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12 dead, 31 injured in Fort Hood shooting

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  • #46
    WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama said Friday the entire nation is grieving for those slain at Fort Hood, and he urged people not to jump to conclusions while law enforcement officers investigate the shootings.

    Obama met Friday morning with FBI Director Robert Mueller and other federal leaders to get an update on what they've learned. Thirteen people were killed and 30 others injured in the shooting rampage at the Texas Army post on Thursday. The suspected shooter is an Army psychiatrist; his motive remains unclear.

    "We don't know all the answers yet. And I would caution against jumping to conclusions until we have all the facts," Obama said in a Rose Garden statement otherwise devoted to the economy.

    Does the guy yelling Allah Akhbar while shooting help with your conclusion Mr. Weak President???

    Aware that the involvement of a Muslim could put further pressure on a community under the spotlight since the al-Qaeda attacks of 2001, the Association of Patriotic Arab Americans in Military said: β€œIn the aftermath of this terrible tragedy, it is more important than ever that we do not make the same scapegoating and broad-stroke mistakes that were evident in the aftermath of previous tragedies.’’

    What broad stroke mistakes??? Fuck your organization for not condemming this act, instead you tell real Americans how to proceeed and how to think, no wonder muslims are not welcome here.

    Plus, if this guy was harassed about being Muslim, he just set back the clock to 9-11 for his Muslim brothers.
    NBA is a joke


    • #47
      Originally posted by jordanrules23 View Post
      cant wait to see the muslim president speak on this!!!!!!!!
      Where is the media blaming him????

      You dont let up do you jordan. Calling him a muslim, now your calling him a piece of shit? I can understand having different political views but your taking this overboard.


      • #48
        Originally posted by LVJimmy View Post
        I will admit, when I first saw his name, the 1st thing I thought was "f'ing Muslim." Call me insensitive, call me an asshole, call me whatever you want, but I'm sorry, it's just the world we live in now-a-days. This guy was passing out Korans the morning of the incident, hmm, coincidence? .
        How about we call you human ...

        Thanks Jimmy and Happy Birthday Major ...

        God Bless


        • #49

          The guy was contacting AlQaida terrosists on the web.

          Many soldiers in the Army were afraid to report this guys weird behavior for fear of retaliation from superiors for targeting Muslims. Thanks to political correctness people are dead.

          From our politically correct Army Chief:

          Army chief fears backlash for Muslim U.S. soldiers
          By Will Dunham
          WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Army's top general expressed concern on Sunday that last week's mass shooting at Fort Hood in Texas, blamed on a Muslim Army officer, could fuel a backlash in the military against Muslim troops.

          U.S. Army General George Casey inspects a guard of honour in New Delhi October 16, 2008. The U.S. Army's top general expressed concern on Sunday that last week's mass shooting at Fort Hood in Texas, blamed on a Muslim Army officer, could fuel a backlash in the military against Muslim troops. (REUTERS/Vijay Mathur/Files)
          General George Casey, U.S. Army chief of staff, cautioned against jumping to conclusions about whether religious beliefs motivated the accused gunman, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim born in the United States of immigrant parents.

          "I'm concerned that this increased speculation could cause a backlash against some of our Muslim soldiers. And I've asked our Army leaders to be on the lookout for that," Casey told CNN's "State of the Union."

          There are about 3,000 Muslims on active duty military service or in the National Guard or reserve forces, Casey said. They remain a small minority within the U.S. military.

          A Fort Hood official has said Hasan yelled "Allahu Akbar" -- Arabic for "God is Greatest" -- just before the shooting in which 13 people were killed and 30 wounded. The 39-year-old U.S. Army psychiatrist was shot four times by police. He was hospitalized but no longer needed a ventilator to breathe.

          Relatives have said Hasan wanted to leave the Army to avoid being deployed to Afghanistan and that he had faced harassment by fellow soldiers because of his religion.

          Casey was not specific about the type of backlash he feared against Muslims in the military, or who might lead a backlash.

          The shootings at the sprawling Army base marked the latest blow to the U.S. military, which has been under enormous strain this decade as troops served repeated long combat deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. Those wars also have raised hostility toward the United States among many Muslims worldwide.

          "Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a strength. And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that's worse," Casey added on NBC's "Meet the Press."

          Asked whether Muslims in the U.S. Army are more conflicted than other soldiers in fighting wars in Muslim countries like Afghanistan and Iraq, Casey said: "I think that's something that we have to look at on an individual basis."

          "But," he added, "I think we as an Army have to be broad enough to bring in people from all walks of life."

          So 13 American soldiers are dead and he is worried about diversity.

          This kind of thinking just got people killed idiot.
          NBA is a joke


          • #50
            Fort Hood Suspect Warned of Muslim Threat Within Military
            Tuesday, November 10, 2009


            Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan is suspected of a deadly rampage at the Fort Hood base in Texas.
            Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan is suspected of a deadly rampage at the Fort Hood base in Texas.

            The Army psychiatrist suspected of killing 13 people at Fort Hood reportedly warned senior Army physicians in 2007 that the military should allow Muslim soldiers to be released as conscientious objectors instead of fighting in wars to avoid "adverse events."

            According to The Washington Post, Major Nidal Malik Hasan was supposed to make a presentation on a medical topic during his senior year as a psychiatric resident at Walter Reed Medical Center.

            Instead, Hasan lectured his supervisors and two dozen mental health staff members on Islam, homicide bombings and threats the military could encounter from Muslims conflicted about fighting against other Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan.

            A source who attended the presentation told the paper, "It was really strange. The senior doctors looked really upset."

            The Powerpoint, entitled, "The Koranic World View As It Relates to Muslims in the U.S. Military," consisted of 50 slides, according to a copy obtained by the Post.

            "It's getting harder and harder for Muslims in the service to morally justify being in a military that seems constantly engaged against fellow Muslims," Hasan said in the presentation.

            Under a slide titled "Comments," he wrote: "If Muslim groups can convince Muslims that they are fighting for God against injustices of the 'infidels'; ie: enemies of Islam, then Muslims can become a potent adversary ie: suicide bombing, etc." [sic]

            The last bullet point on that page reads simply: "We love death more then [sic] you love life!"

            On the final slide, labeled "Recommendation," Hasan wrote: "Department of Defense should allow Muslims [sic] Soldiers the option of being released as 'Conscientious objectors' to increase troop morale and decrease adverse events."

            An Army spokesman told the Post Monday night he was unaware of the presentation, and a Walter Reed spokesman declined comment.

            A classmate of Hasan, meanwhile, told that the warning signs were all there β€” the justification of homicide bombings; spewing anti-American hatred; efforts to reach out to Al Qaeda β€” but that the military treated Hasan with kid gloves, even after giving him a poor performance review.

            Related Storiesβ€’Suspected Fort Hood Shooter's Attorney Has Long History in Army Law, Says Client 'Coherent'
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            β€’Investigators Found E-Mails From Hasan to Al Qaeda, Officials Say
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            β€’Army Spokesman: Hasan in Critical but Stable Condition
            β€’Suspect Could Face Death Penalty in Fort Hood Shooting
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            β€’Fort Hood Shooting Victims Had Different Reasons for Enlisting in Army
            β€’Muslim Population in the Military Raises Difficult Issues
            β€’Texas Town Mourns Tragedy at Fort Hood
            β€’Army Chief of Staff: Fort Hood Massacre a 'Kick in the Gut,' as Investigators Search for Answers
            β€’War at Home: First Responders Describe Carnage at Fort Hood
            β€’Female Police Officer Credited With Stopping Fort Hood Massacre, Hailed a Hero
            β€’Muslim Veterans Group Says No Reports of Harassment of Islamic Soldiers
            β€’Troubling Portrait Emerges of Fort Hood Shooting Rampage Suspect
            β€’Neighbor: Fort Hood Suspect Emptied His Apartment Before Mass Shootings
            β€’Partial List of Recent Mass Shootings in United States
            β€’RAW DATA: Fort Hood Facts
            β€’Violence All Too Familiar at Fort Hood
            β€’Cousin Says Suspected Fort Hood Gunman Feared Impending War Deployment
            β€’Suspected Fort Hood Shooter Was 'Calm' During Massacre, May Have Shouted 'God Is Great!'
            Videoβ€’Traumatic Scene
            β€’Searching for Clues
            β€’'Fight Against the Aggressor'
            β€’'Good American'
            β€’History of Violence
            β€’'Shooter Is Not Dead'
            Linksβ€’SLIDESHOW: Fort Hood Massacre
            And though he was on the radar screen of at least one U.S. intelligence agency, no action was taken that might have prevented the Army psychiatrist from allegedly gunning down 13 people and wounding 29 others in the Fort Hood massacre last week.

            "There were definitely clear indications that Hasan's loyalties were not with America," Lt. Col. Val Finnell, Hasan's classmate at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md. He and Hasan were students in the school's public health master's degree program from 2007-2008.

            "The issue here is that there's a political correctness climate in the military. They don't want to say anything because it would be considered questioning somebody's religious belief, or they're afraid of an equal opportunity lawsuit.

            "I want to be clear that this wasn't about anyone questioning his religious views. It is different when you are a civilian than when you are a military officer," said Finnell, who is a physician at the Los Angeles Air Force Base.

            "When you are in the military and you start making comments that are seditious, when you say you believe something other than your oath of office β€” someone needed to say why is this guy saying this stuff.

            "He was a lightning rod. He made his views known and he was very vocal, he had extremely radical jihadist views," Finnell said. "When you're a military officer you take an oath to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.

            "They should've confronted him β€” our professors, officers β€” but they were too concerned about being politically correct."

            Finnell said the warning signs were clear to many, not just classmates. Faculty members, including many high-ranking military officers, witnessed firsthand his anti-Americanism, he said.

            Finnell recalled Hasan telling his classmates and professors, "I'm a Muslim first and I hold the Shariah, the Islamic Law, before the United States Constitution."

            He recalled one time when his classmates were giving presentations in an environmental health class on topics like soil and water contamination and the effects of mold. When it was Hasan's turn, he said, he got up in front of the class and began to speak about his chosen topic, "Is the War on Terror a war on Islam?"

            Finnell says he raised his hand. "I asked the professor, "What does this topic have to do with environmental health?"

            "When he was challenged on his views, Hasan became visibly upset. He became sweaty, he was emotional."

            But despite questioning from the other students, Finnell said, the professor allowed Hasan to continue. He said Hasan's anti-American vitriol continued for two years as he worked toward his degree in public health.

            There were even more warning signs that might have alerted the Army in recent months:

            β€” In the days and weeks before the shooting, Hasan voiced his objections to Muslims fighting the war on terror to members of his mosque, the Islamic Community of Greater Killeen. Congregants at the mosque said he voiced his objections to Muslims serving in the U.S. military and to his impending deployment to Afghanistan.

            β€” Over the summer, Hasan's comments led Osman Danquah, co-founder of the mosque, to recommend that it deny Hasan's request to become a lay Muslim leader at Fort Hood, the Associated Press reported.

            β€” In the months before Thursday's shooting Hasan tried reaching out to people associated with Al Qaeda β€” and did so under the watchful eye of at least one U.S. intelligence agency. An intelligence official told that "Hasan was on our radar for months."

            On Sunday Sen. Joe Lieberman announced his intention to lead a congressional investigation into the Fort Hood murders, saying there were "strong warning signs" that Hasan was an "Islamic extremist."

            "The U.S. Army has to have zero tolerance. He should have been gone," said Lieberman, who is chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

            In interviews Sunday, Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey stressed that it was too early in the investigation to know whether these warnings signs could have spared the lives of the 13 killed, dismissing earlier reports about such signs as "speculation" based on anecdotes. "I don't want to say that we missed it," he said.

            Finnell said that once Hasan was identified as the suspect in Thursday's massacre, he reached out to the Army to tell them about his experiences with Hasan.

            This time, he said, "They listened."

            The Army is in CYA mode
            NBA is a joke


            • #51
              No offense but what does this guy's religion have to do with anything?

              Did they bring up Mcveigh's religion into question after he blew up the federal building?

              How about those kids in Columbine who shot to death all of those school kids? I didnt hear their religion brought into question.

              Nidal Hasan was a sick and disturbed individual who did something terrible....just leave it at that.

              There are disturbed individuals in our society from all races, creeds, religions and need to say he was Muslim IMO.



              • #52
                Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp View Post
                No offense but what does this guy's religion have to do with anything?

                Did they bring up Mcveigh's religion into question after he blew up the federal building?

                How about those kids in Columbine who shot to death all of those school kids? I didnt hear their religion brought into question.

                Nidal Hasan was a sick and disturbed individual who did something terrible....just leave it at that.

                There are disturbed individuals in our society from all races, creeds, religions and need to say he was Muslim IMO.

                Sorry bro, not gonna leave it at that. Muslim terrorist is what this guy was, why cant you see that? We are at war against Islamic terrorists, remember 9-11. Typical liberal response, dont label anyone, not politically correct. Bury your head in the sand and more of this shit will happen to our soldiers. Come on man.
                NBA is a joke


                • #53
                  Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                  Sorry bro, not gonna leave it at that. Muslim terrorist is what this guy was, why cant you see that? We are at war against Islamic terrorists, remember 9-11. Typical liberal response, dont label anyone, not politically correct. Bury your head in the sand and more of this shit will happen to our soldiers. Come on man.
                  So this wouldnt have been as big of a deal if he was a Catholic terrorist? Its a bigger deal because he is a Muslim terrorist?

                  Im just trying to connect the dots here....but are you saying there should be different penalties for the same crime based on religion? Are we judging this crime based on religion or on the merits of the crime?

                  If I hear you correctly you are saying because this idiot shot up Fort Hood that we as Americans were attacked by Muslims again?

                  Last edited by MtrCtyPimp; 11-11-2009, 12:01 AM.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp View Post
                    No offense but what does this guy's religion have to do with anything?

                    Did they bring up Mcveigh's religion into question after he blew up the federal building?

                    How about those kids in Columbine who shot to death all of those school kids? I didnt hear their religion brought into question.

                    Nidal Hasan was a sick and disturbed individual who did something terrible....just leave it at that.

                    There are disturbed individuals in our society from all races, creeds, religions and need to say he was Muslim IMO.


                    Do waste your time mcp. This dude see things one way and only one way. Bush wasnt at all responsible for the recession,9-11, corporate greed, the mortgage collapse,record defecits,the horrible response to katrina, sending our troops to fight an trumped up war, then sending them there without the proper equipment(not enough armor poor hum-v's), highest ever recorded gas prices,alltime high in foreclosures, record number of homeless, record number of uninsured........i could go on and on.....

                    oh btw way tim mc veigh wasnt a terrorist.


                    • #55
                      It would be a big deal either way Pimp. But I dont see many Catholic terrorists around, Catholic suicide bombers, Catholic declaring jihad on infidels??

                      What, you dont think there are Muslim terrorist sleeper cells growing in America ??

                      We have caught some already.
                      NBA is a joke


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                        Do waste your time mcp. This dude see things one way and only one way. Bush wasnt at all responsible for the recession,9-11, corporate greed, the mortgage collapse,record defecits,the horrible response to katrina, sending our troops to fight an trumped up war, then sending them there without the proper equipment(not enough armor poor hum-v's), highest ever recorded gas prices,alltime high in foreclosures, record number of homeless, record number of uninsured........i could go on and on.....

                        oh btw way tim mc veigh wasnt a terrorist.

                        Nothing funny about Tim McVeigh MM, the guy was a terrorist against America. Your litinany about Bush has nothing to do with Ft Hood, Obama is in charge...............I think. Maybe he will need 3 terms to figure out what happened at Ft Hood.
                        NBA is a joke


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                          Do waste your time mcp. This dude see things one way and only one way. Bush wasnt at all responsible for the recession,9-11, corporate greed, the mortgage collapse,record defecits,the horrible response to katrina, sending our troops to fight an trumped up war, then sending them there without the proper equipment(not enough armor poor hum-v's), highest ever recorded gas prices,alltime high in foreclosures, record number of homeless, record number of uninsured........i could go on and on.....

                          oh btw way tim mc veigh wasnt a terrorist.
                          always blaming Bush..
                          DUDE ur a tool, wake up hammer head!!!!!!


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by jordanrules23 View Post
                            always blaming Bush..
                            DUDE ur a tool, wake up hammer head!!!!!!
                            Name calling is going to get this political stuff shut down Jordan, you have to know better.

                            You love this stuff here at BC, dont be a factor in losing it with name calling.

                            Argue away without name calling buddy, just trying to help you out here, seems sometimes you cant control yourself
                            Questions, comments, complaints:
                            [email protected]


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by jordanrules23 View Post
                              DUDE ur a tool, wake up hammer head!!!!!!

                              One more post like this and you will be banned from this forum Jordan ...

                              Everyone in here is discussing like adults ... I suggest you do the same ....
                              Last edited by Spark; 11-11-2009, 09:12 AM.


                              • #60
                                MM, It's ashame you did not want this forum ...

                                Never saw you post so much before ...

                                Love reading the conversations ... Keep em coming ...

