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What am I missing on Josh Hamilton?

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  • Originally posted by BettorsChat
    Adjacent to theirs
    Hopefully a different floor.


    • Originally posted by longnex
      Hopefully a connecting room.
      Figured as much
      "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
      is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


      • Originally posted by KazDog
        It shouldn't be a waste of time and energy. I've read this whole thread and some very interesting points have been made.

        I've been trying to pick a side but I honestly can't. I agree with things from both sides, although I tend to want to agree more with Frank's and Chado's reasoning.

        I think what it comes down to is the fact that he started using drugs and was it free will or were there things in his life that pushed him to that point?

        It's not so simple to say that he or most people just start using because it's put in front of them. That's where the whole argument stems from in my opinion.

        Wayne and the others feel he made a conscious and easy choice to start and get addicted. I don't believe it's just that easy. There are too many mental and sometimes deep rooted issues in one's life that can be underlying factors. It's easy to just say, "well he and everyone else should just say no."

        The issue is whether he should be looked upon as a hero. As I said before, that's debatable. I think he's a strong willed individual who battled to overcome the disease. I think that's something that can be pointed out to anyone as a positive because for the most part, people succumb to the demons.

        Any young adult is going to enticed with a myriad of temptations. I have no problem with Josh Hamilton being thought of as an inspiration.

        Good call kaz. If saying that if josh hamilton can kick this addiction then I can makes hamilton a hero to someone whose is faced with a similar problem, I have no issues with that.

        Ive never been addicted to drugs or booze and I know very little to comment on someones personal bout with it or to say just say no.

        I have a lot of respect for people who can walk away from an addiction and fight to keep their lives afterward though, good luck chado keep up the good work.


        • Originally posted by jcindaville
          Crack is one of the most addictive drugs on the planet, alcohol is addictive, but its not crack. Also, alcohol is leagal, crack is not.

          Big difference Chad


          TOBACCO : biggest killer (400,000 deaths/year)

          ALCOHOL : most widely abused legal substance

          PRESCRIP. DRUGS : dangerously addictive, rising in popularity

          METHAMPHETAMINE : labeled an epidemic problem by the press

          MARIJUANA : most widely abused illegal substance

          MDMA (ECSTASY) : little research on long term effects, still popular

          CRACK COCAINE : cheap, destructive drug making a comeback

          HEROIN : highly addictive drug making a comeback in some areas

          STEROIDS : horrible side effects, the toll they're taking on athletics

          INHALANTS : abuse is on the rise among youth again

          i wouldve thought alcohol was number one. Like you said it is LEGAL.
          Last edited by musclemann; 07-20-2008, 09:01 PM.


          • Ecstasy is a great drug when done right....had a great two weeks in Acapulco without having a single drink...just ecstasy and weed.

            I do think its funny that the majority on here are addicted gamblers yet they don't show compassion for other addicts. Gambling can lead to other problems and other drugs.

            People have vices to get away from reality all of the time....some take it farther than others and need help getting back in touch with reality.

            The Chado bashing is getting old and whether he brought it on himself (which I dont think he did) is irrelevant.

            Josh Hamilton's story is an inspiring story to say the least but I can truly say it hasn't been jammed down my throat as much. (I watch TV alot too...maybe I just miss it?)

            As far as people on here and their opinion's of addicts I don't think anyone should sympathise a stranger's story.....but some empathy would be nice instead of the easy answer copout that the user should be at fault for trying something in the first place.....nobody knows the circumstance and even if we did it still shouldn't be easy to pass judgement.

            We all make mistakes.....many mistakes....tons of mistakes, we are human, inherently flawed.



            • Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
              Ecstasy is a great drug when done right....had a great two weeks in Acapulco without having a single drink...just ecstasy and weed.

              I do think its funny that the majority on here are addicted gamblers yet they don't show compassion for other addicts. Gambling can lead to other problems and other drugs.People have vices to get away from reality all of the time....some take it farther than others and need help getting back in touch with reality.

              The Chado bashing is getting old and whether he brought it on himself (which I dont think he did) is irrelevant.

              Josh Hamilton's story is an inspiring story to say the least but I can truly say it hasn't been jammed down my throat as much. (I watch TV alot too...maybe I just miss it?)

              As far as people on here and their opinion's of addicts I don't think anyone should sympathise a stranger's story.....but some empathy would be nice instead of the easy answer copout that the user should be at fault for trying something in the first place.....nobody knows the circumstance and even if we did it still shouldn't be easy to pass judgement.

              We all make mistakes.....many mistakes....tons of mistakes, we are human, inherently flawed.


              Is this a fact, gambling leads to drugs? Never heard this before. So many of us on here dont do drugs.
              NBA is a joke


              • Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
                Ecstasy is a great drug when done right....had a great two weeks in Acapulco without having a single drink...just ecstasy and weed.

                I do think its funny that the majority on here are addicted gamblers yet they don't show compassion for other addicts. Gambling can lead to other problems and other drugs.

                People have vices to get away from reality all of the time....some take it farther than others and need help getting back in touch with reality.

                The Chado bashing is getting old and whether he brought it on himself (which I dont think he did) is irrelevant.

                Josh Hamilton's story is an inspiring story to say the least but I can truly say it hasn't been jammed down my throat as much. (I watch TV alot too...maybe I just miss it?)

                As far as people on here and their opinion's of addicts I don't think anyone should sympathise a stranger's story.....but some empathy would be nice instead of the easy answer copout that the user should be at fault for trying something in the first place.....nobody knows the circumstance and even if we did it still shouldn't be easy to pass judgement.

                We all make mistakes.....many mistakes....tons of mistakes, we are human, inherently flawed.


                Great write up Pimp. That might just be the best post you've ever made!

                [email protected]

                I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                • Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
                  I do think its funny that the majority on here are addicted gamblers yet they don't show compassion for other addicts. Gambling can lead to other problems and other drugs.

                  People have vices to get away from reality all of the time....some take it farther than others and need help getting back in touch with reality.

                  The Chado bashing is getting old and whether he brought it on himself (which I dont think he did) is irrelevant.


                  • Originally posted by musclemann

                    TOBACCO : biggest killer (400,000 deaths/year)

                    ALCOHOL : most widely abused legal substance

                    PRESCRIP. DRUGS : dangerously addictive, rising in popularity

                    METHAMPHETAMINE : labeled an epidemic problem by the press

                    MARIJUANA : most widely abused illegal substance

                    MDMA (ECSTASY) : little research on long term effects, still popular

                    CRACK COCAINE : cheap, destructive drug making a comeback

                    HEROIN : highly addictive drug making a comeback in some areas

                    STEROIDS : horrible side effects, the toll they're taking on athletics

                    INHALANTS : abuse is on the rise among youth again

                    i wouldve thought alcohol was number one. Like you said it is LEGAL.

                    Nicotine 3 4 2 1 5

                    Heroin 2 2 1 2 2

                    Cocaine 4 1 4 3 3

                    Alcohol 1 3 3 4 1

                    Caffeine 5 6 5 5 6

                    Marijuana 6 5 6 6 4

                    I guess it depends where you look for your info, this is what i found.
                    Questions, comments, complaints:
                    [email protected]


                    • Originally posted by BettorsChat
                      That was you tool shed

                      I went with my brother, thats who i shared a room with
                      Questions, comments, complaints:
                      [email protected]


                      • Originally posted by musclemann

                        TOBACCO : biggest killer (400,000 deaths/year)

                        ALCOHOL : most widely abused legal substance

                        PRESCRIP. DRUGS : dangerously addictive, rising in popularity

                        METHAMPHETAMINE : labeled an epidemic problem by the press

                        MARIJUANA : most widely abused illegal substance

                        MDMA (ECSTASY) : little research on long term effects, still popular

                        CRACK COCAINE : cheap, destructive drug making a comeback

                        HEROIN : highly addictive drug making a comeback in some areas

                        STEROIDS : horrible side effects, the toll they're taking on athletics

                        INHALANTS : abuse is on the rise among youth again

                        i wouldve thought alcohol was number one. Like you said it is LEGAL.

                        Alcohol and Tobacco both legal, but more wide spread than gambling. Plus they both cause a great deal of deaths, money problems etc, yet they are both legal because the Government makes a ton of coin on them. Regulate gambling and make more!


                        • Originally posted by flarendep1
                          Is this a fact, gambling leads to drugs? Never heard this before. So many of us on here dont do drugs.
                          I think gambling can lead to drugs.......I think gambling is a drug.



                          • Hey Kaz I just wanted to formally say thanks for having my back and sticking up for me in this thread. You obviously can see through things very well and who I am as a person and I appreciated it man I really did. I referenced you in my last post in this thread but also wanted to say thanks again pal. You are a true gentleman brother!!!
                            SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                            • Originally posted by Chado1
                              Hey Kaz I just wanted to formally say thanks for having my back and sticking up for me in this thread. You obviously can see through things very well and who I am as a person and I appreciated it man I really did. I referenced you in my last post in this thread but also wanted to say thanks again pal. You are a true gentleman brother!!!
                              Thanks Chado....That shows me a lot of class! Glad you're here and part of the family. I've seen improvement and this only confirms it.

                              [email protected]

                              I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                              • Originally posted by Chado1
                                Hey Kaz I just wanted to formally say thanks for having my back and sticking up for me in this thread. You obviously can see through things very well and who I am as a person and I appreciated it man I really did. I referenced you in my last post in this thread but also wanted to say thanks again pal. You are a true gentleman brother!!!

                                good call on kaz chado.

