This forum? It was just created because of all this crap gbell ... MEANING people were so sick of seeing it, a new place had to be created to throw it in!
Thank you for it's creation Wayne. I am sure BC is also happy that he has a place to vent also. Again, thank you!
Glad I'm not the only one who couldn't give a rats ass about any of his useless cut and paste crap....It's posted all over the internet so tools like Gbell can eat it up and post it on sites like this....Seriously
Bottom line....In one plus year, there will be a Democrat in office and a Democratic Congress and you can't do a damn thing about it.....Enjoy the next four years of liberal rule in this country.....Bush is a lame duck and it's well deserved!
Four years of Conservative Congress and a Conservative President and they haven't accomplished shit......
gbell must listen to rush lambough(?) that right wing drug addict who urinates over the air waves about the great george bush and the always right - republican party- thats 3 jag-offs, i and alot of ppl would love to be with out
From a while back!!! Just to refresh some memories!!!
Curious confusion swirls around former first daughter Chelsea Clinton's upcoming essay for TALK magazine describing exactly where she was on Terror Day in New York City.
Breaking her media silence once and for all -- Chelsea writes in great detail about her personal experience on the morning of September 11.
But, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, her account now sharply conflicts with her mother's version of Chelsea's New York adventure.
Appearing on NBC's DATELINE, Sen. Hillary Clinton told how daughter Chelsea cheated death on that fateful morning.
"She had gone on what she thought would be a great jog," Hillary Clinton explained. "She was going down to Battery Park, she was going to go around the towers. She was going to get a cup of coffee and - that's when the plane hit!"
Hillary's dramatic story about her daughter's close call with the Twin Towers became a media sensation.
"At that moment, she was not just a Senator, but a concerned parent," TODAY show's Katie Couric told viewers.
But now, in her own words, Chelsea does not mention a jog. Does not mention her plans to go to Battery Park, around the towers -- only to be stopped by a coffee break.
In fact, Chelsea writes that she was at her friend's apartment on Park Avenue South -- miles from Ground Zero -- when she learned of the attacks!
"I stared senselessly at the television," Chelsea writes.
Calls to Senator Clinton went unreturned on Friday.