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  • #61
    If Lebron's career ended today would he be considered one of the All Time greats? Absolutely not. With that said, he has done more already at his age than Jordan ever dreamed of doing and all others as well. Assuming an injury doesn't end his career early, he will be a No brainer for the Hall of Fame and 50 greatest of All Time list. There is no doubt about that just based on the numbers he has put up to this point and more importantly, the maturity he shows at this age. It is amazing.

    I've never seen a NBA team win a NBA Title with one player. It's no secret and everyone has acknowledged that until he gets a sidekick/true 2nd option, on both sides of the ball, he is helpless. What is so amazing about him this year isn't that he scored 25 straight or 29 of the last 30 to win a big game ... It's that he basically did it all by himself with zero 2nd options AND one of the best defensive teams in the league knew it was coming and still couldn't stop it ... On the road!!!

    I stated the day Daniel Gibson went off that he was a star in the making and i also thought Varejao along with Gooden, can be future sidekicks if they continue to blossom. It might be happening and if it does ... WOW, the rest of the League will be in trouble over the next 5 years (IMO).

    By all accounts, LeBron is the type of athlete you SHOULD hope your kid looks up to and (IMO), he has lived up to hype that i didn't think anyone possibly could. I never remembered seeing High School Basketball on ESPN until Lebron was labeled as the next Jordan or Magic. I figured that this guy had to be amazing to have his high school games treated like College basketball and i still can't believe how well he has handled it all on and off the court.

    As a "Fan of Sports" ... I truly love this guy. He is what will keep me interested in the NBA.


    • #62
      But is he better than Sebastian Telfair????


      • #63
        Originally posted by soonerbud
        So KB you did or did not mean they would win game one and the title.................I'm confused!
        You giving me 5 to 1 or not?


        • #64
          Originally posted by wayne1218
          If Lebron's career ended today would he be considered one of the All Time greats? Absolutely not. With that said, he has done more already at his age than Jordan ever dreamed of doing and all others as well. Assuming an injury doesn't end his career early, he will be a No brainer for the Hall of Fame and 50 greatest of All Time list. There is no doubt about that just based on the numbers he has put up to this point and more importantly, the maturity he shows at this age. It is amazing.

          I've never seen a NBA team win a NBA Title with one player. It's no secret and everyone has acknowledged that until he gets a sidekick/true 2nd option, on both sides of the ball, he is helpless. What is so amazing about him this year isn't that he scored 25 straight or 29 of the last 30 to win a big game ... It's that he basically did it all by himself with zero 2nd options AND one of the best defensive teams in the league knew it was coming and still couldn't stop it ... On the road!!!

          I stated the day Daniel Gibson went off that he was a star in the making and i also thought Varejao along with Gooden, can be future sidekicks if they continue to blossom. It might be happening and if it does ... WOW, the rest of the League will be in trouble over the next 5 years (IMO).

          By all accounts, LeBron is the type of athlete you SHOULD hope your kid looks up to and (IMO), he has lived up to hype that i didn't think anyone possibly could. I never remembered seeing High School Basketball on ESPN until Lebron was labeled as the next Jordan or Magic. I figured that this guy had to be amazing to have his high school games treated like College basketball and i still can't believe how well he has handled it all on and off the court.

          As a "Fan of Sports" ... I truly love this guy. He is what will keep me interested in the NBA.
          The voice of reason (most of the time!)Agreed 100% Wayne...he not only is a very talented palyer, but would seem to be a role model as well. Very much like DWade. I knopw one guy that will vehemently disagree with you but would argue he is as good as MJ if he wore a Heat jersey!
          Last edited by Three Jack; 06-05-2007, 07:04 PM.
          Three Jack's Record


          • #65
            Originally posted by TwoTonTony
            But is he better than Sebastian Telfair????
            Depends on if he is packing heat or not.
            Three Jack's Record


            • #66
              Originally posted by kbsooner21
              You giving me 5 to 1 or not?
              KB, I can answer that...OF COURSE NOT!@
              Three Jack's Record


              • #67
                Originally posted by wayne1218
                If Lebron's career ended today would he be considered one of the All Time greats? Absolutely not. With that said, he has done more already at his age than Jordan ever dreamed of doing and all others as well. Assuming an injury doesn't end his career early, he will be a No brainer for the Hall of Fame and 50 greatest of All Time list. There is no doubt about that just based on the numbers he has put up to this point and more importantly, the maturity he shows at this age. It is amazing.

                I've never seen a NBA team win a NBA Title with one player. It's no secret and everyone has acknowledged that until he gets a sidekick/true 2nd option, on both sides of the ball, he is helpless. What is so amazing about him this year isn't that he scored 25 straight or 29 of the last 30 to win a big game ... It's that he basically did it all by himself with zero 2nd options AND one of the best defensive teams in the league knew it was coming and still couldn't stop it ... On the road!!!

                I stated the day Daniel Gibson went off that he was a star in the making and i also thought Varejao along with Gooden, can be future sidekicks if they continue to blossom. It might be happening and if it does ... WOW, the rest of the League will be in trouble over the next 5 years (IMO).

                By all accounts, LeBron is the type of athlete you SHOULD hope your kid looks up to and (IMO), he has lived up to hype that i didn't think anyone possibly could. I never remembered seeing High School Basketball on ESPN until Lebron was labeled as the next Jordan or Magic. I figured that this guy had to be amazing to have his high school games treated like College basketball and i still can't believe how well he has handled it all on and off the court.

                As a "Fan of Sports" ... I truly love this guy. He is what will keep me interested in the NBA.
                More imprortantly, where are your picks? I need to leave work!!!
                Three Jack's Record


                • #68
                  Jack.....why do you keep coming said you were done. Wayne, good write up, I think that you did a good job of stating the obvious WITHOUT using the word GREAT. As for the High School games, it is exactly a point I have tried to make.......the media creates alot of this. Is he good, without question, will he someday be GREAT remains to be seen. But by all indications he certainly will have the opportunity to. As for the role model, I am a father of three. I don't know that any athlete (with the exception do Dwade....I'm joking) is suppose to be considered a "role model". He I guess is a little bit too urban for me, and that IS NOT a knock on him. But I will say to date, he had done NOTHING to make him not be a role model.
                  I guess my deal is I am a purist with sports. I have been blessed to truly see some of the greatest in my lifetime MJ, Magic, Doc, David Thompson, Larry Legend. And it is hard for me just to hand over the GREAT title to anyone......including the GREAT Dwade (Im joking)
                  Hell, someday he may win 7 or 8 titles (James) and if he does I will be the first to proclaim his greatness. For now he is a good player on a ONE man show, that have NO chance of winning the title. But hey, people said my Heat had NO chance when down 0-2, but I still believed. That's what fans do!
                  "Just livin' the dream"


                  • #69
                    OK are you living up to both predictions Game one and the series? I give you 5 to 1 on both? And Jack, you can quit answering for me, unless you are going to get in here and bear witness $$$$. Otherwise, you are accepting the sidelines where you are. Well KB?
                    "Just livin' the dream"


                    • #70
                      The series. 5 to 1


                      • #71
                        OK I will take the Spurs 5 to 1 for the series...C note? I mean if you want to give me a C note why not. And you are not bored you don't want 5 to 1 on game ONE. You predicted it.....................cmon I want to buy a James Jersey
                        "Just livin' the dream"


                        • #72
                          soonerbud, you simply can't carry a whole team to the NBA Finals by just being a good player. It wasn't done by winning a one game series or by coincidence. That's all i'm saying.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by soonerbud
                            Jack.....why do you keep coming said you were done. Wayne, good write up, I think that you did a good job of stating the obvious WITHOUT using the word GREAT. As for the High School games, it is exactly a point I have tried to make.......the media creates alot of this. Is he good, without question, will he someday be GREAT remains to be seen. But by all indications he certainly will have the opportunity to. As for the role model, I am a father of three. I don't know that any athlete (with the exception do Dwade....I'm joking) is suppose to be considered a "role model". He I guess is a little bit too urban for me, and that IS NOT a knock on him. But I will say to date, he had done NOTHING to make him not be a role model.
                            I guess my deal is I am a purist with sports. I have been blessed to truly see some of the greatest in my lifetime MJ, Magic, Doc, David Thompson, Larry Legend. And it is hard for me just to hand over the GREAT title to anyone......including the GREAT Dwade (Im joking)
                            Hell, someday he may win 7 or 8 titles (James) and if he does I will be the first to proclaim his greatness. For now he is a good player on a ONE man show, that have NO chance of winning the title. But hey, people said my Heat had NO chance when down 0-2, but I still believed. That's what fans do!
                            Sonner, honest question that I mean with all seriousness and not trying to instigate...why does David Thompson make that list?
                            Three Jack's Record


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by soonerbud
                              OK I will take the Spurs 5 to 1 for the series...C note? I mean if you want to give me a C note why not. And you are not bored you don't want 5 to 1 on game ONE. You predicted it.....................cmon I want to buy a James Jersey
                              Done. Spurs win I send you $100. Cavs win you send me $500.


                              • #75
                                i know shit about hoops but i listen to sports radio and maybe someone can answer me this:

                                after games 1 & 2 they literally killed LeBron James and said in 12 out of 15 games where he had a chance to win it with a shot he dished it off......and he has to take over to be great......(however does this conversation happen if D. Marshall hits the 3 and then is it...("that Lebron knows how to involve everyone')

                                after game 2 he missed the shot and was hearing people saying he has to take over.....mj would not let this happen....blah blah blah....

                                then games 3-6 happen which 1 of them was unbelievable and the last 1 was Booby's show....

                                I guess my question is "how does someone go from good to great in about a week"?

                                also was he great sooner if D. Marshall made the shot?

                                I personally think the term great gets thrown around much too easily like the word hero. I think he had a great performance and is on the verge of being great and i would say it is not IF but WHEN? I like LJ and i realize he is only 22 yrs old, but from an outsider he does not have the same fluidity that a MJ or even a Kobe has. He is very ***** and powerful....but does not possess the quickness of either of those 2 guys....

                                Again......i do not know shit about hoops.....I never understood how a team sport becomes "Michaels team" or "Kobe's team".....not a big fan of 4 guys waiting for 1 guy to make his move and if any of the others shoot bear the wrath from the superstar who has to get his shots....(i.e. kobe)

