Absolutely I will vote for Barack, because even though he doesn't have much experience in foreign politics, I think he will be much better received in the Middle East than McCain and that's what we need right now. We are losing the diplomacy battle in that region because Bush has fucked things up so bad. We absolutely need someone who can go there and negotiate peace. And soon. It's the only way to end that POS war. And McCain has stated he thinks we'll be ther for a 100 years. So yes, Obama gets my vote without question. He'll at the very least be trusted by both sides....
How do you think white, milk toast, soccer mom Palin will be received in the Middle East. Where women are not allowed to vote?
Well in all fairness, soccer is quite popular in most places of the word. Maybe Palin can go out in one of the stadiums before 100000 folks and kick a soccer ball around a few times to show she is "competent," "experienced" and interested in the same things(soccer) as they are.