these guys wouldve been this angry about iraq, banking crisis,9/11,katrina, housing melt down,wmds afghanisthan, mission accomplished
None of them said a DAMN thing.
But kaz they're angry as hell now
They'll be looking for the next Linda Tripp to plant and hope for misstep or complete failure.
Originally posted by Jamaicanman View PostYou really can't believe that statement can you?
Every president is given at a least a chance to prove themselves in a longer period of time than 11 months. Just look around you. Even here on a betting chat site there has been far more hatred about Obama than there ever was about Bush when the rant section was open. The daily photo-shopped photos, the threads started mocking or condemning him, and emails from Conservative sponsored hate groups is just a simple reality.
If the photos alone of Obama were published about Bush, many would be labeled unpatriotic for mocking the President of the country in such a manner. JMO
Originally posted by KazDog View PostWhat if he was right is unfortunately wrong.....
This was sent out to people via email as a right wing fear mongering tactic, as so many have been.
If they can get you to fear or hate, then perhaps you will vote differently. Unfortunately, they should be trying to work together and give people hope for a turn around in our country.
From Something of Historic Proportions Is Happening
The Internet piece quoted above originally began circulating just after the U.S. presidential election of November 2008, and by March 2009 it had picked up an attribution crediting it to David Kaiser, a historian who has authored a number of books, including The Road to Dallas: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy. However, as Mr. Kaiser told us and notes in his blog, History Unfolding, he did not pen this piece:
The first two sentences, beginning, "For the past thirty years," were of course written by me; the rest of the email was not written by me. Its views are in many ways the opposite of my own.
More than anything America is getting split up since Clinton left office instead of brought together. (Or was it like this back and I was just naive)
Really is a shame all this arguing going on while people in power live the good life....I really cant imagine it being this way before Bush got to office but I could be wrong. Things will get better folks assuming history repeats itself like it always has.
I have no clue how most of you get the energy to come in here and bicker everyday. America will be always will and hopefully Obama will be in charge when it returns. And if he isnt who cares. Its our country we care about......not whos in office for his/her term.
Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp View PostMore than anything America is getting split up since Clinton left office instead of brought together. (Or was it like this back and I was just naive)
Really is a shame all this arguing going on while people in power live the good life....I really cant imagine it being this way before Bush got to office but I could be wrong. Things will get better folks assuming history repeats itself like it always has.
PEACE“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Gerald Ford