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I'm Going on a Romance Tour

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  • I have not updated this for a week basically because nothing has happened. Rosa Maria and I chat on the internet and phone several times a week;phone conversations are still somewhat difficult as my Spanish is not quite enough;I just bought a book on intermediate Spanish grammar in order to refresh my skills.
    Oh yes-I forgot-I just bought a plane ticket to go visit her from Nov. 8-16, as this will break up the waiting time needed to get her over here.
    Its right after the WS, and hopefully Sox will win it again(I wouldn't wager my last cent on this though).


    • About the only exciting thing which happened today is that Peruvian lady with whom I worked for many years told me that there is a site(actually a number of sites) where I can buy phone cards on the internet for greatly reduced phone call rates to Colombia.
      I thought that $.17 a minute I was paying to Verizon(with a $4 monthly fee) was pretty reasonable.
      It turns out that I can call Colombia for between $.03 and $.04 a minute;these reduced rates apply to many other countries also.
      It may not sound like much, but under previous rate an hour phone call to my lady cost around $10;now it is $3 and change;that can add up in savings over time especially when you call as I do 2-3 times a week.


      • It has been a month, actually 28 days, since I returned from Cartagena.
        Rosa Maria and I continue to chat every other day either on the phone with the new cheap rate cited in last post on or the internet.
        The better I get to know her, the more I am convinced that I would never have found anyone this loving, caring, sincere and of course nice looking and young lady like this in the States;she is a real godsend, and I can hardly wait for her to arrive.
        As stated before I will be visiting her in November after the World Series.
        My Spanish continues to improve as I make it a point to read and understand several pages of the spanish refresher course book I purchased.
        If nothing else, if you ever think that there is no one for you in the States, then at least explore doing what I did;the odds here are (especially you guys in your 30's and 40's and even 50's) are a lot better than playing Stu Feiner's or Jack Price/Corey Black(head's) GOY.


        • For those of you interested, everything is going along EXTREMELY well, and our phone calls and emails every day or so only help to solidify our relationship.
          My Spanish is getting better as I have been reading my Spanish refresher book and doing the exercises.
          I will let you know how good her capping skills are when she gets here;one thing for sure-I know I picked a "winner" in this lady.


          • Ok-let me bring you up to date for those of you still interested:
            I received a notice from immigration on Friday stating that I had sent them insufficient proof that I was divorced and free to marry.
            What I had originally sent them was a copy of the divorce nisi decree of 2/03 meaning that I was divorced but that 90 days would have to pass before I was officially divorced.
            I had also sent them a copy of my ex-wife's marriage to her new husband, which I thought would prove that the 90 days had passed and that I was divorced(0therwise how could she remarry?).
            Anyways, the powers that be wanted to see the official divorce decree(they call it absolute).
            In order not to have things delayed, I drove down to courthouse on Friday, had them make a "official" decree, which consists of throwing a few words together and putting a gold star on it to finalize it(the kind of gold star a kid gets on his paper for getting 100 on a test) and then sent it back priority mail.
            Can you believe these bozos at the courthouse charged me $20 for such a simple thing;unfu-cking believeable. I would rather lose $100 on a bet than to get ripped off like that;as we all know though we are talking government here, and someone has to get their kickback(I know this is small potatoes compared to the "Big Dig", probably the most corrupt and failed project in US history).
            Anyways, everything else seems to be on track and I will be visiting Rosa Maria in November after the Red Sox repeat as the WS champs(I can dream can't I).


            • Here is the weekly update for those of you still following this.
              Everything is going along fine;I just got off the phone, and beleive it or not it is becoming easier for me to carry on a understandable conversation with her;she knows exactly at what rate she should speak so that i can understand her;that along with my daily lesson from my refresher Spanish book really helps.
              In additon, of course and more important each conversation solidifies the relationship;we usually talk about 1 to 1 1/2 hours each three times a week.
              Talk about bargains-an hour conversation only cost about $3.00(as I think I said before, a friend of mine told me about these phone cards which blows away the best rates of the major phone companies).
              I really hope that some of you who are dissatisifed and/or frustrated with finding a suitable lady here in the States, will do something similar to what I did;MY 10 billion star lock of the century is that you will not be disappointed and will consider it one of the best investments you ever made.


              • good job savage!! if she has a daughter around 21..............ok... nevermind 18 is legal... give her my email address!!


                • Originally posted by The Lovedoc
                  good job savage!! if she has a daughter around 21..............ok... nevermind 18 is legal... give her my email address!!
                  Lovedoc-Considering my lady is still only 35 herself(turns 36 in November), she would have to have had that daughter when she was 17 to meet your age requirements which is of course possible, but actually she has no childen and has never been married
                  On the other hand, I am sure you can go into any ghetto area of any major city and find a young lady who is 18 or even younger for that matter and will take you on.


                  • savage, whats the time frame for her arrival to the states?
                    Questions, comments, complaints:


                    • Originally posted by jcindaville
                      savage, whats the time frame for her arrival to the states?
                      Its hard to say;a broad range would be three months(very optimistic) to around five months from the time you file all of the paperwork.


                      • Well its been at east 60 days from the first time u met her. So it could still be another 2 months?
                        Last edited by jcindaville; 10-14-2005, 10:39 PM.
                        Questions, comments, complaints:


                        • Originally posted by jcindaville
                          Well its been at east 60 days from the first time u met her. So it could still be another 2 months?
                          Actually, the fairest way to consider the matter is from the time I sent all the paperwork into immigration, which was Aug.30;thus it is really about 45 days and counting.


                          • hope things could move faster for u savage
                            Questions, comments, complaints:


                            • Originally posted by jcindaville
                              hope things could move faster for u savage
                              Thanks jcindaville-so do I.
                              Actually though it isn't that bad, as we talk on the phone 3-4 times a week on the phone and send emails, AND I am going to visit her on 11/8 for a week or so;good things are worth waiting for, and it doesn't get any better than with Rosa Maria-a true gem in every sense of the word!
                              Last edited by savage1; 10-19-2005, 01:45 AM.


                              • I got some real good news today-I received my initial approval form from immigration stating my petition has been approved.
                                From here(Vermont) it goes to the Visa center in New Hampshire for more processing;from there all the paperwork will be sent to the US Consulate in Bogota, Colombia for the wrapup including the very important interview my fiancee must have.
                                There is a way to go yet, but at least I know I did everything right(other than a minor technicality regarding my divorce, which I explained earlier, and have corrected), and I can at least see the light at the end of the tunnel.
                                I think although I think she may receive final approval to come over here before the end of the year, realistically with Christmas and the holiday season, I think the grand event will take place in January.
                                If I could pick the games as well on my own as I did with the complicated paperwork involved here, I might even get to be a good a capper as Stu Feiner or Jack Price. :uzi:
                                In any case I am looking forward to my visit to Cartagena on 11/8.
                                Last edited by savage1; 10-21-2005, 03:29 PM.

