You guys are right...never should have went to Iraq...should have let Sadaam keep harboring terrorists and killing his own innocent people...let them keep conspiring against us to bring us down
If the point is, that Bush truly believed the were WMD's there in Iraq, even though intelligence told him there was not, UN inspectors told him there was not, isn't that the same thing as Clinton believing that his blowjob wasn't considered having sex with a woman?
We impeached him for trying to perpetrate that lie....
some intelligence said there were, and some said there weren't. he went with the ones that said there were. he was wrong and admitted it. that isn't i lie!
no inspectors were allowed full access to everything they wanted, so how can anyone say that there were no definitely WMD's there BEFORE THE WAR.
if Clinton doesn't think a blowjob is sex, he must be the stupidest person in the word! but he also has different definitions for the word "is". thats all old news, and i don't really care about it. he was impeached for lying under oath, just like scooter libby.
If the point is, that Bush truly believed the were WMD's there in Iraq, even though intelligence told him there was not, UN inspectors told him there was not, isn't that the same thing as Clinton believing that his blowjob wasn't considered having sex with a woman?
We impeached him for trying to perpetrate that lie....
We had inspectors over there before we went to war that couldn't find anything.
Also people like Powell were telling Bush not to go into war over there, but he wouldn't listen. We had intel provided by the Checs that proved that sadaam didn't have anything to do with it. And there was other intel as well regarding iraq not having anything to do with it. This administration was dead set on going into iraq and not after osama.
Do you like some ppl here have inside info???? This is all SPECULATION Monte....
You guys are right...never should have went to Iraq...should have let Sadaam keep harboring terrorists and killing his own innocent people...let them keep conspiring against us to bring us down
The DEMS cant comprehend this statement, they're too busy trying to save the Forrest or shutting down companies while bringing in OSHA, or having a global warming debate against a Bear....
So I guess it's Ok to you guys, esp Huker and KB, that Bush admits he was wrong about going into Iraq and no WMD were found, which is now after the fact?
And because of that admission, over 100,000 Iraqi's have lost there lives or been displaced and over 3600 American's have lost there lives as well?
Not to mention the billions of dollars this war has costed the American taxpayer?
And this was done to make America a safer place, right?
Because Bin Laden has been captured, right?
Because al Qaeda is no longer a terrorist group, right?
And the Muslim extremist's are no longer a threat to our society, right?
So I guess it's Ok to you guys, esp Huker and KB, that Bush admits he was wrong about going into Iraq and no WMD were found, which is now after the fact?
And because of that admission, over 100,000 Iraqi's have lost there lives or been displaced and over 3600 American's have lost there lives as well?
Not to mention the billions of dollars this war has costed the American taxpayer?
And this was done to make America a safer place, right?
Because Bin Laden has been captured, right?
Because al Qaeda is no longer a terrorist group, right?
And the Muslim extremist's are no longer a threat to our society, right?
Open your eyes!
I have opened my eyes! I've opened my eyes to the fact there have been ZERO more terrorist attacks on American soil. I've opened my eyes to the fact one of the most brutal dictators is NOT beheading his own innocent citizens anymore.
I have opened my eyes! I've opened my eyes to the fact there have been ZERO more terrorist attacks on American soil. I've opened my eyes to the fact one of the most brutal dictators is NOT beheading his own innocent citizens anymore.
You tool.....We've thwarted several possible terroist attacks on this soil since 911. Don't be so naive. And the most brutal dictator, who beheaded his own citizens, could have been taken out much less evasively. But of course, it doesn't matter that over 100,000 Iraqi's have lost their lives at the hands of that not so brutal dictator....George W. Bush? Ignorance is bliss I guess.