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Another Forum Stealing Members From BC's Family

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  • Message not meant to offend

    We are all looking at screens a billion miles apart. None of you people could seriously come to the aid of anyone in real need in a misfortunate situation.

    Can we please lay off the F'n soap opera emotional crap. Whether it's hatred or love. Find some real relationships in your real lives or get a fvcking teddy bear to sleep with at night if you are all so DEPRIVED. My God, Dr Phil doesn't have enough time in a decade to tend to all the emotional issues going on in this place.

    Been posting at different forums for years. Guess it's alright when someone comes across this place when pulled from another site huh BC?

    BC, please attempt to carry yourself in a little more of a professional manner. Bringing your "she said/she said" cat fights to top billing here does say something of yourself. Regardless of who is correct in your little personal crusade, me thinks you made an error in judgement in the 1st place. Seems you felt some pain somewhere along the way and want your pound of flesh. How is any of this thread going to benefit you?
    Get over it girlfriend.

    There's a saying along these lines, "If you borrow a friend $100 dollars and he doesn't pay you back you didn't lose anything. He did you a favor. It cost you $100 to find out quickly what he was about."

    Wayne, why don't you start your own thread? Or what it the intent of BC to start the fire, and have his bulldog do all the talking? I've seen this play before on this site.

    Not exactly an "independant" point of view when your main moderator flying off the handle through the thread when I thought you were asking the members for opinions. Decreases credibility a bit more IMO.

    I'm not trying to piss anyone off. To be honest, I (unlike many here) take ANY of these forums for what there worth. I wish everyone all the success in the world. Please find some focus in your lives. Your no better than a bunch of bitches getting their hair done talking about two of their friends feuding. I mean really. THINK ABOUT IT.

    When I 1st came across Wiz, it was under the handle Eikos in another forum. We didn't exactly hit it off and went at it for some time one night (me too drinky) when I WAS SICK OF HIM ASKING THE BOARD CONTINUOUSLY for a book to take his "BIG" action. Some here may remember that. I apologized the next day and moved on. He does have something of an ego himself. (possibly the biggest understatement of the year)

    Whatever he did or didn't do, it's still words from one side against the other. Shining the light on things in this manner BC shows the confidence (or lack there of) in the members and quality of your business. If not that, then it shows something very unflattering of your personality.

    GL on your action ALL YOU NUT JOBS!

    I really mean that. I hate bookies!

    Like I said....
    I've been in a few forums in my time.

    Hands down, the best cappers I know in no order....

    Golf Pro
    EZ (John)
    Last edited by HUNGlikeabear; 02-23-2005, 07:32 PM.
    Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


    • Gee wiz hung. I know wiz recruited you here and i guess i didn't expect any different but those are bold words from someone who probably only knows wiz's side to the story.


      • Originally posted by 10DimeBry
        Wayne well said.

        I'm not gonna beat around the bush on this. I'm FUCKIN PISSED OFF. Truth be told I could give a shit less about WIZ or his site. I got no issue with anything about his site or him having a site or who visits it. Thats not whats got me fired up. What I'm mad about is "my friend" Homer being his right hand man. WTF is that about?? Then on top of that having to find this out on this forum. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that I'm best friends with homer, but I thought as a so-called "friend" I would be atleast told about this in advance aparently not. Oh well, its back on my own for me. Sorry Doc,RJ, I'm out of the group. No more mice for me!!!


        Where from all this do you get that I'm his right hand man??????

        Being a MOD - HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING A RIGHT HAND MAN - I had nothing to do with setting up the site or anything just Helping him with the MOD Duty.

        You can believe or not. I showed you through emails. If I would have told you like I said in the email that would have been promoting the site. I didn't and I get slammed for it. If I would have told you I would have been told I was promote.

        1 of 1 Morons


        • Originally posted by wayne1218
          Gee wiz hung. I know wiz recruited you here and i guess i didn't expect any different but those are bold words from someone who probably only knows wiz's side to the story.
          Regardless of the sides I see Wayne

          Bad play on BC's part.

          That's the short of what I'm trying to say.

          Distractions are killers. Worse than bad money mgmt IMO.
          Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


          • Kalind is over there asking wiz if he wants him to come here and "Blow this site up" ..............IMPRESSIVE!


            • Originally posted by HUNGlikeabear
              Regardless of the sides I see Wayne

              Bad play on BC's part.
              Not really, people that are not friends of his like you, should know. Read my previous post here. He breeds his own kind.


              • Originally posted by wayne1218
                Kalind is over there asking wiz if he wants him to come here and "Blow this site up" ..............IMPRESSIVE!

                Kalind is not going to change his style.
                Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


                • Its sad I actually liked Wiz but I heard he jumped ship and said good bye forever. There are so many guys on here to follow besides him BC will survive without the self-proclaimed great Wiz.

                  RED LIGHT UP THAT CIGAR


                  • Originally posted by illjaunt
                    Its sad I actually liked Wiz but I heard he jumped ship and said good bye forever. There are so many guys on here to follow besides him BC will survive without the self-proclaimed great Wiz.

                    Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


                    • My 2 Cents

                      As a new member and poster that is contributing to this site I felt I should give my 2 cents worth.

                      First I don't know who you are talking about, but you have a quality site here and that is what drew me here.

                      Second it appears that you have a very strong membership and you'll continue to draw new members liike myslef that may be better to your site than those thathave left, that's my personal plug.

                      Third, it's a shame that people would leave, that appears to me their loyalty was elsewhere and you really don't want those people here anyway.

                      In the end the quality site you have will continue to draw new members and keep he loyal ones an dthat is alll that should matter besides Hamemring the Man!

                      GL, Don't Sweat it and thanks for Bringing Us a Quality Site

                      "Slam the Man"


                      • Originally posted by blackbeard
                        Just some questions for Homer and Thick.. Why exactly do you need to be moderators? Is it a paying job? Is it for your egos? Did Spark take your spot here? Just curious as to the why


                        I don't know about Thick. But I will take the time to post this.

                        My opinion is you can never get enough information to beat the Book. And heaven know everyone needs more help let alone myself.

                        I joined has a MOD to help keep that site clean and thats it. Helping other cappers, Believe it or Not I never promoted it and never planned on promoting it.

                        I had good intentions for being a MOD there. I'm planned on leaving are and never wanted to either.

                        Hope this helps you understand and others. Lets win some cash
                        1 of 1 Morons


                        • Originally posted by HUNGlikeabear
                          Regardless of the sides I see Wayne

                          Bad play on BC's part.

                          That's the short of what I'm trying to say.

                          Distractions are killers. Worse than bad money mgmt IMO.
                          Hey YFJ2005

                          I see your a Mod there too huh? What a coincidence with a post like yours, Bye!


                          • No problem
                            Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


                            • Also post at

                              Fox Den


                              been at those for years as well

                              more sins I've committed I guess Wayne
                              Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


                              • Originally posted by HUNGlikeabear
                                Also post at

                                Fox Den


                                been at those for years as well

                                more sins I've committed I guess Wayne
                                Hey your post ripping me and BC had me wondering and it wasn't too hard to figure out. What are you "His" tough guy like you said i was for BC?

