Thanks for your time GHOLDEN GREAK, cause I know you must be really busy running your 2 successful businesses right now.....they must be doing well to allow you so much time in here....kinda hypocritical isn't it....aren't you the one always saying I've got too much time on my hands cause I'm here all the time....Pot calling the Kettle balck don't you think...or did you embelish that statement a little also....
-yeah -- im here all the time -- you only have 36,000 more posts
This is my last post/comment on this subject.....Notice at 5:33 you utilized the word "HAD" (Past tense) a good weekend....
well that's not possible, (past tense) cause you had numerous outstanding wagers left......
this is what I questioned...not your record as you keep me thats kinda embilishing a statement in your favor, eluding to having a good day, whereas others fared poorly.....I feel it's a feeble attempt to make yourself (ego) look better.....
Saturday you had a good day.....
7-6 for +9.60
SunDay----part of the weekend---you declared as good, before it was over, you went
4-7 for -7.00 units....
Granted----it wound up you indeed did have a winning weekend----11-13 for a whopping + 2.60 units....a plus is a plus....granted....
Congrats on that....but that's not my being you tried to elude to a good weekend even b4 it was Over....I call that embelising....
Now I can say I hit my 5* play on the Angels, and the CW Sox came in for me.....Sounds good doesn't it....
that wouldd be selective extraction.....embelishment
when in actuality I was 3-4 for - 11.45 units, couple that with yesterdays 2-8 for -25.85 units, and you have a terrible weekend I HAD cause I went 5-12 for -37.30 units.....
that is facade's not hard to do....print it like it is....
I repeat, this is/was my concern, not your record as you seem to think, or want others to think......
I rest my case in regards to this....the Forum is yours.....say what you want, as you want, when you want....I don't care.....Out of respect to the Mods, the Members here, I'm through with this and you....
You continue to do as you wish, I'll see other things also, but refrain from saying anything, cause I realized some people just want to be duped.....Not me.....
Now if you'll excuse me, my dentures just fell on top of my colostomy bag, and I have a drippage problem...
You can also take this for what it's worth need to tone down your trash talk to can't have a civilized conversation, or heaven forbid, be questioned, without flying off the handle....just a suggestion from and Old Man who is not quite "as dumb", as "you think".....
Mods/Members----I apologize for this BS, just trying to help others, but I get the feeling others don't want/need the help, or don't deserve it, or are just too damn naive to see it...........Mods, do what you wish with me, it doesn't matter me any more......
I'll stay on the Trailer White Trash Section of town, and the GREAK can run the Hi Society Area.........I won't cross over to Never Wrong Ave., and I'll stay off the Corners of Ego and Paranoia St., that way I can't possibly run into him...
You reply all you want to.....I'm through with ya....
Just hope some here got the point I was proving.....If they didn't, so be it.....
Wayne/PAPI, I know I can be hard headed and stubborn, but you guys know, certain things Irk the shit out of me.....Never meant to cause you guys any more heart aches than you already have....
and please let me know my position, as soon as you Mods review, evaluate all the Honest/accurate/intelligent/un biased e-mails the GREAK forwarded to you all regarding me not being well liked etc. etc.....and they're tired of my BS.....I can take care of that for em real easy...I would like a lil advance notice, before I become the Oldest member banned from here, or was that just another of the GREAKS embelishments....seed planting, twisting----only you guys know, and I'm mature enough to handle it either way....
I'm through with him, and I'll Ignore him, just as I have done with Chado1......there's 2 of em that won't hear from me....Don't care what they do.....and I'm sure they don't care what I do.......that's life....