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The same hypocrital crew sticking up for palin, some family values.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by musclemann
    Don't you think it's a little too soon to characterize it as a horrible choice?

    In a week, no one is going to care about her daughter being pregnant. No one is going to care about some meaningless firing. Do you think she's the first person in politics to use her power to get someone fires or any other self-serving reason?

    Look past the BS and formulate your own opinion.


    • #17
      Originally posted by savage1
      I am amazed that Bush's approvalrating is as "high" as it is-it ought to be ZERO;
      His approval rating is awful as it should be. But are you equally amazed that the Democratic congress has the lowqest approval rating congress has ever had?

      I'll answer it for, you probably aren't because it is all Bushs fault.
      Three Jack's Record


      • #18
        Originally posted by frankb03
        Don't you think it's a little too soon to characterize it as a horrible choice?

        In a week, no one is going to care about her daughter being pregnant. No one is going to care about some meaningless firing. Do you think she's the first person in politics to use her power to get someone fires or any other self-serving reason?

        Look past the BS and formulate your own opinion.

        But you dont get my point frank. These are things that republican are notorious for hitting the democrats with.

        Obama's lack of experience

        Palin's a reformer

        She has no experience in working inside the federal government.

        So if obama isnt experienced you go pick this person to be your running mate and then you dont investigate your choice.

        Its all very hypocritical when it works to their advantage they will use it. But when it backfires against them and no one should care. You cant have it both ways.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Three Jack
          His approval rating is awful as it should be. But are you equally amazed that the Democratic congress has the lowqest approval rating congress has ever had?

          I'll answer it for, you probably aren't because it is all Bushs fault.

          CONGRESS was controlled by republicans for 70-75 percent of his term so yes their approval rating would be low.

          and the senate is 49-49 with 2 independents


          • #20
            Originally posted by musclemann
            She has no experience in working inside the federal government.

            So if obama isnt experienced you go pick this person to be your running mate and then you dont investigate your choice.

            Its all very hypocritical when it works to their advantage they will use it. But when it backfires against them and no one should care. You cant have it both ways.
            First, I think the experience factor is a non-factor. It's something for the politicians and media to whine about.

            That being said. IF (that's a big IF), if experience is a factor then there's a difference between the lack of experience for a president vs vice-president. After all, what decisions is the VP actually making.

            Let's assume McCain gets elected. Let's further assume in 3 years McCain has a heart attack. Is Palin still without experience.


            • #21
              Originally posted by musclemann
              But you dont get my point frank. These are things that republican are notorious for hitting the democrats with.

              Obama's lack of experience

              Palin's a reformer

              She has no experience in working inside the federal government.

              So if obama isnt experienced you go pick this person to be your running mate and then you dont investigate your choice.

              Its all very hypocritical when it works to their advantage they will use it. But when it backfires against them and no one should care. You cant have it both ways.
              Good point....

              [email protected]

              I'm just here so I won't get fined....


              • #22
                Originally posted by musclemann
                But you dont get my point frank. These are things that republican are notorious for hitting the democrats with.
                You have to admit both parties are GREAT at hiding the real issues while bringing the meaningless issues to the forefront.

                We're talking about experience. It's BS!

                We should be talking about our dependency on oil, gas prices, getting our troops out of Iraq.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by frankb03
                  First, I think the experience factor is a non-factor. It's something for the politicians and media to whine about.

                  That being said. IF (that's a big IF), if experience is a factor then there's a difference between the lack of experience for a president vs vice-president. After all, what decisions is the VP actually making.

                  Let's assume McCain gets elected. Let's further assume in 3 years McCain has a heart attack. Is Palin still without experience.
                  Let's assume McCain has a heart attack after his first week. Just as likely a scenario as after his third year.

                  Do you want the most powerful country in the world being run by an inexperienced mom, with 5 kids who graduated with a BA in Journalism?

                  Will she be able to deal with Iraq, Iran, North Korea and Russia?

                  Will she be able to solve the financial troubles plaguing this country?

                  I highly doubt it. And it sure as hell isnt something I'm willing to try and find out.....

                  [email protected]

                  I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by KazDog
                    Let's assume McCain has a heart attack after his first week. Just as likely a scenario as after his third year.

                    Do you want the most powerful country in the world being run by an inexperienced mom, with 5 kids who graduated with a BA in Journalism?

                    Will she be able to deal with Iraq, Iran, North Korea and Russia?

                    Will she be able to solve the financial troubles plaguing this country?

                    I highly doubt it. And it sure as hell isnt something I'm willing to try and find out.....


                    doesnt matter kaz you know that.

                    These guys with 60-65 percent of america will still vote for mc cain.


                    • #25
                      ALL the friggin problems we have in this country have been brought upon by the liberals! Oil dependency! Illegal aliens! Gay marriages! High tax rates! But of course, everything is Bush's fault.

                      Go ahead liberal maggots, keep sending this country down the tubes, like their newest revelation = teaching our elementary children in public schools how to put condoms on cucumbers! There's something worth while & moral!! Fucking socialist liberal maggots! Go pick another country to fuck up = leave this one alone!! You've already caused enough damage as it is. God help us if OSama & Biden get elected!!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by KazDog
                        Let's assume McCain has a heart attack after his first week. Just as likely a scenario as after his third year.

                        Do you want the most powerful country in the world being run by an inexperienced mom, with 5 kids who graduated with a BA in Journalism?

                        Will she be able to deal with Iraq, Iran, North Korea and Russia?

                        Will she be able to solve the financial troubles plaguing this country?

                        I highly doubt it. And it sure as hell isnt something I'm willing to try and find out.....

                        A short skirt and a nipple shot goes a long way these days


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by frankb03
                          In this generation, does anyone really care? Do you really care? If your sibling's daughter was having a kid out of wedlock would it really bother you? Would you disown the kid? PLEASE!

                          My niece a son out of wed lock. Big deal! Did it make her less of a person or a mom?

                          Anyone that tries to make this an issue in this political race is a hypocritical, FUCKING IDIOT!

                          This is a non-issue.
                          I would feel I failed in some degree as a parent if my daughter now almost 14 became pregnant while a teenager and unmarried.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by savage1
                            I would feel I failed in some degree as a parent if my daughter now almost 14 became pregnant while a teenager and unmarried.
                            We guys can be very deceiving in the back of a car.You know that.You just hope you raise them right and hope they make good decisions.I would think in 12 years my boy will be 16 and probably out trying to do everything I told him not to.2 virgins getting married just don't happen much these days.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by savage1
                              I would feel I failed in some degree as a parent if my daughter now almost 14 became pregnant while a teenager and unmarried.

                              Obamas mother was 18 when he was born and his Father had several children with different wives. Please stop the hypocrisy or attack Obama as well.
                              NBA is a joke


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by flarendep1
                                Obamas mother was 18 when he was born and his Father had several children with different wives. Please stop the hypocrisy or attack Obama as well.
                                I agree. I don't have any problems with her family or her 17 year old daughter being pregnant. Shit happens. That should be a non factor in this election. I know Obama wants it that way....

                                [email protected]

                                I'm just here so I won't get fined....

