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keep Imus job.....

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  • #46
    Originally posted by wayne1218
    The coach did issue a statement, days ago. Where were you and why do the girls need to respond right away to tell us the obvious, it's wrong, when the man who said it, admitted that himself?
    This comment was over a week ago. They would need to respond as they are the supposed "affected" and aggreved (sp). And unfortunately I wouldn't put a lot of stock into an apology from a man with a gun to his head. I guess b/c it's "obvious" to you, everyone must have the same opinion?


    • #47
      Originally posted by wayne1218
      One question. If someone referred to your daughter using those words on national radio, you wouldn't be bothered or affected by it ... or at least feel for her? I find that hard to believe. I guess i would think of the people it does affect before making comments like that on national radio but that's just me.
      So you don't like Dave Chapelle, Chris Rock, or Dice Clay?


      • #48

        Originally posted by gbell
        I never said he comment was appropriate or acceptable. He said he was wrong, he said he was sorry. The first (wrong)probably is to appease the corporate sponsors and the second(sorry) maybe he truly feels. I was referring to your comment about it being inapporiate for the poster to have brought up white women.
        I still say it was inappropriate for the poster to try and elude to the fact that he meant the white women on the team.....

        Who, and what do you think he meant.....Listen to the Author himself refer to his statement, and see what you get out of it, if he meant the White girls, or the Afro American girls.....

        I'm not naive or gullible enough to believe it was intended for the white girls....Either way, intended for Afro Americans, or whites, Freedom Of Speech was never intended for that kind of talk.........

        Freedom of Speech entitles one to voicing their opinion, was that his opinion, or a slip of the tongue (erroneous statement)...Freedom of Speech, as good as it is, still doesn't allow for deragatory/demeaning comments........

        I'm through with this subject, as it has been going on for hundreds of years, and just when you think there's progress, a bufoon like this, sets it back again.....

        Your opinion is yours, mine is mine, they happen to differ....

        You have a nice day....I'm out on this TOPIC....kapt
        Last edited by Kaptain; 04-10-2007, 11:06 AM.

        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


        • #49
          Originally posted by wayne1218

          Do i think he should be fired? No way. Freedom of speech built this country and we should accept each person for their thoughts and opinions as their own and their right to have them but it's easy to say it isn't a big deal by a few in this thread for one reason ... IT DOESN'T AFFECT THEM!
          All i can go by is the mans words gbell, right or wrong. It isn't my place to judge which words he says are real and which are not. Either way the comment and apology were both his. I also stated above that everyone deserves their own opinions but i guess you missed that!


          • #50
            Originally posted by gbell
            So you don't like Dave Chapelle, Chris Rock, or Dice Clay?
            Huh? Most comedy routines have always been looked upon differently. People seem to accept it as a "Joke" going in. Right or wrong. If Chris Rock went on david letterman, sat in the seat beside dave and said ... "I think the Rutgers womans team looks like a bunch of nappi headed ho's" do i think he would have received similiar bad press? You bet. But once again gbell, IT IS ONLY MY OPINION.


            • #51
              To change the subject slightly, I can't stand Rush Limbaugh's views.
              Over his long career, I have heard remarks made by him which I intrepet as racial such statements made by him and heard by me as saying in the middle of the afternnon, "Well I guess welfare recipients are just getting up now",,or how about the way he mocked in his intonations the way in which Bill Clinton spoke when he was still President or the nasty, slur implied way in which he referred to Reverend Jackson(you have to hear the way he says it to understand what he is saying and its racial implications).
              No these and other comments made by him are not as obvious as what Imus said, but anyone who has listened to this man for any period of time such as I have would see that deep down inside he is a bigot and has a condescenging attitude.
              That being said, I still feel he has a right to stay on the radio, and I do listen to him (even though I think he is a racist and arrogant turd).
              The whole point again is that words are words, and do not affect your safety or health;you cannot say the same about the other stuff going on in the world.
              Last edited by savage1; 04-10-2007, 11:11 AM.


              • #52

                Originally posted by savage1
                To change the subject slightly, I can't stand Rush Limbaugh's views.
                Over his long career, I have heard remarks made by him which I intrepet as racial such statements made by him and heard by me as saying in the middle of the afternnon, "Well I guess welfare recipients are just getting up now",,or how about the way he mocked in his intonations the way in which Bill Clinton spoke when he was still President or the nasty, slur implied way in which he referred to Reverend Jackson(you have to hear the way he says it to understand what he is saying and its racial implications).
                No these and other comments made by him are not as obvious as what Imus said, but anyone who has listened to this man for any period of time such as I have would see that deep down inside he is a bigot and has a condescenging attitude.

                ************************************************** ***********

                That being said, I still feel he has a right to stay on the radio, and I do listen to him (even though I think he is a racist and arrogant turd).
                Question for ya----you say all this, racist and terd, then WHY ??????? do you bother listening to him.........Find something else to do....There's other people on the Radio, and TV to monitor...
                ************************************************** **********

                The whole point again is that words are words, and do not affect your safety or health;you cannot say the same about the other stuff going on in the world.
                I wouldn't waste my time listening to Limbaugh, for the exact same reasonbs you pointed out in your own post....kapt

                Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                • #53
                  QUOTE=Kaptain]I wouldn't waste my time listening to Limbaugh, for the exact same reasonbs you pointed out in your own post....kapt[/QUOTE]
                  In all due respect, even though I don't listen to anywhere near his entire show, I don't want to shut him out either; I do want to know his views and take on things,as much as I disagree with them.
                  In essence, I think that the more one hears and reads about the differing points of view of others, the more one can solidify and/or clarify his/her own point of view.
                  I have in reality strayed a bit from the main topic here, which is Imus's remarks;the main point I was trying to make is that people are up and arms about one racial slur and saying he should be fired.
                  Rush Limbaugh, while not as obvious as Imus, has been saying or in many cases implying things for many years which could be construed as racial and/or demeaning to less fortunate folks-how about the hullabaloo about Donovan McNabb or Michael Fox! He is still broadcasting and in my opinion so should Imus;if the network fired him, believe me it would be for economic/ratngs reasons only and nothing to do with what he said.


                  • #54
                    i just think the case would carry more weight if the charge was being led by 2 people who were not hypocritical....(sharpton and jackson) who both have been accused of the same....hymie town....let the jews pins their ears back and go at it....and how sharpton has any credibility is beyond me....i am from that area and he was a joke up until his resurgence about 7 years ago.....that being said imus is a miserable piece of shit who has no redeeming qualities (except his ranch)


                    • #55

                      Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                      i just think the case would carry more weight if the charge was being led by 2 people who were not hypocritical....(sharpton and jackson) who both have been accused of the same....hymie town....let the jews pins their ears back and go at it....and how sharpton has any credibility is beyond me....i am from that area and he was a joke up until his resurgence about 7 years ago.....that being said imus is a miserable piece of shit who has no redeeming qualities (except his ranch)

                      Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                      • #56
                        Anyone watching the press conference?


                        • #57
                          wayne, yes that would hurt, but why make a big fuss about it? yes what he said was dead wrong, but what can i do about it, raise hell,get mad, what good would that do? i'm saying there are a lot more things i would rather fight than someones stupid words lilke drugs, rape, too much drunk driving, child abuse, i've heard everything in my adult life, and i know of no one dying from someone's dumd stupid remarks, i've seen and heard both black and whites say things that are wrong, forget it, just feel sorry for that person, i know a lot of blacks that can't stand white people and lots of whites that hate blacks so on and so on. this world is full of hate i bet anything if everyone told the truth about their feelings about each race and i mean all races it would not be a pretty site!!!!!

                          Fat Tuesday's - Home


                          • #58
                            I guess I could have summed up my overall feelings of the matter in one word-trite.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by wayne1218
                              Anyone watching the press conference?
                              Playing the victom card is sad. Nice recruiting speech for Rutgers though.


                              • #60
                                Does anyone actually listen to the guy?

