Last I heard they are now reconsidering their position. I think it was due to someone in congress talking about cutting off the federal funds to them.
You can have everything about California, I don't need it. Beautiful place to visit, but I wouldn't live there for free. Crazy libs, mudslides, earthquakes, wildfires, hollywood, illegals, etc. etc.
These are extremists. There's extreme people everybody. Anybody that's too far on either side is retarded in my mind. I live in California, and I support the military, here's how I support them, I want to get them the fuck out of there. I think this "War" is bullshit. Bombing a bunch dirt and wasting a bunch of money, doesn't make us any safer, and it sure as hell doesn't free the Iraqi's. Where do you live?
isnt that the truth.....How in the World could someone go to bed being a liberal? If i was the GOVT i would cut off all federal money that goes to that city......
How in the world could anybody go to bed brainwashed by either party. Why can't I think this war is a bunch a bullshit, but also be conservative financially. It makes no sense, all of these so called conservatives don't seem to be worried about the deficit. Didn't you vote republican because you didn't want tree hugging liberals to waste a bunch of money? What do you call what we're doing now?
Where in my post did I mention anything about my beliefs on the topics? You are entitled to your opinion (as is everyone else) but do not direct them toward me in this manner as you have no idea what my thoughts are on the sybject. I was posting the article for eveyone else becasue I thought it was interesting...