OOOOH my gosh.....see when the heat comes on, he isn't that GREAT is he brother??? I understand you obviously are alot wiser then I anticipated. I know the Finals probably do not interest you..........I wouldn't want to watch the guy I endorsed get beat either.
Since when have I endorsed the guy?!?! The only reason I responded in the first place was to get a rise out of you and I can see you take a little offense to it.
OBSESSION???? I am not obsessed with Dwade, I never ever called him GREAT. But I know one thing, he led a big underdog Heat team (by the diesel admission) to a ring. If your Savior who has "arrived" can do the same.......I will be the first one singing his praise. But we know that ain't going to happen huh? As for your question, neither has won without Shaq, which is exactly why Shaq is the most dominant big man ever.
Lebron is great, he is the real deal. The problem is he is just one person. Unlike MJ, lebron doesnt have the supporting cast. That is why SA will win this series....IMO. lebron is only 22. I'm not saying he is the best player ever. But anyone who thinks he isnt living up to the hype is NUTS!!! W/O the great one Cleveland isnt even a .500 team and isnt even in the playoffs let alone the NBA finals.
OBSESSION???? I am not obsessed with Dwade, I never ever called him GREAT. But I know one thing, he led a big underdog Heat team (by the diesel admission) to a ring. If your Savior who has "arrived" can do the same.......I will be the first one singing his praise. But we know that ain't going to happen huh? As for your question, neither has won without Shaq, which is exactly why Shaq is the most dominant big man ever.
My point exactly! Put Shaq with Lebron and they destroy anyone in the league.
NO you responded because you think he is the best out there. Probably because the "poll" said so. So don't act like you havn't said that. Now when its 48 hours from put up or shut up, you guys are bailing off the Cavs wagon driven by the GREAT one like he has NO chance...........whats up with that??
NO you responded because you think he is the best out there. Probably because the "poll" said so. So don't act like you havn't said that. Now when its 48 hours from put up or shut up, you guys are bailing off the Cavs wagon driven by the GREAT one like he has NO chance...........whats up with that??
See Bry, that is a very true post and that is my point exactly. Lets not give the guy the MJ throne just yet as he IMO isn't even the BEST player in the NBA right now. But time may prove me wrong, but I doubt it. The NBA will never see another MJ and perhaps never see the dominace his Bulls team showed.
I would put smiley faces down there too KB if I had nothing to say.................because you know in 48 hours the King for the day is in big much did you want to $$$ Witness brother. lol
ODDS are you fucking kidding me??? You should be giving me points every game.....the poor Spurs are playing against the BEST PLAYER in the NBA!! Are you kidding me ODDS!! You embarass the GREATNESS of King James, I will tell you what, We will go $100 dollars a game, straight ML, I mean obviously Vegas does not know how GREAT Lebron is. All you guys telling me how great he is, got me worried that it make take 5 games to put the KING away lol!!
You dropped out, because you know he isn't that GREAT....And you know they have NO chance of winning. Like I said talk is cheap. You only want to back the GREAT one when they win ONE game and series. If he is that great, he will lead them over the Spurs like Dwade led the Heat over the Mavs.......Dude, its OK to be wrong! You were just overwhelmed by the hype, its understandable. Just don't hate those of us who are not.
You can try and try and try, but it ain't going to work. I have spent way to much time debating the merits of a team and a player that I could careless about. I just love a healthy sports discussion. Like I said, I will watch 30 minutes of this series. I am not an obnoxious fan that runs his mouth about my favorite teams or players (find me one post where i have said a peep about the Mets this year). I like to poke some fun at others (TMac for instance) as much as they like to poke fun at me. And when some people make outrageous comments, I like to call them out and provoke discussion. If someone makes bold statements (like the Pistons will crush the Cavs), I like to have some fun with it as well. I will make bold predictions or statements about players/teams I like as well and fully expect the good natured ribbing if I am wrong. Its part of being opinionated and it's all in good nature....
What caught my attention to your posts, because in a lot of ways we actually agree about LeBron, I just give him a bit more credit than you do, is you calling the guy a punk with part of the reason being because he doesn't smile to the TV cameras. Great call of a persons integrity there, my friend. Perhaps it takes one to know one?
KB.....what is going on here?? In the Finals thread Wayne put up you picked the Savior in game ONE and in the FINALS?? So you don't believe that now, or what? I mean, are you losing faith in the GREAT one. Or did you just come to you senses and realize you a few others may be completely wrong about this team and their leader. If not...........back up your pick brother!! Man, that is weak.
I agreee with if it goes back to Detroit it is DONE.......I think Billups and "crazy" Sheed will make sure it goes back. I am still just baffled how such a ONE man show, could beat a "championship" caliber Detroit team...........I think tonight will show if the Savior has arrived in Cleveland.