Message not meant to offend
We are all looking at screens a billion miles apart. None of you people could seriously come to the aid of anyone in real need in a misfortunate situation.
Can we please lay off the F'n soap opera emotional crap. Whether it's hatred or love. Find some real relationships in your real lives or get a fvcking teddy bear to sleep with at night if you are all so DEPRIVED. My God, Dr Phil doesn't have enough time in a decade to tend to all the emotional issues going on in this place.
Been posting at different forums for years. Guess it's alright when someone comes across this place when pulled from another site huh BC?
BC, please attempt to carry yourself in a little more of a professional manner. Bringing your "she said/she said" cat fights to top billing here does say something of yourself. Regardless of who is correct in your little personal crusade, me thinks you made an error in judgement in the 1st place. Seems you felt some pain somewhere along the way and want your pound of flesh. How is any of this thread going to benefit you?
Get over it girlfriend.
There's a saying along these lines, "If you borrow a friend $100 dollars and he doesn't pay you back you didn't lose anything. He did you a favor. It cost you $100 to find out quickly what he was about."
Wayne, why don't you start your own thread? Or what it the intent of BC to start the fire, and have his bulldog do all the talking? I've seen this play before on this site.
Not exactly an "independant" point of view when your main moderator flying off the handle through the thread when I thought you were asking the members for opinions. Decreases credibility a bit more IMO.
I'm not trying to piss anyone off. To be honest, I (unlike many here) take ANY of these forums for what there worth. I wish everyone all the success in the world. Please find some focus in your lives. Your no better than a bunch of bitches getting their hair done talking about two of their friends feuding. I mean really. THINK ABOUT IT.
When I 1st came across Wiz, it was under the handle Eikos in another forum. We didn't exactly hit it off and went at it for some time one night (me too drinky) when I WAS SICK OF HIM ASKING THE BOARD CONTINUOUSLY for a book to take his "BIG" action. Some here may remember that. I apologized the next day and moved on. He does have something of an ego himself. (possibly the biggest understatement of the year)
Whatever he did or didn't do, it's still words from one side against the other. Shining the light on things in this manner BC shows the confidence (or lack there of) in the members and quality of your business. If not that, then it shows something very unflattering of your personality.
GL on your action ALL YOU NUT JOBS!
I really mean that. I hate bookies!
Like I said....
I've been in a few forums in my time.
Hands down, the best cappers I know in no order....
Golf Pro
EZ (John)
We are all looking at screens a billion miles apart. None of you people could seriously come to the aid of anyone in real need in a misfortunate situation.
Can we please lay off the F'n soap opera emotional crap. Whether it's hatred or love. Find some real relationships in your real lives or get a fvcking teddy bear to sleep with at night if you are all so DEPRIVED. My God, Dr Phil doesn't have enough time in a decade to tend to all the emotional issues going on in this place.
Been posting at different forums for years. Guess it's alright when someone comes across this place when pulled from another site huh BC?
BC, please attempt to carry yourself in a little more of a professional manner. Bringing your "she said/she said" cat fights to top billing here does say something of yourself. Regardless of who is correct in your little personal crusade, me thinks you made an error in judgement in the 1st place. Seems you felt some pain somewhere along the way and want your pound of flesh. How is any of this thread going to benefit you?
Get over it girlfriend.
There's a saying along these lines, "If you borrow a friend $100 dollars and he doesn't pay you back you didn't lose anything. He did you a favor. It cost you $100 to find out quickly what he was about."
Wayne, why don't you start your own thread? Or what it the intent of BC to start the fire, and have his bulldog do all the talking? I've seen this play before on this site.
Not exactly an "independant" point of view when your main moderator flying off the handle through the thread when I thought you were asking the members for opinions. Decreases credibility a bit more IMO.
I'm not trying to piss anyone off. To be honest, I (unlike many here) take ANY of these forums for what there worth. I wish everyone all the success in the world. Please find some focus in your lives. Your no better than a bunch of bitches getting their hair done talking about two of their friends feuding. I mean really. THINK ABOUT IT.
When I 1st came across Wiz, it was under the handle Eikos in another forum. We didn't exactly hit it off and went at it for some time one night (me too drinky) when I WAS SICK OF HIM ASKING THE BOARD CONTINUOUSLY for a book to take his "BIG" action. Some here may remember that. I apologized the next day and moved on. He does have something of an ego himself. (possibly the biggest understatement of the year)
Whatever he did or didn't do, it's still words from one side against the other. Shining the light on things in this manner BC shows the confidence (or lack there of) in the members and quality of your business. If not that, then it shows something very unflattering of your personality.
GL on your action ALL YOU NUT JOBS!
I really mean that. I hate bookies!

Like I said....
I've been in a few forums in my time.
Hands down, the best cappers I know in no order....
Golf Pro
EZ (John)