Maybe Marbury should be investigated since he thinks dog fighting is a sport even though its illegal in every State.
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Stephon Marbury defends Michael Vick, calls dogfighting a sport
Originally posted by huskerthat's my point! the dogs will be killed anyway, but the media and PITA is making big money on Vick killing them. he isn't even going to jail for killing the dogs. he is going to jail because of the conspiracy charges.
He would be going to jail for the crime if it went to trial. LEts not minimize this on a technicality please.
It doesn't make a damn bit of difference who PETA is or what they stand for. There are MANY organizations that get carried away with many other things.
Whether you like pit bulls or don't like pit bulls, whether you are black or white IS NOT the issue.
The bottom line is it is AGAINST THE LAW !!! I don't care if it is an NFL superstar. VICK BROKE THE LAW !!
It SHOULD NOT make a difference what PETA or the NAACP or the KKK thinks. VICK BROKE THE LAW !!
The ONLY difference between Vick and any non-celebrity who committed this crime is the TV and media exposure. Sure it hurts Vick in the media but BECAUSE of his name (not race), I guarantee you he will get more of a break legally than you or I would.
davejc Wishes He Can Get A Goat
Originally posted by baseballdaveIt doesn't make a damn bit of difference who PETA is or what they stand for. There are MANY organizations that get carried away with many other things.
Whether you like pit bulls or don't like pit bulls, whether you are black or white IS NOT the issue.
The bottom line is it is AGAINST THE LAW !!! I don't care if it is an NFL superstar. VICK BROKE THE LAW !!
It SHOULD NOT make a difference what PETA or the NAACP or the KKK thinks. VICK BROKE THE LAW !!
The ONLY difference between Vick and any non-celebrity who committed this crime is the TV and media exposure. Sure it hurts Vick in the media but BECAUSE of his name (not race), I guarantee you he will get more of a break legally than you or I would.
I doubt it this time....Generally celebrity carries no weight at the fed level....Ask Martha Stewart
Originally posted by TwoTonTonyI doubt it this time....Generally celebrity carries no weight at the fed level....Ask Martha Stewart
davejc Wishes He Can Get A Goat
Originally posted by baseballdaveWhat I mean TTT is that because of his fame and status, his jail stay will be more lenient and more "friendly" than if you or I were in jail. I guarantee you Vick will be afforded more in jail than we would, and that's not right. I know it is on the federal level, but his "stay" will be more pleasurable than it would be for you or me.
that is not entirely true when dealing in the federal prison system.....The jails are generally an easier stretch than the state pens......but you serve most of your sentence.....
Originally posted by Chado1]..there is no difference between killing dogs or humans IMO.......
I am not black and I am educated (don't know why people think that matters) and I really do not think this is that big of a deal.
Is it illegal? YES
Is Michael Vick an asshole? YES
Let him get his year or whatever in prison and he can move on with his life and his career.
This crime that he committed hurts absolutely nobody.......there are much bigger things going on in the world then fighting some pitbulls.
I don't condone dog fighting but I think offenses such as drunk driving, domestic violence, assault, etc etc etc are much worse and more horrific and people just get a slap on the wrist for those in our justice system.
If you really care about humanity and morality then fight to end the war in Iraq so we can bring home our troops from getting slaughtered (they are actually human beings and not dogs) or so something about the slaughters in Darfur.
Again I do not condone dog fighting nor treating these animals like shit but lets not forget in the grand scheme of things they are animals and not humans.
Originally posted by TwoTonTonyHe would be going to jail for the crime if it went to trial. LEts not minimize this on a technicality please.
he is going to jail because of the conspiracy charges, not because he killed dogs!“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Gerald Ford
Originally posted by MtrCtyPimpYou are insane if you really feel this way.
I am not black and I am educated (don't know why people think that matters) and I really do not think this is that big of a deal.
Is it illegal? YES
Is Michael Vick an asshole? YES
Let him get his year or whatever in prison and he can move on with his life and his career.
This crime that he committed hurts absolutely nobody.......there are much bigger things going on in the world then fighting some pitbulls.
I don't condone dog fighting but I think offenses such as drunk driving, domestic violence, assault, etc etc etc are much worse and more horrific and people just get a slap on the wrist for those in our justice system.
If you really care about humanity and morality then fight to end the war in Iraq so we can bring home our troops from getting slaughtered (they are actually human beings and not dogs) or so something about the slaughters in Darfur.
Again I do not condone dog fighting nor treating these animals like shit but lets not forget in the grand scheme of things they are animals and not humans.
PEACEMLB (2014): (3-4) -.9 units
Originally posted by MtrCtyPimpYou are insane if you really feel this way.
I am not black and I am educated (don't know why people think that matters) and I really do not think this is that big of a deal.
Is it illegal? YES
Is Michael Vick an asshole? YES
Let him get his year or whatever in prison and he can move on with his life and his career.
This crime that he committed hurts absolutely nobody.......there are much bigger things going on in the world then fighting some pitbulls.
I don't condone dog fighting but I think offenses such as drunk driving, domestic violence, assault, etc etc etc are much worse and more horrific and people just get a slap on the wrist for those in our justice system.
If you really care about humanity and morality then fight to end the war in Iraq so we can bring home our troops from getting slaughtered (they are actually human beings and not dogs) or so something about the slaughters in Darfur.
Again I do not condone dog fighting nor treating these animals like shit but lets not forget in the grand scheme of things they are animals and not humans.
#1 reason that domestic violence is not prosecuted is because the person will not press charges.
These are pets not just animals. a 34 billion dollar a year business that is growing rapidly. It strikes a huge nerve with most people. People associate this differently than shooting a deer.
Also this glorifying of pitbulls has made every want to be tough guy own one. And guess what? many are not licensed and are mistreated. And oh by the way guess who gets hurt (pick up any newspaper) by these dogs when they are trained this way? Innocent people are bitten and maimed when they are loose. Many are loose or are mistaken by children for pets. I reported one roaming in a neighborhood up here Sunday. (there was a child on a tricycle and 3 other families in their yards who would have been mauled had i not alerted them)..So there are other victims here as well. So it is a lot more far reaching than just killing animals.
I think why the education matters is because if you were to carve out a demographic for dogfighting you would probably not find the college educated element mostly there. As in cockfighting.Last edited by TwoTonTony; 08-24-2007, 04:57 AM.
Originally posted by buddyluv1968Yall funny much love JCindaville one more week till football. It is not a race thing, it is a money thing. Fellas the news will put the most ignorant peaple on tv!!!!! They never ask anyone that has a brain such as a Grant Hill, Duncan, Kobe, one of the Barber brothers. They always find one of the dumbest people. No one ever say that Caucasions are crazy based upon things that Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears, Curt Schilling and I forgot the man that most of yall voted for President Bush says. Lets be above that crap and keep race out of it. And lets all agree that Vick is a dumb ass that just threw a lot of money away. I am a African American and I do very well. I am educated. I believe that dog fighting is cruel, and I forgot AGAINST THE LAW!!!!!!! I also think that the people of PETA are crazy(Alqada does not have shit on Peta) It is funny how people are on Vick and Lindsey gets a slap on the wrist when she could have ran into anyone of us. Injured or killed one of our loved ones. Just think about it.....
Just like when a trailer park gets destroyed by a tornado.They dont get the nice grandma on tv they go after the toothless redneck with the budwiser in his hand(no offense KB) to tell how he's lost his trailer.
Originally posted by vols fan
Just like when a trailer park gets destroyed by a tornado.They dont get the nice grandma on tv they go after the toothless redneck with the budwiser in his hand(no offense KB) to tell how he's lost his trailer.
Do tornados specifically aim for trailer parks??? Anyone??