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Forum Poll: Would you like to have the Politics/Rant Forum Back?

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  • #76
    Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
    I'm basing it on the votes which right now say No.
    That's not right Monte ... How about the one's who want it??

    Who really cares who does not want it?? They have an option not to go in there

    the one's who do want it have no option if it is not here ...

    We know this is your site but Wayne and I are trying to get more people involved ... and you are not going to do it in ALL SPORTS ... have you looked at some of the comments in here lately??? ...Comments like how dead it has been ... Good Lucks and PICKS FOR THE DAY are not doing it ... You have to give them a reason to be here ... and only here ...because we have everything here ... no need to go anywhere else ...

    You are concerned of the name calling ... I will agree with you there ... we need rules before we allow the forum back in here ... any name calling will not be allowed .. you can express your feelings as strong as you like but you can not slander or call another member any names ..
    If we can not ban them from the thread we will ban them for the day from the entire site ..

    We are adults Monte ... you need to allow them to speak about any subject they want ... as long as they have respect for the site ...
    Last edited by Spark; 11-01-2009, 07:30 AM.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Spark View Post
      That's not right Monte ... How about the one's who want it??

      Who really cares who does not want it?? They have an option not to go in there

      the one's who do want it have no option if it is not here ...

      We know this is your site but Wayne and I are trying to get more people involved ... and you are not going to do it in ALL SPORTS ... have you looked at some of the comments in here lately??? dead it has been ... Good Lucks and PICKS FOR THE DAY are not doing it ... You have to give them a reason to be here ... and only here ...because we have everything here ... no need to go anywhere else ...

      You are concerned of the name calling ... I will agree with you there that we need rules before we allow the forum back in here ... any name calling will not be allowed .. you can express your feelings as strong as you like but you can not slander or call another member names ..
      If we can not ban them from the thread we will ban them for the day from the entire site ..

      We are adults Monte ... you need to allow them to speak about any subject they want ... as long as they have respect for the site ...

      What a great post!


      • #78
        [QUOTE=Spark;1719218]That's not right Monte ... How about the one's who want it??
        good point.....100 say no 99 say yes.....not fair to the 99.....

        Who really cares who does not want it?? They have an option not to go in there
        agreed, as I stated earlier.......

        the one's who do want it have no option if it is not here ...
        see above

        We know this is your site but Wayne and I are trying to get more people involved ...

        and you are not going to do it in ALL SPORTS ... have you looked at some of the comments in here lately??? ...Comments like how dead it has been ... Good Lucks and PICKS FOR THE DAY are not doing it ... You have to give them a reason to be here ... and only here ...because we have everything here ... no need to go anywhere else ...
        you might be right....reason for the 99, doesn't attract the 100

        You are concerned of the name calling ... I will agree with you there ...
        my main concern

        we need rules before we allow the forum back in here ... any name calling will not be allowed .. you can express your feelings as strong as you like but you can not slander or call another member any names ..
        define the deragatory names......neocon ? etc...part of the rules section

        If we can not ban them from the thread we will ban them for the day from the entire site ..
        If a person makes a deragatory comment in the POLITICS section, gets banned, from what you guys define as go there if you want to, stay out if you don't, then caqn't go to Sports section......part of my concern.....gonna take some precise rules, explanations, do's aqnd don't do's, cause they'll ARGUE THESE AS OPINIONS, JUST LIKE politics ....

        We are adults Monte ... you need to allow them to speak about any subject they want ... as long as they have respect for the site ...
        RESPECT FOR THE SITE, for ones beliefs, even when they differ.....this is gonna take a microscopic definition whaT IS SLANDER, WRONG, ETC, TO CREATE A POSSIBLE BAN......
        Lots of work for the say you guys can handle it....good....[/

        I voted main concern is feelings carrying forward from politics to sports.....losing friends over differences in religion and politics, is worldwide.....

        I agree, I CAN STAY AWAY FROM THE FORUM, and I will....I don't feel that when I'm bored, I have to go to a POLITICAL forum, to enhance/create some activity.....plenty more avenues for me.....

        What ever you guys decide, I know you'll make it work.....just think there needs to be some pretty clear, intricate, details ,rules as to what's wrong and right....lot's ow work for you guys.... also statyed, we're all we always act like em....I'm as guilty as anyone on that one......just think it's a time bomb myself.....

        but, I can see points from both sides.....If I don't like the political/religious rally down the stree....I stay away....

        LOVE YA I always say.....MAKE IT WORK

        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


        • #79
          Kapt ...You say "losing friends over differences in religion and politics" ...

          If you and I were discussing politics on this site or face to face ... and we were on opposite sides in our thoughts ... and our discussion became real heated ... do you think for one second it would end our friendship?? ... the only way that would happen is if we did not really like each other from the get-go ... if I lose your friendship over that you were never really my friend to start with ...

          Get my drift verne


          • #80
            I wazs going to vote "no" but, after reading everybody's thoughts, I voted "yes".

            It's good to have a place to vent and, if a member isn't interested on any given day, all he has to do is stay out of the thread.


            • #81
              Originally posted by Spark View Post
              Kapt ...You say "losing friends over differences in religion and politics" ...

              If you and I were discussing politics on this site or face to face ... and we were on opposite sides in our thoughts ... and our discussion became real heated ... do you think for one second it would end our friendship?? ... the only way that would happen is if we did not really like each other from the get-go ... if I lose your friendship over that you were never really my friend to start with ...

              Get my drift verne
              Agreed 100 %, Kaz and I have argued at it like no ones business. But, I still respect his opinion and wont let our differences change my friendship with him over politics.

              I think Joe is dead on, the problem with the heated arguments is that its between people who already dont like one another.

              Questions, comments, complaints:
              [email protected]


              • #82
                Originally posted by Udog View Post
                I wazs going to vote "no" but, after reading everybody's thoughts, I voted "yes".

                It's good to have a place to vent and, if a member isn't interested on any given day, all he has to do is stay out of the thread.
                Thank you for doing some reading before pulling the trigger
                Questions, comments, complaints:
                [email protected]


                • #83
                  If it got out of hand last time it would be safe to say with all the "A" personalities on this site that it will get out of hand this time....just my opinion


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                    Why isn't Kaz voicing in on this?
                    Cause him and Joe are at odds ends and he is taking a break.

                    Manny being Manny

                    Kaz being Kaz.. Them wierd California people, who can figure them
                    Questions, comments, complaints:
                    [email protected]


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Spark View Post
                      That's not right Monte ... How about the one's who want it??

                      Who really cares who does not want it?? They have an option not to go in there

                      the one's who do want it have no option if it is not here ...

                      We know this is your site but Wayne and I are trying to get more people involved ... and you are not going to do it in ALL SPORTS ... have you looked at some of the comments in here lately??? ...Comments like how dead it has been ... Good Lucks and PICKS FOR THE DAY are not doing it ... You have to give them a reason to be here ... and only here ...because we have everything here ... no need to go anywhere else ...

                      You are concerned of the name calling ... I will agree with you there ... we need rules before we allow the forum back in here ... any name calling will not be allowed .. you can express your feelings as strong as you like but you can not slander or call another member any names ..
                      If we can not ban them from the thread we will ban them for the day from the entire site ..

                      We are adults Monte ... you need to allow them to speak about any subject they want ... as long as they have respect for the site ...
                      No shit, wasn't he the one just telling us we had to get more action here? C'mon monte!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                        savage could spend a weekend at Bernies and have several great conversations!
                        Savage can start a thread to discuss grass growing or paint drying. You could call him every name in the book and he would continue with his grass growing discussion

                        Savage, I am checking into the filipino women, you got any input on them
                        Questions, comments, complaints:
                        [email protected]


                        • #87
                          Can I change my vote back to "yes"??

                          I fucked up and voted no before hearing all angles.

                          Sparks posts have swayed me, great point on those that dont want it need not enter it.
                          NBA is a joke


                          • #88
                            Another very important thing people need to remember is that this forum was at it's worst before, during and after one of the most heated Presidential elections in our history. Was it shocking people felt the way they did? No, and i'm sure they still do but damn, let them speak their minds a little and take the muzzle off the membership!!!


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Seal Team Six View Post
                              If it got out of hand last time it would be safe to say with all the "A" personalities on this site that it will get out of hand this time....just my opinion
                              Out of hand???

                              Pretty sure no one died or left the site over those threads, so I dont know how out of hand it got. There was some name calling, but we all survived it.

                              I for one thought it shouldnt be here when it was, then after reading alot of it, it changed my mind.

                              Bring it back with limits on name calling. We got 2 great Mods and an involved site owner to police it. Plus when i see something out of hand i typically email Joe if he isnt on site to let him know.

                              Yeah, im a s nitch
                              Questions, comments, complaints:
                              [email protected]


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                                Can I change my vote back to "yes"??

                                I fucked up and voted no before hearing all angles.

                                Sparks posts have swayed me, great point on those that dont want it need not enter it.

                                oh shit, i called him a name
                                Questions, comments, complaints:
                                [email protected]

