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keep Imus job.....

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  • #61
    Originally posted by jt4545
    wayne, yes that would hurt, but why make a big fuss about it? yes what he said was dead wrong, but what can i do about it, raise hell,get mad, what good would that do? i'm saying there are a lot more things i would rather fight than someones stupid words lilke drugs, rape, too much drunk driving, child abuse, i've heard everything in my adult life, and i know of no one dying from someone's dumd stupid remarks, i've seen and heard both black and whites say things that are wrong, forget it, just feel sorry for that person, i know a lot of blacks that can't stand white people and lots of whites that hate blacks so on and so on. this world is full of hate i bet anything if everyone told the truth about their feelings about each race and i mean all races it would not be a pretty site!!!!!
    I actually agree. Honestly, you're right, it didn't really bother me either. I do think it was wrong to say and i do not agree with it though.

    I also saw the Sharpton interview with Imus and i have to be honest again in saying Sharpton was a bigger ass and moron than Imus was in his comments. I can't stand Sharpton. He thinks he is the see all and be all and i think he is full of BS.

    I also think this Rutgers press conference is way blown out of proportion. It's ridiculous to give a 2 hour speech over a stupid "Shock Jock" and one of his off the cuff comments.
    Last edited by wayne1218; 04-10-2007, 12:49 PM.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Kaptain
      Thank you for the opening sentence in your post.....then you go downhill....

      back to me pointing you out.....I rest my case once's all you apparently see....The world against bullseye my man, just insecurity on your part...

      Hilarious, that I base my opinion of you and your life by the games you cap, would be true, had I done that, but I based em on your non sports comments, and the way you react to others....Not capping........

      What is ridiculous though, is me wasting my time, to try and change the spots on a Leopoard.......

      I'm through with this conversqtion, as it's going no where, and can only cause deeper problems....

      You, Jordan, and twr, carry on with your lives, and I'll carry on with the little bit that's left to mine..........kapt

      im not understanding something here...if your done, why in the world are you replying to this thread, you have the most replies on here, but you said you're done.....


      • #63

        Originally posted by jordanrules23
        im not understanding something here...if your done, why in the world are you replying to this thread, you have the most replies on here, but you said you're done.....

        It damn sure isn't the first and only thing you haven't understood in this Forum........

        If you use your common sense, which I'm starting to doubt you have, my last post said I was through, and then I applauded TwoTon Tony's comments.....

        You are probably the most negative person on this site, bar none, and never have anything constructive to say.....You always seem to wind up in the controversial issues threads, which is probably where you should stay....

        You thrive on it....You exist on it, you, in your own mind, justify your belonging to anything, by controversy....

        I said I was through with this subject, and I am, but I'll never be through with arrogant losers such as you....

        I'll get out of this thread, and I'll stay away from you, as I personaly don't like you, and what you stand for, IMO, and thats the one that counts for me....

        You try and do the same, and leave me the hell alone....I have nothing to say to you, or the likes of you....

        You enjoy yourself, and you have a nice day....kapt

        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


        • #64
          Originally posted by wayne1218
          I actually agree. Honestly, you're right, it didn't really bother me either. I do think it was wrong to say and i do not agree with it though.

          I also saw the Sharpton interview with Imus and i have to be honest again in saying Sharpton was a bigger ass and moron than Imus was in his comments. I can't stand Sharpton. He thinks he is the see all and be all and i think he is full of BS.

          I also think this Rutgers press conference is way blown out of proportion. It's ridiculous to give a 2 hour speech over a stupid "Shock Jock" and one of his off the cuff comments.
          Although I don't think much of George Bush, I shudder to think of the possibility of Al Sharpton as President.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Kaptain
            I still say it was inappropriate for the poster to try and elude to the fact that he meant the white women on the team.....

            Who, and what do you think he meant.....Listen to the Author himself refer to his statement, and see what you get out of it, if he meant the White girls, or the Afro American girls.....

            I'm not naive or gullible enough to believe it was intended for the white girls....Either way, intended for Afro Americans, or whites, Freedom Of Speech was never intended for that kind of talk.........

            Freedom of Speech entitles one to voicing their opinion, was that his opinion, or a slip of the tongue (erroneous statement)...Freedom of Speech, as good as it is, still doesn't allow for deragatory/demeaning comments........

            I'm through with this subject, as it has been going on for hundreds of years, and just when you think there's progress, a bufoon like this, sets it back again.....

            Your opinion is yours, mine is mine, they happen to differ....

            You have a nice day....I'm out on this TOPIC....kapt

            Moron, does it not say "im out of this topic""????? you continue to be a sham to everyone but a few....your stuck in your old ass ways and have ***** blinders on, i never disrespect you in any way, you continue to do so....your a fraud on this site, i see it clearly.....


            • #66
              Originally posted by Kaptain
              It damn sure isn't the first and only thing you haven't understood in this Forum........

              If you use your common sense, which I'm starting to doubt you have, my last post said I was through, and then I applauded TwoTon Tony's comments.....

              You are probably the most negative person on this site, bar none, and never have anything constructive to say.....You always seem to wind up in the controversial issues threads, which is probably where you should stay....

              You thrive on it....You exist on it, you, in your own mind, justify your belonging to anything, by controversy....

              I said I was through with this subject, and I am, but I'll never be through with arrogant losers such as you....

              I'll get out of this thread, and I'll stay away from you, as I personaly don't like you, and what you stand for, IMO, and thats the one that counts for me....

              You try and do the same, and leave me the hell alone....I have nothing to say to you, or the likes of you....

              You enjoy yourself, and you have a nice day....kapt
              i NEVER go into as much as read your threads, ill out KAp you anyday, go on and be a hypocrite and cry somewhere else...


              • #67
                Jordan, I just made you a fresh new pot....enjoy


                • #68
                  ahhhhh taste good..
                  truth hurts here in America....go press #2 for spanish


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Kaptain
                    Thank you for the opening sentence in your post.....then you go downhill....

                    back to me pointing you out.....I rest my case once's all you apparently see....The world against bullseye my man, just insecurity on your part...

                    Hilarious, that I base my opinion of you and your life by the games you cap, would be true, had I done that, but I based em on your non sports comments, and the way you react to others....Not capping........

                    What is ridiculous though, is me wasting my time, to try and change the spots on a Leopoard.......

                    I'm through with this conversqtion, as it's going no where, and can only cause deeper problems....

                    You, Jordan, and twr, carry on with your lives, and I'll carry on with the little bit that's left to mine..........kapt
                    Really Kapt ? This is what you wrote:

                    "You are a "Contrarian"....your picks show that, your arguementative personality displays that, and every reply you make in here, enhances that......."


                    • #70
                      Was the site around when Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were using the terms "hymietown" and "white interlopers"? I know it was around when Dusty Baker said what he did, as well as Michael Irvin. Even Charles Barley. Besides the Irvin thread, I can't find others. I assume Kapt would have commented in those threads about this "vile" speech?


                      • #71
                        Barkley is GREAT !! He tells is like it is and dosent back down. He gives his opinions on both blacks and whites. I have heard him say some harsh "truths" to / about black people that no other black man would have the balls to say. Barkley is the man!!


                        • #72
                          Comments like the ones Imus made are happening less now than they did 5 or 10 years ago. The reason is not that people like Imus have more tolerance. He is the same predudiced bigot he was then. The reason for it is that those that are that thoughtless have been made to pay for perpetuating the type of thinking that Imus perpetuates with that kind of comment. I think a two-week suspension is appropriate. I doubt he will make a thoughtless mistake like that again.


                          • #73

                            Originally posted by jordanrules23
                            i NEVER go into as much as read your threads, ill out KAp you anyday, go on and be a hypocrite and cry somewhere else...

                            Now here's and immature and cocky statement coming from someone who......

                            doesn't even post plays, just lurks around waiting for controversial topics so he can put his erroneous opinions in.....

                            threads that were designed to initiate trouble........

                            You started this damn stupid ass thread, in the wrong section naturally, and made yet another snipe by stating the "democracks" will be coming out...etc.........

                            This is yet another method of yours to initiate controversy.....looking for rebuttals and disagreements.....

                            You're a whopping 34 years old.....Were you around in the 50's and 60's, when racial problems were killing people....When certain people couldn't use the same bathroom, the same bus, the same water fountain, the same church, etc. etc., because others had the same sick demented ideas you posess....

                            I was there you young ass punk, and it wasn't pleasant.....were you around the war front to watch soldiers, some Afro American, get their heads blown off, for the wonderful, right to "Freedom of Speech"....course were probably lurking then....

                            Others gave you the right of Freedom of Speech, and you damn sure don't do it justice by your attitude....I'm one of those fvkn others, and it makes me sad, that lives were lost for assholes like you....

                            Lets see some of that great capping....Put a play out there....How many have you put out there since you invaded this forum.....I don't see many.....

                            You, and your logic, are a disgrace to what I call a classy forum, which is slowly evolving backwards, as long as assholes like you are allowed here....

                            You say hypocrite, and go cry somewhere else.....Not a hypocrite, just believe in fairness to mankind, I'll leave open an exception in your case....Cry.....You got me crying right now, to think that others put their lives on the line, so you can misconstrue and misuse the "Freedom of Speech" that was given to you.....

                            You're obviously a racist, to condone that statement, and hoping the "democracks", quote you, would pick up on it.....Is there a difference in a Democrat, or Republican opposing your beliefs.....Or, are you close minded there also.....

                            You're a disgrace to this Forum, and I'm ashamed to consider that I belong to the same Orginization as you.....

                            Go ahead young man, keep your beliefs.....We can't win em all....

                            PS---thanks for all the "Great PLays" you've given this Forum, you've made us all a "Ton of Money"....Now that's hypocritical....Fvkn Clown.....Loser......I can't even describe your sorry ass....

                            Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                            • #74
                              Racial comments will continue to be a topic in the world forever after we are dead and gone.

                              Everyone has a different opinion on the topic, brought mostly about from the way they are raised as adolescents (by parents and community), and then developed as they are today, from years of personal experiences (friendships or gang violence, to name a few) with other races.

                              If you are white and had an Archie Bunker for a father, you probably hate blacks. If you are a Black Female and was rapped by a White Man, you probably hate Whites.
                              I grew up in the inner city of Pgh and lived and played with all kinds of races. I guess you might say, I'm color-blinded.

                              Arguing about what other people say on This Topic on a Gambling site, is as useless as arguing about Politics, and is nothing more than wasting some valuable time in your life.


                              • #75
                                First of all, the only thing Imus should be fired for is being unfunny and completely unentertaining.

                                Secondly, who gives a shit what some senile, bitter old coot says on the radio? How does that affect any of your lifestyles?

                                This world has become way too politically correct. You want to sensor what someone says on the radio? Why not prevent us from gambling online or daytrading, while you're at it?

                                Oh wait......they did that already.

                                He's an idiot and what he said was stupid and wasn't even close to being funny. Anyone looking to Imus for meaningful social commentary needs to get a life.

                                Hey Kaptain....i'm a huge Stern fan. Does that make me a bad person?

