i don't see anything from BC after he said there are sooooo many bush lies. come on, get some balls and post the biggest one you know. according to you it should be easy. i back up my statements. why can't you?
i would gag after one paragraph at those lefty sites you posted. they are pure torture to anyone with a brain of their own.
Just pick one you turd as I gave you a whole google search. For anyone to think Bush has never lied to the public is full of shit.
You've got to be friggin' kidding, right? He lied about the entire reason we went to war on Iraq. There have been several documented quotes from Bush where he blatantly lied. There were no WMD found. Not one. No chemical weapons. No Aerial assualt machinery. No proven ties to al Qaeda, etc, etc....
So because of his 'lie' to the American people, not once but several times, we've lost over 3600 soldiers in a war that was allegedly to protect the American people. On a side note, there have been well over 100,000 Iraqi's who have died, including innocent women and children.
So who should have been impeached? A man who lied to the American people about getting a blowjob or one who lied about going to war with no victory, no reason or no end in sight?
You've got to be friggin' kidding, right? He lied about the entire reason we went to war on Iraq. There have been several documented quotes from Bush where he blatantly lied. There were no WMD found. Not one. No chemical weapons. No Aerial assualt machinery. No proven ties to al Qaeda, etc, etc....
So because of his 'lie' to the American people, not once but several times, we've lost over 3600 soldiers in a war that was allegedly to protect the American people. On a side note, there have been well over 100,000 Iraqi's who have died, including innocent women and children.
So who should have been impeached? A man who lied to the American people about getting a blowjob or one who lied about going to war with no victory, no reason or no end in sight?
Kaz, he didnt lie about going to war. He went on false info, he didnt lie. If thats the case then every member of congress lied also as they voted to go to war on the same info given him.
Would you bet you life that were not WOMD. No you wouldnt, you dont KNOW FOR A FACT that they were not taken out of Iraq before we got there. I dont believe there were any but how can it be a lie if you ABSOLUTELY dont know the truth
Kaz, he didnt lie about going to war. He went on false info, he didnt lie. If thats the case then every member of congress lied also as they voted to go to war on the same info given him.
Would you bet you life that were not WOMD. No you wouldnt, you dont KNOW FOR A FACT that they were not taken out of Iraq before we got there. I dont believe there were any but how can it be a lie if you ABSOLUTELY dont know the truth
We had inspectors over there before we went to war that couldn't find anything.
Also people like Powell were telling Bush not to go into war over there, but he wouldn't listen. We had intel provided by the Checs that proved that sadaam didn't have anything to do with it. And there was other intel as well regarding iraq not having anything to do with it. This administration was dead set on going into iraq and not after osama.
Kaz, he didnt lie about going to war. He went on false info, he didnt lie. If thats the case then every member of congress lied also as they voted to go to war on the same info given him.
Would you bet you life that were not WOMD. No you wouldnt, you dont KNOW FOR A FACT that they were not taken out of Iraq before we got there. I dont believe there were any but how can it be a lie if you ABSOLUTELY dont know the truth
JC...He went before Congress and told flat out lies about reasons for going to war in Iraq. If you want, I will list them here. They were all documented. some of it was mis information and some of it was not. He told Congress he was going to war with or without their approval, if you remember correctly.
No I wouldn't bet my life because I don't have the intelligence info that Bush has access to. Supposedly, the CIA is one of the best informed agencies in the world. Right? We have spies and satellites everywhere. Do you think for one minute that plutonium and large weaponry would be able to leave Iraq without us knowing about it? Do you think that we wouldn't know that it was there in the first place? UN inspectors found nothing when they went there before the war.
The man wanted to start that war and he was going to do it no matter what.....
JC...He went before Congress and told flat out lies about reasons for going to war in Iraq. If you want, I will list them here. They were all documented. some of it was mis information and some of it was not. He told Congress he was going to war with or without their approval, if you remember correctly.
No I wouldn't bet my life because I don't have the intelligence info that Bush has access to. Supposedly, the CIA is one of the best informed agencies in the world. Right? We have spies and satellites everywhere. Do you think for one minute that plutonium and large weaponry would be able to leave Iraq without us knowing about it? Do you think that we wouldn't know that it was there in the first place? UN inspectors found nothing when they went there before the war.
The man wanted to start that war and he was going to do it no matter what.....
Cant be a lie if you wouldnt bet your life. That is my only point. I am not a fan of the war and i dont think we should be there, but find another lie if you wouldnt bet your life.
If your gonna call someone a liar, you better KNOW that they are one
agencies in the world. Right? We have spies and satellites everywhere. Do you think for one minute that plutonium and large weaponry would be able to leave Iraq
Osama bin Laden roams around free and he is the most wanted man on the planet. So yes i do think that weapons of mass destruction could be moved without us knowing. Would you bet your life that they couldnt be. I wouldnt.
We had inspectors over there before we went to war that couldn't find anything.
Also people like Powell were telling Bush not to go into war over there, but he wouldn't listen. We had intel provided by the Checs that proved that sadaam didn't have anything to do with it. And there was other intel as well regarding iraq not having anything to do with it. This administration was dead set on going into iraq and not after osama.
I never said i believed there were WOMD, but your argument that he lied is a false argument. YOU dont KNOW that there wasnt any, cause YOU were not there. Inspectors, yeah they have ACCESS to EVERYTHING. Come on, dont give me that.
Bro....If you want to believe that Bush didn't lie to Congress and the American people about going to war, that is certainly your own prerogative. He lied about intelligence information that he had. Bush was trying to place the blame for his lies on faulty intelligence, when in fact the intelligence was fine; it was his abuse of it that was 'faulty,' and consequently his lies that came from it. And yes, I would bet my life that there is no way for Iraq to have moved large weaponry and plutonium out of that country during that time without us knowing about it.
Bro....If you want to believe that Bush didn't lie to Congress and the American people about going to war, that is certainly your own prerogative. He lied about intelligence information that he had. Bush was trying to place the blame for his lies on faulty intelligence, when in fact the intelligence was fine; it was his abuse of it that was 'faulty,' and consequently his lies that came from it. And yes, I would bet my life that there is no way for Iraq to have moved large weaponry and plutonium out of that country during that time without us knowing about it.
I didnt say i believed him. I just wouldnt bet my life that he did lie about that.
krv3, about pat tillman. i am sure there were people that knew what happened right away. just like any time there is a mistake made, people don't run to tell their boss there was a mistake made. this happens everywhere. the more people in between, the harder it is to get to the truth. you are right, bush probably knew there could have bin friendly fire involved so he didn't say anything specific. that isn't i lie, as all the bush haters say. i personally don't think tillman should be treated any differently than any other person killed serving in the military.
friendly fire deaths are part of war, just like civilian deaths. it happens less now, but you hear about it more. just like everything else.
“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
If the point is, that Bush truly believed the were WMD's there in Iraq, even though intelligence told him there was not, UN inspectors told him there was not, isn't that the same thing as Clinton believing that his blowjob wasn't considered having sex with a woman?
We impeached him for trying to perpetrate that lie....
Facts like WMD's, Katrina, No Bid contracts, Scooter Libby... Im at work wished I had the time to list all the Republicans mistakes....
no doubt there were mistakes made, no one is perfect. i believe bush admitted that he was wrong about the WMD's in Iraq. that doesn't mean he lied about it like some brain dead people think.
i look forward to debating a reasonable person on the topics you posted when you get home.
“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."