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  • #91
    Originally posted by wayne1218
    Hey i'm probably one of only a few who said nothing about your sister. You should at least respect me for that because she is very nice looking. It was hard to hold back!

    I do respect that. good night


    • #92
      Originally posted by RJeremy
      OH wayne, you have a lot to learn.

      i can't teach it all to you tonight. I have to head out.

      GL tonight guys!!!!!!!! I'll talk to you all in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      I'll send you her most recent modeling pics in the morning!!!
      Monte, you better forward them to me ...


      • #93
        Originally posted by RJeremy
        that's good for the eco-system.......
        You are correct sir, and getting up to 60 mpg on highway(averages in 40's)doesn't hurt considering the price of gas these days.
        Its all a matter of value, what a person considers important and what makes him feel good about himself/herself.
        Like many folks my age, I could buy a very expensive car if I wanted to, but I like cars like this one; you wouldn't believe how many compliments and questions I get from people regarding its design and how it runs; I have owned it for a couple of years and have only seen a handful around.
        I am not trying to brag but simply to point out that even a relatively inexpensive car can make someone feel good about himself.
        The bottom line is that one should choose a car which "fits"that person.


        • #94
          Originally posted by SPARK
          Monte, you better forward them to me ...
          Spark, you better forward them to me..
          "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
          is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


          • #95
            savage i see some of those up here but i don't seem to see many in the winter. Are they good in snow?


            • #96
              Originally posted by savage1
              I will be to the point-I own a Honda Insight (hybrid) and I love it.
              I recently drove a hybrid. I was very impressed. I want to get one.


              • #97
                chung here

                i have had it with these kind of posts-im the only one that does not joke on this sight-i thought this was a sports forum-this shit is getting old..sincerely waynechung..p.s.-marvin says hello to glenda..
                Last edited by WayneChung; 05-20-2005, 10:08 PM.


                • #98
                  hey chung, you have any almond cookies .. Love those things ...


                  • #99
                    Wayne-You had to bring that up.
                    No-the car is not really that good in snow, and I have had some l trouble at times braking and with traction when it is snowy and slippery out, one of the reasons being the car is kind of light.
                    However, this has also been true to an extent with other smaller Hondas I have owned over the years;I think one of the problems was initially(it has improved) was that I had some trouble adjusting to the ABS(I think thats what it is called) braking system.
                    Overall, it is not a real problem though because in really bad weather I only go out to buy food.


                    • Originally posted by frankb03
                      I recently drove a hybrid. I was very impressed. I want to get one.
                      Well where you live the problem won't exist.
                      Most people are going for the ones with a backseat;the Insight has only front seats, which is fine for me right now anyways.
                      ps From what I have read there are some VERY wealthy professors and other people concerned with the environment who are driving them in principle even though they could easily afford the best and most expensive car available.
                      Last edited by savage1; 05-20-2005, 10:16 PM.


                      • savage that's funny! We always joke about that. When snow is predicted people go crazy up here and they go spend like $300 on groceries. Two things. Do they think they will be snowed in for weeks and what do they do with all the frozen and refrigerator stuff when the power goes out? The store's are usually empty of everything. :D
                        Last edited by wayne1218; 05-20-2005, 10:18 PM.


                        • Wayne-I personally on the day of a storm either go out to eat early before storm stats or buy enough food for that meal and maybe lunch the next day if I have nothing in the house-none of that $300 shit for me; know what you are talking about-it kind of reminds me of when after 9/11 some folks went out and bought every inch of duct tape to board up their house(like that would do them any good in long run if there were a terrorist attack) or when flight attendants go through every last detail on a plane on how to put on your seatbelts, oxygen masks or how to exit the plane quickly-hey if that plane goes down, none of those instructions are going to mean shit if you get my drift!


                          • Dudes, come on!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                            • Originally posted by savage1
                              The bottom line is that one should choose a car which "fits"that person.
                              Yes, You are correct Savage ,,, That is why I love my car ...


                              Bryan's Car


                              • chung here

                                SORRY SPARK-no cookies but had changs chicken with brocolli.shrimp dumplings,won-ton soup and two bottles of yellowtail chard. with my baby at p.f. changs for lunch-get you the almond cookies next time brother..
                                DON'T YOU EAT THE YELLOW SNOW !! PS-MARVIN LOVES SPLIT SALAD !!

