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one of my buddies just told me the Health Care has passed

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  • one of my buddies just told me the Health Care has passed

    anyone confirm???????????

  • #2
    Yea, last night the Queen Pelosi forced a vote. 220-215 it passed....but it was an amended version (not to include tax payer abortion) and then the senate will come up with their amended version. That may or may not pass, will see.

    I certainly hope not.
    NBA is a joke


    • #3
      Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
      Yea, last night the Queen Pelosi forced a vote. 220-215 it passed....but it was an amended version (not to include tax payer abortion) and then the senate will come up with their amended version. That may or may not pass, will see.

      I certainly hope not.
      Nothing ever passes in the senate. It is where all good bills go to die.. Don't see a problem with another option for those that cannot get affordable coverage. My friend, that is a Doctor son is not going to be able to be covered on his insurace anymore, and he has not found anyone that will cover him because he has had heart problems in the past. I just do not understand how anyone that claims to be a christian or religious can sleep at night knowing that their are millions of americans out there dying because they cannot afford coverage. I don't think Christ would be against health care, especially since it now will not cover abortions.
      Last edited by grandmama; 11-09-2009, 03:21 AM.
      "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


      • #4
        Originally posted by grandmama View Post
        Nothing ever passes in the senate. It is where all good bills go to die.. Don't see a problem with another option for those that cannot get affordable coverage. My friend, that is a Doctor son is not going to be able to be covered on his insurace anymore, and he has not found anyone that will cover him because he has had heart problems in the past. I just do not understand how anyone that claims to be a christian or religious can sleep at night knowing that their are millions of americans out there dying because they cannot afford coverage. I don't think Christ would be against health care, especially since it now will not cover abortions.
        well said GMA!


        • #5
          Originally posted by grandmama View Post
          Nothing ever passes in the senate. It is where all good bills go to die.. Don't see a problem with another option for those that cannot get affordable coverage. My friend, that is a Doctor son is not going to be able to be covered on his insurace anymore, and he has not found anyone that will cover him because he has had heart problems in the past. I just do not understand how anyone that claims to be a christian or religious can sleep at night knowing that their are millions of americans out there dying because they cannot afford coverage. I don't think Christ would be against health care, especially since it now will not cover abortions.

          Really, millions dying??? I dont buy it. I thought there was like 20-30 unisured, some fo which are illegal alien, some young adults who choose to spend there money elsewhere.

          People get care if they ask for it. My sister raised funds, several million in fact, for a free care clinic for the poor in North Carolina. No help from the government, private sector donated.

          It would be much easier to just insure those 20-30 million, than scrap the entire system to insure 200-300 million. Much cheaper and less bureacracy. I havent met a bureacrat who gave anyone healthcare. Give it to the Doctors and nurses to treat the uninsured.
          NBA is a joke


          • #6
            there are ones who needs this and other who buck the system.................some rather have thier dope then protecting thier children its a total shame but we need to straiten those out
            rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


            • #7
              i know this pre-existing thing makes great sound bites, but what is to keep everyone from dropping their insurance until they get really sick? save $500 or so in premiums a month, pay yourself to see a doctor if you have a problem or a yearly checkup, then if you get really sick or injured get insurance. this would put every insurance co out of business. then what? govt healthcare for everyone, EVERYONE can kiss their plans good by.
              “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

              Gerald Ford


              • #8
                moderate/conservative dem's are jumping ship very fast after tuesdays elections, and the dem's were trying to down play the election. the house vote months ago wasn't close at all. it doesn't have a chance in the senate.
                “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                Gerald Ford


                • #9
                  Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                  Really, millions dying??? I dont buy it. I thought there was like 20-30 unisured, some fo which are illegal alien, some young adults who choose to spend there money elsewhere.

                  People get care if they ask for it. My sister raised funds, several million in fact, for a free care clinic for the poor in North Carolina. No help from the government, private sector donated.

                  It would be much easier to just insure those 20-30 million, than scrap the entire system to insure 200-300 million. Much cheaper and less bureacracy. I havent met a bureacrat who gave anyone healthcare. Give it to the Doctors and nurses to treat the uninsured.
                  The actual number of uninsured is about 46 million. If you take out immigrants (both legal and illegal) that number is reduced to about 33 million.

                  You say 'people get care if they ask for it.". Yeah, they the emergency room. That's where uninsured go for primary care. The average cost of an ER visit is somewhere around $1500. What's the average cost of a visit to one's primary care provider? on average about $60 or $70.

                  Is private bureaucracy better than government bureacracy? Private insurance companies have massive bureaucracies whose sole purpose is to figure out how to deny claims. Actually the cost of private health insurance is growing a little faster than government healthcare costs, 10% annually as opposed to 9.1%.

                  Unfortunately, in our country the healthcare industry is not subject to the same free market pressures as other sectors of the economy. I wish it were, but it's not for a variety of reasons.


                  • #10
                    why not start with a very simple thing. make it so hospitals are NOT required to treat everyone that walks in? wouldn't that solve a lot of problems? then we can go from there to other problems that this doesn't cover. how about making the losing party in a lawsuit pay all the legal expenses of the winning party? this should take care of most the frivolous lawsuits without taking away peoples rights to get damages if they are injured.
                    “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                    Gerald Ford


                    • #11
                      Tort Reform ??

                      Letting insurance companies cross state lines to offer their product ??

                      Sounds like a 2 page healthcare reform package. Why not ?? Too simple ?? Doesnt allow Government to tell you who to see ?? when to go ?? If you can go at all ??

                      And this passage doesnt even cover everyone. I thought they said EVERYONE will be covered ??

                      If its FREE, then why is this going to COST 1.2 TRILLION ??

                      Not to mention that this bill RAISES payroll taxes for small businesses ??

                      He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by husker View Post
                        why not start with a very simple thing. make it so hospitals are NOT required to treat everyone that walks in? wouldn't that solve a lot of problems? .
                        So where do you propose that those 46 million go for healthcare? That number doesn't include just deadbeats. A significant portion of those individuals are hardworking Americans who make choices between housing, food and healthcare.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                          Really, millions dying??? I dont buy it. I thought there was like 20-30 unisured, some fo which are illegal alien, some young adults who choose to spend there money elsewhere.

                          People get care if they ask for it. My sister raised funds, several million in fact, for a free care clinic for the poor in North Carolina. No help from the government, private sector donated.

                          It would be much easier to just insure those 20-30 million, than scrap the entire system to insure 200-300 million. Much cheaper and less bureacracy. I havent met a bureacrat who gave anyone healthcare. Give it to the Doctors and nurses to treat the uninsured.
                          Sound like your sister is a great human being. Again, the bill is just an option. It will not effect anyone who already has insurance, and likes it. Another thing, the insurance indusry is a bureacracy in itself. Most doctors want this bill passed. Read the op-ed colums in your local news paper. Bottow line is this, people should not have to choose between their light bill and health care. Have we all become narcissist in this country? Where is the empathy?
                          "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                          • #14
                            If he would only have lived a few more years, this would have been passed. He was too sick to give the speech in public, so he gave it by the fire place in his bedroom.

                            YouTube - Franklin Roosevelt -Second Bill of Rights
                            "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by garth View Post
                              So where do you propose that those 46 million go for healthcare? That number doesn't include just deadbeats. A significant portion of those individuals are hardworking Americans who make choices between housing, food and healthcare.

                              where is it written in a free market society that everyone is entitled to healthcare, own a house, have a good job, etc. there are always going to be haves and have-nots, that's free markets and what has made this a great country. there are many people that started with nothing and become well off. that's why people are always trying to come here, i don't see a line of people wanting to leave.

                              i have the same problem with welfare, it tends to make people stay in the handout way of life. it's amazing what people can do when they have no choice. god forbid they have to work two jobs, or cut back on things they don't really need.

                              you mention food. if that's REALLY the case, why is there so many obese people that are poor? you don't see many poor people here that are skin and bones like in 3rd world countries that REALLY do have to go without food.
                              “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                              Gerald Ford

