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Palin Confuses Iraq And Iran In Hannity Interview (VIDEO)

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  • Palin Confuses Iraq And Iran In Hannity Interview (VIDEO)

    The Huffington Post | Rachel Weiner
    First Posted: 11-19-09 12:34 PM | Updated: 11-19-09 01:06 PM

    Sarah Palin picked celebrity interviewers and right-wing pundits for her book promotion tour, probably to avoid embarrassments like last year's Katie Couric interview.

    But even a friendly interview can be treacherous. In a sit-down with Fox News' Sean Hannity Wednesday night, the former Alaska governor confused Iraq and Iran several times.

    Asked about how to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, Palin responded by suggesting we get tough with Iraq.

    "We have allies who are as concerned about Ahmadinejad's actions as we are," she said. "Cutting off the imports into Iraq, of their refined petroleum products. They're reliant ... on those imports. We have some control over there. And some of the beneficial international monetary deals that Iraq benefits from, we can start implementing some sanctions there and start really shaking things up and telling Ahmadinejad, nobody is going to stand for this."

    Dumb Dumb

  • #2
    An honest mistake.

    Kind of like when Obama said he is of Muslim faith YouTube - Barack Obama Accidently Admits His Muslim Faith
    NBA is a joke


    • #3
      Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
      An honest mistake.

      Kind of like when Obama said he is of Muslim faith YouTube - Barack Obama Accidently Admits His Muslim Faith
      flare why is it when anyone mentions sarah palin you immediately point back to obama....this is a thread about sarah palin..............

      You didnt answer anything on how or why she keeps making these screwups........I mean her foreign policy experience..........her proximity to russia, her reading materials,her inability to answer to a 5th grader what the job functions of a vice president are........ Her 16 year old daughter and her daughters live in boyfriend

      Please reply with information about palin. Just an honest assessment. Right away you point to obama you didnt explain anything how she keeps putting her foot in her mouth, how fixed news has to show old footage from old tape to make it look like her book signings are crowded.

      I tell you one thing you might hate obama but cnn didnt have to create footage on his events............


      • #4
        I agree with you Mann. I don't get what the allure is to Palin. I think she is as stupid as a box of rocks and wouldn't vote for her as game warden in her state of Alaska.


        • #5
          Originally posted by musclemann View Post
          flare why is it when anyone mentions sarah palin you immediately point back to obama....this is a thread about sarah palin..............

          You didnt answer anything on how or why she keeps making these screwups........I mean her foreign policy experience..........her proximity to russia, her reading materials,her inability to answer to a 5th grader what the job functions of a vice president are........ Her 16 year old daughter and her daughters live in boyfriend

          Please reply with information about palin. Just an honest assessment. Right away you point to obama you didnt explain anything how she keeps putting her foot in her mouth, how fixed news has to show old footage from old tape to make it look like her book signings are crowded.

          I tell you one thing you might hate obama but cnn didnt have to create footage on his events............
          kind of like how the libs in here try to defend Obama not by defending Obama's terrible policy, but by bringing up Bush nearly every time? Cuts both ways my friend.


          • #6
            All of you are Americans first. It is idiotic to label someone a Lib or Con to prove your point. I think that problem that most people have is that they listen to Beck, Sharpton, Hannity, Limbaugh, Oberman and they let those clowns tell you how to think what you should feel and what you should say. I hate to tell you this those people I just mention are not conservatives or liberals. They are capitalist along with some of the representatives you support. And they are laughing are the way to the bank at all of ours expense.

            Health care is a major problem that we are having. Obama is doing the right thing about bringing it to the table. It needs to be dealt with, but instead of having an intelligent debate we have dumba$$ on both sides running interference.

            Social Security is another problem that needs to be dealt with. Bush tried to do something with that(thank god we did not tie it in with the stock market) Again instead of having an intelligent debate and trying to come up with a way to fix it. Pres. Bush had to drop it. And the problem still exist....

            Point that I am trying to make is that if we do not wake up a lot of people on this site will be hurting if we do not do anything. Al Gore is oober rich and Dick Chaney is oober rich....


            • #7
              Again I am not a Palin Fan. But she gets it, that is why she is cashing in on her book deal!!!!!!!!

              GO GIRL!!!!!!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
                All of you are Americans first. It is idiotic to label someone a Lib or Con to prove your point. I think that problem that most people have is that they listen to Beck, Sharpton, Hannity, Limbaugh, Oberman and they let those clowns tell you how to think what you should feel and what you should say. I hate to tell you this those people I just mention are not conservatives or liberals. They are capitalist along with some of the representatives you support. And they are laughing are the way to the bank at all of ours expense.

                Health care is a major problem that we are having. Obama is doing the right thing about bringing it to the table. It needs to be dealt with, but instead of having an intelligent debate we have dumba$$ on both sides running interference.

                Social Security is another problem that needs to be dealt with. Bush tried to do something with that(thank god we did not tie it in with the stock market) Again instead of having an intelligent debate and trying to come up with a way to fix it. Pres. Bush had to drop it. And the problem still exist....

                Point that I am trying to make is that if we do not wake up a lot of people on this site will be hurting if we do not do anything. Al Gore is oober rich and Dick Chaney is oober rich....

                I agree that healthcare needs to be changed, but try doing a little at a time. Test the waters with a tweak here and see where it goes.

                IMO the problem is that ALL of these professional liars have promised so much to lobbyists and their friends that WE, the people that voted them in, are ALWAYS placed on the backburner.

                One thing that I would really love to see is Term Limits for all of these seats. No more career politicans. 2 terms and your out, just like the POTUS. Lets get some fresh faces in there and some new ideas brought to the table.
                He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                • #9
                  If McCain would have chose Liberman his choice instead of going with Palin the Republicans choice he might have been able to win. This woman isn't too bright.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
                    kind of like how the libs in here try to defend Obama not by defending Obama's terrible policy, but by bringing up Bush nearly every time? Cuts both ways my friend.
                    exactly what i was going to post!
                    “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                    Gerald Ford


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
                      All of you are Americans first. It is idiotic to label someone a Lib or Con to prove your point. I think that problem that most people have is that they listen to Beck, Sharpton, Hannity, Limbaugh, Oberman and they let those clowns tell you how to think what you should feel and what you should say. I hate to tell you this those people I just mention are not conservatives or liberals. They are capitalist along with some of the representatives you support. And they are laughing are the way to the bank at all of ours expense.

                      Health care is a major problem that we are having. Obama is doing the right thing about bringing it to the table. It needs to be dealt with, but instead of having an intelligent debate we have dumba$$ on both sides running interference.

                      Social Security is another problem that needs to be dealt with. Bush tried to do something with that(thank god we did not tie it in with the stock market) Again instead of having an intelligent debate and trying to come up with a way to fix it. Pres. Bush had to drop it. And the problem still exist....

                      Point that I am trying to make is that if we do not wake up a lot of people on this site will be hurting if we do not do anything. Al Gore is oober rich and Dick Chaney is oober rich....

                      “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                      Gerald Ford


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post

                        I agree that healthcare needs to be changed, but try doing a little at a time. Test the waters with a tweak here and see where it goes.

                        IMO the problem is that ALL of these professional liars have promised so much to lobbyists and their friends that WE, the people that voted them in, are ALWAYS placed on the backburner.

                        One thing that I would really love to see is Term Limits for all of these seats. No more career politicans. 2 terms and your out, just like the POTUS. Lets get some fresh faces in there and some new ideas brought to the table.

                        “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                        Gerald Ford


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                          If McCain would have chose Liberman his choice instead of going with Palin the Republicans choice he might have been able to win. This woman isn't too bright.

                          not true at all. the economy tanked. and the story was all over!

                          high unemployment will cause the same to happen next year.
                          “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                          Gerald Ford


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ravenmaniac View Post
                            I agree with you Mann. I don't get what the allure is to Palin. I think she is as stupid as a box of rocks and wouldn't vote for her as game warden in her state of Alaska.

                            you hit the nail right on the head here ravens and your not even a big democrat and you realize the truth about her. And it nots some conspiracy or liberal plan to discredit her either.

                            she is what she is.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                              flare why is it when anyone mentions sarah palin you immediately point back to obama....this is a thread about sarah palin..............

                              You didnt answer anything on how or why she keeps making these screwups........I mean her foreign policy experience..........her proximity to russia, her reading materials,her inability to answer to a 5th grader what the job functions of a vice president are........ Her 16 year old daughter and her daughters live in boyfriend

                              Please reply with information about palin. Just an honest assessment. Right away you point to obama you didnt explain anything how she keeps putting her foot in her mouth, how fixed news has to show old footage from old tape to make it look like her book signings are crowded.

                              I tell you one thing you might hate obama but cnn didnt have to create footage on his events............

                              My assessment of her is this: She is a great American and she loves her country. I do not think she will ever be president and may not be the most qualified. I hope she does not win the nomination because I wanted Rudy Guilianni and hope he gets back in.

                              To attack her for being dumb as a bag of rocks or whatever people are saying is ridiculous. I mean come on, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are already number 2 and 3 in line if anything would happen to Obama. That is scary because those 2 are clueless.

                              Now give me your honest take on those two? I gave mine.
                              NBA is a joke

