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Sarah Palin: Newsweek Cover Showing My Legs "Sexist" (PHOTOS)

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  • #76
    Originally posted by KazDog View Post
    This is politics. You better believe her family is going to be brought into this. When you hold positions of power in this country and you are a candidate to possibly be the president of the United States, everything you do, including how you raise your children, and other personal issues in your life are brought into question. To say it shouldn't be is very naive.

    Oh, and having children means absolutely nothing to whether a person has the right to judge a potential VP or presidential candidate. NOTHING. So I have to have a child first to understand when a person is a poor parent? That's ridiculous. She runs on a platform of family values and doing what's morally right. Don't live in glass houses if you're going to throw stones. And this isn't a minister we're talking about. This is a potential VP and president nominee.

    And I believe her daughter was 16 when she got knocked up and of course has already split with the daddy. She didn't teach her daughter to get knocked up, but she obviously didn't teach her about those family values and abstinence.

    That could be quite possibly the dumbest thing you have ever posted, she obviously didnt teach her about family values and abstinence. It is painfully clear to me you have no idea what being a parent means, you are utterly clueless when it comes to raising a kid.

    Did your mom teach you to bang whores????? Did your mom tell you its ok to have sex with whores, NO, OF FUCKING COURSE SHE DIDNT!!!!!!!!! I feel quite certain very few parents teach there kids that, I feel quite certain that Mrs Palin did teach or tell her daughter its not cool to have unprotected, unmarried sex. But guess what Mr Kaz, I have told you this on more than one occasion, the stupidist human being on the planet earth is a teenage girl with her hormones racing. You can tell them a thousand times, and when some long dick sweet talking charmer gets ahold of them they will quite often spread them legs almost every time. GEEZE, i thought you more intelligent than that

    If you are going spew shit, back off on the subject of parenting because you are utterly clueless on that topic. No way am i going to say that someone didnt teach there kids correctly because there daughter gets knocked up at 16, you have a girl and you will understand what i am talking about.

    You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink Kaz. Same applies to kids, you can teach them right from wrong, but there kids and they often do wrong.

    You get too heated on this site and it blurs your ability to argue with control and you throw hay makers trying to get under someones skin, I dont even know why we are discussing some woman who is a governor of Alaska. Obama won, you should be happy and not worrying with some woman in Alaska that according to you, you hope she gets the nod in the next Presidential race, you should be praising her, what a helmet, slamming someone who you hope gets the nod.
    Last edited by jcindaville; 11-23-2009, 05:22 PM.
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    • #77
      Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
      That could be quite possibly the dumbest thing you have ever posted, she obviously didnt teach her about family values and abstinence. It is painfully clear to me you have no idea what being a parent means, you are utterly clueless when it comes to raising a kid.

      Did your mom teach you to bang whores????? Did your mom tell you its ok to have sex with whores, NO, OF FUCKING COURSE SHE DIDNT!!!!!!!!! I feel quite certain very few parents teach there kids that, I feel quite certain that Mrs Palin did teach or tell her daughter its not cool to have unprotected, unmarried sex. But guess what Mr Kaz, I have told you this on more than one occasion, the stupidist human being on the planet earth is a teenage girl with her hormones racing. You can tell them a thousand times, and when some long dick sweet talking charmer gets ahold of them they will quite often spread them legs almost every time. GEEZE, i thought you more intelligent than that

      If you are going spew shit, back off on the subject of parenting because you are utterly clueless on that topic. No way am i going to say that someone didnt teach there kids correctly because there daughter gets knocked up at 16, you have a girl and you will understand what i am talking about.

      You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink Kaz. Same applies to kids, you can teach them right from wrong, but there kids and they often do wrong.

      You get too heated on this site and it blurs your ability to argue with control and you throw hay makers trying to get under someones skin, I dont even know why we are discussing some woman who is a governor of Alaska. Obama won, you should be happy and not worrying with some woman in Alaska that according to you, you hope she gets the nod in the next Presidential race, you should be praising her, what a helmet, slamming someone who you hope gets the nod.

      very, very well said!

      “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

      Gerald Ford


      • #78
        Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post

        Rush gives you Libs one up the ass every day............but I would not know for sure since I dont listen to him.

        I missed this holy shit
        Attached Files
        Last edited by musclemann; 11-23-2009, 09:48 PM.

