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12 dead, 31 injured in Fort Hood shooting

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  • #31
    Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
    Must be a bad ass place ........

    My best friend first assignment was in one the day rooms in cook county there as a corrections officer and he got stabbed in the eye with a shank.

    I remember him telling me that working there was like working in hell itself. He thinks the best thing that happened to him was getting shanked because he got transfered out and is now a chicago police officer which you might believe is a more dangerous job..............not


    • #32
      Originally posted by Spark View Post
      they should send him to Cook County MM ... 26th and cal ...

      he would beg for the needle ..
      i was there for 3 days, not a pretty sight!
      i agree MM........


      • #33
        As an ex-military guy I will admit that my first thought upon seeing the guy and hearing his name made me immediately think about him being a sleeper within our military. Of course this is after the grief for those hurt both directly and indirectly by this f'ed up individual.

        However if the military finds out that this guy was some sort of terrorist we will never hear about it. the last thing the military wants is public acknowledgement that a terrorist was wearing a uniform. Particularly a Major. If anyone knows how ranks work in the military this means that the guy had likely been in for 12-20 years considering his specialty. Imagine the miltary having to admit that a sleeper had been sitting in their midst that long...

        Dont think that it is ultimately an issue as the guy simply sounds like a crazy SOB. Had a buddy in Utah his wife tried to throw him down a flight of stairs to keep him from getting deployed. Crazy shit happens when people get stressed.

        No thrills, frills, spills or write-ups. Just givin ya the winners everyday.


        • #34
          I just saw this thread, and flipped out.....I have a friend who already did his full tour of duty in iraq...he had 1 month to go before he he was discharged the last time i talked to him. (2 weeks ago) I am obviously keeping him and all the soldiers and their families in my prayers...I am waiting for a call back from him and any other info i'll try and update you guys when i hear from him.

          *side note you guys in chicago ain't joking about cook....there is 1 in new jersey (camden) I think he would fit in good there also.


          • #35
            Originally posted by poskid View Post
            As an ex-military guy I will admit that my first thought upon seeing the guy and hearing his name made me immediately think about him being a sleeper within our military. Of course this is after the grief for those hurt both directly and indirectly by this f'ed up individual.

            However if the military finds out that this guy was some sort of terrorist we will never hear about it. the last thing the military wants is public acknowledgement that a terrorist was wearing a uniform. Particularly a Major. If anyone knows how ranks work in the military this means that the guy had likely been in for 12-20 years considering his specialty. Imagine the miltary having to admit that a sleeper had been sitting in their midst that long...

            Dont think that it is ultimately an issue as the guy simply sounds like a crazy SOB. Had a buddy in Utah his wife tried to throw him down a flight of stairs to keep him from getting deployed. Crazy shit happens when people get stressed.

            didn't know you served our country PK. That's awesome, and let me say wherever or whenever, thank you. You make a very good point about ranks, whoever this guy was he was there at least like you said 12 years if a major. I'm still kind of in shock a little, and REALLY hoping the phone rings like right now.


            • #36
              My prayers go out to the families that lost love ones....

              very sad day

              Crusader MM starting qb at Oregon


              • #37
                Originally posted by poskid View Post
                As an ex-military guy I will admit that my first thought upon seeing the guy and hearing his name made me immediately think about him being a sleeper within our military. Of course this is after the grief for those hurt both directly and indirectly by this f'ed up individual.

                However if the military finds out that this guy was some sort of terrorist we will never hear about it. the last thing the military wants is public acknowledgement that a terrorist was wearing a uniform. Particularly a Major. If anyone knows how ranks work in the military this means that the guy had likely been in for 12-20 years considering his specialty. Imagine the miltary having to admit that a sleeper had been sitting in their midst that long...

                Dont think that it is ultimately an issue as the guy simply sounds like a crazy SOB. Had a buddy in Utah his wife tried to throw him down a flight of stairs to keep him from getting deployed. Crazy shit happens when people get stressed.

                I was never in the military, however, I believe based on his education, he automatically enters the military at least at a Lieutenants level. My understanding is he was only in the Army for a little more than a year.

                My prayers also go out to all the families affected by this. Doesn't get much worse than getting killed by someone your suppose to go to war with. We will find out why this person was not stopped ahead of time. Someone is going to be in a heep a shit. And they should be.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
                  I was never in the military, however, I believe based on his education, he automatically enters the military at least at a Lieutenants level. My understanding is he was only in the Army for a little more than a year.

                  My prayers also go out to all the families affected by this. Doesn't get much worse than getting killed by someone your suppose to go to war with. We will find out why this person was not stopped ahead of time. Someone is going to be in a heep a shit. And they should be.
                  I heard on NPR this morning about an incident when the dude was a resident. When physicians have 'grand rounds' they take turns presenting information about a particular content area or case study. When he conducted his turn of grand rounds he did this crazy, off-the-wall presentation about Islam. If it were about caring for islamic patients that would be one thing but it was just religious dogma. Even other Muslims in attendance confronted him about it. He supposedly made threats about killing people during those exchanges. Those are not threats that should be just dismissed if this story is true. Someone should have definitely followed up. In my workplace we have this high-level administrative group called a threat assessment review committee that convenes at a moment's notice any time they receive any information about incidents or people that could potentially threaten the safety of our constituencies. They take definitive, sometimes drastic, action to prevent such occurrences. I can't imagine that the Military doesn't have similar processes that should have been triggered if he made those kind of threats. I'd guess you're right, club, about heads rolling. Terrible tragedy...and to think about the possibility that it might have been prevented makes it even more terrible.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
                    I was never in the military, however, I believe based on his education, he automatically enters the military at least at a Lieutenants level. My understanding is he was only in the Army for a little more than a year.

                    My prayers also go out to all the families affected by this. Doesn't get much worse than getting killed by someone your suppose to go to war with. We will find out why this person was not stopped ahead of time. Someone is going to be in a heep a shit. And they should be.
                    Some people on here know that I'm currently in the military and I'm actually a Major right now (I just went over 10 yrs). For most officers, they enter the military as a 2nd Lieutenant, but in some career fields (medical, legal, etc), they actually enter at a higher rank in order to more closely match the salaries to that of a civilian in the same career field.

                    I will admit, when I first saw his name, the 1st thing I thought was "f'ing Muslim." Call me insensitive, call me an asshole, call me whatever you want, but I'm sorry, it's just the world we live in now-a-days. This guy was passing out Korans the morning of the incident, hmm, coincidence?

                    I'm sorry, but this sounds a lot like a "terrorist" act IMO. Please keep in mind that these soldiers where on their way to Iraq and Afghanistan.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by LVJimmy View Post
                      Some people on here know that I'm currently in the military and I'm actually a Major right now (I just went over 10 yrs). For most officers, they enter the military as a 2nd Lieutenant, but in some career fields (medical, legal, etc), they actually enter at a higher rank in order to more closely match the salaries to that of a civilian in the same career field.

                      I will admit, when I first saw his name, the 1st thing I thought was "f'ing Muslim." Call me insensitive, call me an asshole, call me whatever you want, but I'm sorry, it's just the world we live in now-a-days. This guy was passing out Korans the morning of the incident, hmm, coincidence?

                      I'm sorry, but this sounds a lot like a "terrorist" act IMO. Please keep in mind that these soldiers where on their way to Iraq and Afghanistan.

                      Good post Jimmy and thank you for your service to the country.

                      IMO we should be profiling the shit out of all Muslims.
                      NBA is a joke


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by LVJimmy View Post
                        Some people on here know that I'm currently in the military and I'm actually a Major right now (I just went over 10 yrs). For most officers, they enter the military as a 2nd Lieutenant, but in some career fields (medical, legal, etc), they actually enter at a higher rank in order to more closely match the salaries to that of a civilian in the same career field.

                        I will admit, when I first saw his name, the 1st thing I thought was "f'ing Muslim." Call me insensitive, call me an asshole, call me whatever you want, but I'm sorry, it's just the world we live in now-a-days. This guy was passing out Korans the morning of the incident, hmm, coincidence?

                        I'm sorry, but this sounds a lot like a "terrorist" act IMO. Please keep in mind that these soldiers where on their way to Iraq and Afghanistan.

                        Thank You Jimmy!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by LVJimmy View Post
                          Some people on here know that I'm currently in the military and I'm actually a Major right now (I just went over 10 yrs). For most officers, they enter the military as a 2nd Lieutenant, but in some career fields (medical, legal, etc), they actually enter at a higher rank in order to more closely match the salaries to that of a civilian in the same career field.

                          I will admit, when I first saw his name, the 1st thing I thought was "f'ing Muslim." Call me insensitive, call me an asshole, call me whatever you want, but I'm sorry, it's just the world we live in now-a-days. This guy was passing out Korans the morning of the incident, hmm, coincidence?

                          I'm sorry, but this sounds a lot like a "terrorist" act IMO. Please keep in mind that these soldiers where on their way to Iraq and Afghanistan.
                          Thank you for your service Jim

                          He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by LVJimmy View Post
                            Some people on here know that I'm currently in the military and I'm actually a Major right now (I just went over 10 yrs). For most officers, they enter the military as a 2nd Lieutenant, but in some career fields (medical, legal, etc), they actually enter at a higher rank in order to more closely match the salaries to that of a civilian in the same career field.

                            I will admit, when I first saw his name, the 1st thing I thought was "f'ing Muslim." Call me insensitive, call me an asshole, call me whatever you want, but I'm sorry, it's just the world we live in now-a-days. This guy was passing out Korans the morning of the incident, hmm, coincidence?

                            I'm sorry, but this sounds a lot like a "terrorist" act IMO. Please keep in mind that these soldiers where on their way to Iraq and Afghanistan.
                            I had the same thought, Jimmy (see my previous post in this thread)....and I'm pretty liberal and tolerant when it comes to religious and social issues. My wife chastised me for jumping to conclusions. I doubt if we'll ever know the entire truth if it was a terrorist act.
                            Last edited by garth; 11-06-2009, 08:23 PM. Reason: cause I fuking wanted to


                            • #44
                              Fast-Acting Officer Stopped Rampage

                              FORT HOOD, Texas (Nov. 6) -- A civilian police officer who shot the Fort Hood gunman four times during his bloody rampage stopped the attacker cold, a U.S. Army official said Friday.
                              Officer Kimberly Munley of the Fort Hood Police Department is a "trained, active first responder" who acted quickly after she "just happened to encounter the gunman," said Lt. Gen. Bob Cone, Fort Hood's commanding general.



                              • #45
                                Thank you officer Kimberly Munley!
                                NBA is a joke

