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Rips April Lock

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  • #46
    some people are so "ucking stupid. You all are drive a great guy away who does nothing but try and help us. Everyone on this site loses fricking games, but when rip does....hes a bad guy.

    Leave him alone and let him win money for us!!

    great job rip....hang in there!


    • #47
      Originally posted by cozmo
      some people are so "ucking stupid. You all are drive a great guy away who does nothing but try and help us. Everyone on this site loses fricking games, but when rip does....hes a bad guy.

      Leave him alone and let him win money for us!!

      great job rip....hang in there!
      Nobody is trying to drive Rip away. I think everyone has said more than enough times that we appreciate the work that he does. Plus, I don't think anyone has said he is a bad guy. You're right AND that is the point, everyone loses games and nobody is going to chastize him for that. He probably wins more than he loses!


      • #48
        Originally posted by cozmo
        some people are so "ucking stupid. You all are drive a great guy away who does nothing but try and help us. Everyone on this site loses fricking games, but when rip does....hes a bad guy.

        Leave him alone and let him win money for us!!

        great job rip....hang in there!

        i DON'T see 1 reply that said he's a bad guy, or anyone wants him to leave. He (Ripple) said that he sucks, no one else.


        • #49
          I did not mean to say that he was a bad guy....and I did not mean that is what other people called him....i meant nobody else on this site gets bashed by people when they lose games. I just think that the guy has done great things for us, and that he should be praised for. You, wayne, Kmann, spark (anyone I am missing)...everyone wins and loses and everyone of you do great things for this site. I started winning after I got on here and looking at all of you plays. I look at everyones picks on here, but it is up to us to play the plays. No one is breaking our arms. I look to see what ones I like and it is up to me to play them.

          I am not trying to start anything here RJ, just trying to help pick up Rip's spirits.

          Thanks for all you do also!


          • #50
            RIP ur still DA MAN!!!!!


            • #51
              cant we all just get along
              OVERALL OPINONS 1ST 2 WEEKS 136-121-52.9%
              NBA 98-97 TOTALS 54-44 SPREADS 44-53 THRU 12/4
              NFL 38-24 TOTALS 19-13 SPREADS 19-11 THRU 12/4


              dont call my p.o.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Ripple
                hey dickhead,,read the fucking rules,,it says right in there there might be 1 or 2 games that have nothing to do with the fades,,,tell monte to bann my ass..get everyone to email him and tell him to bann my ip ,,no biggie..but i dont want to hear ur shit,,u always got shit to say about most people..mind ur own fucking business..i posted where im supposed to post..have monte ..spark or wayne tell me i cant post in my own section and i wont..but i dont see the 3 bosses having a problem with my plays or post..and i guess u cant read the rules with alll the shit thats in ur head ,,ur such a dickhead
                Boy Rip you better run to your local watering hole and get a drink. At 6:56 you reply to me. Then at 8:04 I'm a dickhead.

                BTW rules? Those rules are a joke. They are your rules. We should change the forum name to "The Kiss Rip's Ass Forum". God forbid anyone comes into your forum and dissents from your opinion. They risk banishment.

                Did you get that drink yet you fucking drunk? You don't want to hear my shit. Guess what too fucking bad. You're a fucking crybaby. I'm tired of your fucking whining. You lose a bet and you want to jump off the GW Bridge. Also, last I checked EVERYTHING posted in all these threads is EVERYONE'S business. It's an open forum.

                One last thing. You're not a capper. You count service picks. Big fucking deal. Any fucking monkey could do so. In the past you've whined about what hard work it is counting. Does it tax your feeble drunk brain to count past 5?


                The Dickhead


                • #53
                  Originally posted by RJeremy
                  isn't that the truth. Rip you are too sensitive. Frank was just busting your balls a little bit. It was a tough loss, that's it. No more than that. We all lose big games, its not the end of the world. No one wants to have you banned, or wants you gone. A lot of people appreciate what you do here. Everytime something goes wrong, you have a fit and say you're leaving and no one appreciates you and you suck. Damn dude, I'd hate to see you at work and lose a big deal or something. You'd probably be on the ledge about to jump.

                  Chill out and keep posting, frank is a good guy and just messin with you for a little bit.
                  RJ like you I bet the Mets yesterday. I didn't wish Rip bad luck. I simply object to the use of LOCK, GOY etc.... It's Rips and only Rips problem that he is too sensitive.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by cozmo
                    some people are so "ucking stupid. You all are drive a great guy away who does nothing but try and help us. Everyone on this site loses fricking games, but when rip does....hes a bad guy.

                    Leave him alone and let him win money for us!!

                    great job rip....hang in there!
                    No one is asking Rip to leave. He's often threatening to leave. He loses a game then threatens to leave.


                    • #55


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by frankb03
                        Boy Rip you better run to your local watering hole and get a drink. At 6:56 you reply to me. Then at 8:04 I'm a dickhead.

                        BTW rules? Those rules are a joke. They are your rules. We should change the forum name to "The Kiss Rip's Ass Forum". God forbid anyone comes into your forum and dissents from your opinion. They risk banishment.

                        Did you get that drink yet you fucking drunk? You don't want to hear my shit. Guess what too fucking bad. You're a fucking crybaby. I'm tired of your fucking whining. You lose a bet and you want to jump off the GW Bridge. Also, last I checked EVERYTHING posted in all these threads is EVERYONE'S business. It's an open forum.

                        One last thing. You're not a capper. You count service picks. Big fucking deal. Any fucking monkey could do so. In the past you've whined about what hard work it is counting. Does it tax your feeble drunk brain to count past 5?


                        The Dickhead

                        Frank are you going to post the fades then?

                        Do you realize it isn't easy doing what rip is doing in the fade thread section.

                        Rules are a joke in this forum? What rules in specific are a joke?


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Parrot

                          I lost my father Friday Night, and it really hurts, but I'll bounce back. You'll bounce back too, Keep up the great work & Keep the faith.
                          Sorry to hear that Parrot.


                          • #58
                            wow this is some fucked up shit right here..............
                            Everybody dies, but not everyone lives.


                            • #59
                              Lol U Guys Crack Me Up
                              I Thought Most Of U Were All Drinking Buddies Or Sumthin Lmao
                              OVERALL OPINONS 1ST 2 WEEKS 136-121-52.9%
                              NBA 98-97 TOTALS 54-44 SPREADS 44-53 THRU 12/4
                              NFL 38-24 TOTALS 19-13 SPREADS 19-11 THRU 12/4

                              NEED 2 MAKE SOME G'S BAD N GET OUT OF THIS RUT

                              dont call my p.o.


                              • #60
                                I see this shit all to much on the net and these forums! Its always the same old thing! Ripple comes along with a great Idea and provides winner after winner. For the most part getting along with everyone and answering all the question that the forum ask. Ripple been doing this all on his own time for free!!!! Than he hit a little slump and the crack heads start to freak out! Why cause money is involved. Gambling is a high risk investment and no one likes to lose! Rather than put the blame where the blame is due they blame Ripple and attack him! Sure Ripple has a sharp tongue and is cocky! Hell he has been providing this site with winners and has earned that as far as I'm concerned! That is all the people want, winners. If the Mets game would of won yesterday everyone would of been so far up his ass its not even funny. Gambling on sports is a long journey! Its not about the game its about the season! How you end the season!!!!! The goal is to be in the plus when the season is over! One game should mean nothing if your using proper money management!!!!!
                                Its shit like this that ruins a good thing! I knew it was too good to last!!!

                                Bitches I tell you!!! Frecken little kids that will never grow up!!!! When you mix money with gambling and immature idiots oh and lets not forget mr. booze, this is what you get. It's not the first time and it won't be the last!!!!!

                                Its just a shame it going to go down like this! The best part of it all is the people who are talking shit don't even post anything that matters! They are just jealous attention whores here to start trouble. Frecken want-a-be Sports gamblers! Once Ripple leaves you won't hear from them again until someone becomes a little successful here! My question is where are the MODS??? Clean this shit up and put the H@mmer down. This site is big enough!!! BAN a few of these ass holes and lets move on!!!!! 99% of us are here to win money, the other 1% thinks this is AOL Chat line!!!!! Delete the negative post, Ban a few people and lets move on! We have a fresh week of MLB NBA Playoffs to look forward too.........

                                Keep your head up Ripple!!!


