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McCain picks Palin as running mate

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  • #46
    Originally posted by flarendep1
    Great choice:

    She is Pro-Life

    Has 5 kids one of whom has Downs syndrome.

    Biden will look like an idiot trying to attack her.

    Love to see her younger pictures, She is a MILF.

    Wonder if McCain got a private interview with her?????

    dude youre so full of it goes beyond words.

    you wrap obama for not having experience and so what is your response to the old man selection? great choice.

    This is why I say your such a hypocrite.

    sounds like your sipping kool aid.


    • #47
      Originally posted by BigWeiner
      So much for experience, huh?

      BW its been proven these laureates have no backbone and are huge hypocrites, its just pointless arguing with them These 2 guys support gwb while he is butt fucking their girlfriends so of course when he picks an inexperienced govenor of ALASKA theyll fall right in line. Their so predictable it goes beyond words.
      she is a hockey mom.

      But hey she's anti abortion.

      Have the kid and after that who cares what the fuck happens to it.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Powerplaypicks
        Obama's Line just moved even higher. Republicans are ferious over this pick. Good Bye McStain. Obama in a landslide of monumental perportion.


        nice vp choice.


        • #49
          Originally posted by KazDog
          Fucked what up? The fact that he picked a seasoned politician, who knows how to run this country and is an educated individual, as opposed to picking a soccer mom, with NO experience and a BA degree on the top of her list of educational accolades?

          Who's spinning what?

          Can't wait for the debates....
          Its like comparing filet mignon with a Big Mac as far as experience goes.
          She was chosen primarily because she doesn't have that thing between her legs in order to appeal to others of same structure-lets not kid ourselves here!


          • #50
            Originally posted by savage1
            Its like comparing filet mignon with a Big Mac as far as experience goes.
            She was chosen primarily because she doesn't have that thing between her legs in order to appeal to others of same structure-lets not kid ourselves here!

            Savage I work at the financial markets in downtown chicago which is 90 percent republicans. They hate obama and right after this announcement came out 20 guys came right out and said their voting for obama.

            Mc cain with romney or some other person with experience wins this thing 57-43.

            72 year old mc cain with this milf just made it 52-48.

            What a moron.


            • #51
              Originally posted by musclemann
              Savage I work at the financial markets in downtown chicago which is 90 percent republicans. They hate obama and right after this announcement came out 20 guys came right out and said their voting for obama.

              Mc cain with romney or some other person with experience wins this thing 57-43.

              72 year old mc cain with this milf just made it 52-48.

              What a moron.
              Musceleman-you hit the nail on the nose-talk about who do you want or on this case DON'T want getting the phone call at 3:00 in the morning in the White House. LMFAO!


              • #52
                Not a good choice in my opinion either. It hurts the experience argument the McCain campaign was playing. He will take an early hit from this trying to play to the woman vote...


                • #53
                  Originally posted by shoeman530
                  Not a good choice in my opinion either. It hurts the experience argument the McCain campaign was playing. He will take an early hit from this trying to play to the woman vote...
                  The Geraldine Ferraro syndrome.


                  • #54
                    Yesterday my offshore had McCain + 165 look at it today.

                    He might have hurt himself, we will soon see.

                    Oct 01 - 6:00 AM 5503 PARTY TO WIN US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OTHER PARTY WINS +2000
                    Questions, comments, complaints:
                    [email protected]


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by BigWeiner
                      Let me guess, now you guys don't care about experience? You wanna put a 72 year old president in office with vice president who was mayor of city with a population of 8,000 3 years ago. You guys are amazing. He should've just picked Bozo the Clown, you guys still would've loved the pick.
                      I guess now they'll just keep saying Biden isn't for change, because he's old. Yea, he wants another 4 years of McBush.



                      • #56
                        shes good lookin gets my vote ....over/under on how many diff. guys bend her over in white house if shes v.p. is 5 at my offshore
                        edification will take place pull up the reins and get outta the race.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by grandmama
                          HAHA! This is a move to try, and get Hillary supporters. Did you watch the speech last night..Going to be hard to beat Obama
                          Yes the speech...the one where Obama praised the support of Bill Clinton, the same Bill Clinton that a few months ago said Obama had NO experience and was NOT a good choice for president...what has changed Silly Billy??? And then there is the support of Jesse Jackson....yeah the same JJ that recently wanted to cut Obama's nuts off! Oh and let's don't forget Obama thankful for the support of the great statesman Ted Kennedy! What a stage production these clowns put on...don't know what is worse...the made up "solidarity" show they tried to display or all these sheep that blindly follow! BAAAAAA BAAAAAAA


                          • #58
                            [QUOTE=musclemann]Savage I work at the financial markets in downtown chicago which is 90 percent republicans. They hate obama and right after this announcement came out 20 guys came right out and said their voting for obama.

                            Sounds like Republicans the party doesnt need if they switch parties based on this. Sure you didn't threaten them into switching
                            NBA is a joke


                            • #59
                              I have to say that both tickets are very unexciting. I am worried to vote for McCain and get the 'same 'ol same 'ol'. His VP pick concerns me...extremely inexperienced and a 'heart beat away' from being the President, with a potential Prez that has had a couple of cancer scares and is 72! And Obama, to me, seems like a lot of luff and no substance. His VP pick concerns me as well...they platfrom has been change and I don't think Biden represents that. At least he finally outlined some of that 'change' last night.

                              Honestly, I am so sick of both parties, their promises and subsequent lies. Bush and the democratic congress. They tell you what you want to hear and don't get nearly enough accomplished.

                              I may move to a nice caribbean island for a while....
                              Three Jack's Record


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by musclemann
                                Savage I work at the financial markets in downtown chicago which is 90 percent republicans. They hate obama and right after this announcement came out 20 guys came right out and said their voting for obama.

                                Sounds like Republicans the party doesnt need if they switch parties based on this. Sure you didn't threaten them into switching

                                Dude annunciate. Stop watching rap videos

