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Please Vote Obama!!!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BigWeiner
    Vote for the best candidate. Simple as that. Obama is that this time around.
    I keep hearing that from people but I have yet to get a good substative answer as to why he's the best. If you can give me a good substative answer without using the platitudinal crap he spews then I'd love to hear it. If the man says "change" one more time I think I may have to put on my hip waders to wade through the bullshit.

    No thrills, frills, spills or write-ups. Just givin ya the winners everyday.


    • #17
      Originally posted by poskid
      I keep hearing that from people but I have yet to get a good substative answer as to why he's the best. If you can give me a good substative answer without using the platitudinal crap he spews then I'd love to hear it. If the man says "change" one more time I think I may have to put on my hip waders to wade through the bullshit.

      I agree the "change" crap is a poor reason. I'll just say this, politics is politics, it's all bullshit, both candidates will have to say what the people want them to say. We both know that, it's all bullshit. So don't tell me you know what McCain stands for and what Obama stands for, you don't. I know I'm not gonna change your mind on who you vote for, so I'm not gonna waste your time.


      • #18
        Racism? Try reverse discrimination...if a white man ran for office with Obama's political record, he would be laughed off the forum...this man has ZERO expererience...the ultimate in all fluff no substance...wake up people!!!


        • #19
          Originally posted by ezpickin
          Racism? Try reverse discrimination...if a white man ran for office with Obama's political record, he would be laughed off the forum...this man has ZERO expererience...the ultimate in all fluff no substance...wake up people!!!
          Experience is over-rated. It's the adminstration not the President. I don't understand why people keep saying this. Do you really think George W. Bush is running this country with his experience, the guy's a douchebag that probably can't even tie his own shoes. You wake up


          • #20
            Originally posted by BigWeiner
            I agree the "change" crap is a poor reason. I'll just say this, politics is politics, it's all bullshit, both candidates will have to say what the people want them to say. We both know that, it's all bullshit. So don't tell me you know what McCain stands for and what Obama stands for, you don't. I know I'm not gonna change your mind on who you vote for, so I'm not gonna waste your time.
            That's the problem with McCain. He doesnt have much of a stance. And his voting record is atrocious to me. McCain/Kennedy and McCain/Feingold are 2 reasons I cant stand the guy. But he is strong on defense which i approve of. his stance on the environment and drilling in ANWAR sicken me. However...He does have some good things going for him. He has experience working in the Senate and within Washington. He is a highly decorated war veteran and will serve well as CINC. But I'm still not happy with him as a candidate and I'm not a party hack so if someone better presents a ticket I will vote for them. There...a good substative answer as to why I will likely be voting for McCain though I will be holding my nose while doing it.

            No thrills, frills, spills or write-ups. Just givin ya the winners everyday.


            • #21
              Originally posted by BigWeiner
              Experience is over-rated. It's the adminstration not the President. I don't understand why people keep saying this. Do you really think George W. Bush is running this country with his experience, the guy's a douchebag that probably can't even tie his own shoes. You wake up
              uh...last I looked Bush was yeah that does mean he has experience...why do I even bother replying to the blind and narrow minded?


              • #22
                Originally posted by BigWeiner
                Experience is over-rated. It's the adminstration not the President. I don't understand why people keep saying this. Do you really think George W. Bush is running this country with his experience, the guy's a douchebag that probably can't even tie his own shoes. You wake up
                Bush derangement syndrome at it's best here. Do me a favor and realize that the man is doing the best job he can. You hate him so much and yet you cant give a reason as to why you dislike him without throwing out an insult. I'm not his biggest fan either. There are things I agree with and disagree with. However he holds the distinction of President and should be afforded some respect while he holds the office.

                No thrills, frills, spills or write-ups. Just givin ya the winners everyday.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by ezpickin
                  uh...last I looked Bush was yeah that does mean he has experience...why do I even bother replying to the blind and narrow minded?
                  Yea his experience is really paying off, thank god we got him there, he's doing great. Talk about blind, you're still backing that jackhole?
                  Last edited by BigWeiner; 06-05-2008, 12:59 AM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by poskid
                    Bush derangement syndrome at it's best here. Do me a favor and realize that the man is doing the best job he can. You hate him so much and yet you cant give a reason as to why you dislike him without throwing out an insult. I'm not his biggest fan either. There are things I agree with and disagree with. However he holds the distinction of President and should be afforded some respect while he holds the office.

                    I think he's an idiot. I don't blame him for anything, I blame the administration. Bush is a puppet.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by BigWeiner
                      Yea his experience is really paying off, thank god we got him there, he's doing great. Talk about blind, you're still backing that jackhole?
                      Makes no use even trying BW. The list is so long it's pitiful. We had a Conservative Congress and a Conservative president and look where it's gotten us. Not even worth replying to people who are still in Bushs' corner.

                      As for Obama. I think he will do fine, providing as Wayne says, no one tries to end his term early. My reasons are two fold....
                      1. He will be the first black president. No way in hell he'll want to go down in flames as the first black to fail. He will work harder than probably any other to ensure that he makes all the right moves.
                      2. We are totally hated in the Middle East and in Europe because of what the POS in office has done abroad. The guy that the Europeans and Middle Easterners will see as a step in the right direction is a black liberal president. My guess is he will be much better at foreign affairs than Bush, who basically wanted to tussle with every country outside our own. I think a lot of positive changes will come from a decent foreign policy. If anyone thinks that higher gas prices have nothing to do with the Middle Easterners hating us, that war and President Bush, then they are really in denial.....

                      We need diplomacy, not bitter rhetoric in Congress and foreign affairs. I think Obama would be the best candidate for both counts. I agree with Doc. The right had their way, and it was the wrong way.....

                      Last edited by KazDog; 06-05-2008, 01:20 AM.
                      [email protected]

                      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                      • #26
                        In a sick way, I'd love for Obama to get elected so I can hear who all of the Libs new whipping boy is? If I was a betting man, I'd say all these Libs 4 terms from now are still saying all these "problems" are Bush's Fault!

                        "Vote for Change" ... WTF is change exactly? No guns? No national security?

                        I hate to quote TO but, "Getcha popcorn"


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by KazDog
                          Makes no use even trying BW. The list is so long it's pitiful. We had a Conservative Congress and a Conservative president and look where it's gotten us. Not even worth replying to people who are still in Bushs' corner.

                          As for Obama. I think he will do fine, providing as Wayne says, no one tries to end his term early. My reasons are two fold....
                          1. He will be the first black president. No way in hell he'll want to go down in flames as the first black to fail. He will work harder than probably any other to ensure that he makes all the right moves.
                          2. We are totally hated in the Middle East and in Europe because of what the POS in office has done abroad. The guy that the Europeans and Middle Easterners will see as a step in the right direction is a black liberal president. My guess is he will be much better at foreign affairs than Bush, who basically wanted to tussle with every country outside our own. I think a lot of positive changes will come from a decent foreign policy. If anyone thinks that higher gas prices have nothing to do with the Middle Easterners hating us, that war and President Bush, then they are really in denial.....

                          We need diplomacy, not bitter rhetoric in Congress and foreign affairs. I think Obama would be the best candidate for both counts. I agree with Doc. The right had their way, and it was the wrong way.....



                          • #28
                            I have voted repub all my life...but that was when the republican party was conservative.

                            I have become disgusted and disillusioned with the so-called repub party and have found them extraordinarily hypocritical...

                            At this point I would rather vote for a wolf than a wolf in sheep's clothing...I think I'm voting Obama...

                            I mean everyone in the conservative party thought that if Bill Clinton got elected in 1992 the country would go to shit...

                            ...but he was as pretty decent prez, relatively speaking...

                            ...and Mr Bush, whom I voted for, has done more to overthrow the sovereignty of the United States than any other president in history.

                            Whether I choose McCain or Obama, the end result will be about the same since they are both globalists...

                            I might as well vote for someone who doesn't seem to be a Washington insider like McCain is.

                            I'm sick of the republican bullshit. I'm biting the bullet and voting Obama.

                            Last edited by dave T; 06-05-2008, 04:56 AM.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by kbsooner21
                              In a sick way, I'd love for Obama to get elected so I can hear who all of the Libs new whipping boy is? If I was a betting man, I'd say all these Libs 4 terms from now are still saying all these "problems" are Bush's Fault!

                              "Vote for Change" ... WTF is change exactly? No guns? No national security?

                              I hate to quote TO but, "Getcha popcorn"


                              • #30
                                I would rather have Dale Jr. win a championship that Obama in office!!!

                                CALL IT WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!

