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Another Forum Stealing Members From BC's Family

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  • #61
    Quite an interesting read this thread is today. I feel like offering my thoughts, even though I still feel pretty rookieish here. I think it was a good idea to bring this thread up.
    Homer, you are and always will be one of the classiest people on this or any forum, people respect you very much. I don't feel this thread was directed at you, however it had to be posted, probably partly, because of you. Monte seems to want to get the consensus of the members here at his site, and since its an internet forum, the only way to do that is to just bring it up and see our reactions. THis is a good thing and is an example of how this forum is the best on the net, Monte, Wayne, Spark, and EZ quite obviously care about this site and the members very much, and it always feels great to be included in topics that are going on and asked for your input. As for Thick, I dont know him very well but he seems like a really good guy, I was very happy to see him come back after he left for a while.

    IMO, this all comes down to intentions and that's where the beef comes in. Wiz said some extremely horrible things to people, most of which I probably have no idea. Monte has also stated that WIz told him he was going to undermine this site. Bingo, there's your intentions, Wiz created a forum to undermine this site, the BEST on the net, and that's wrong. That along with his threats to monte, wayne, and other members makes this guy a head case in my eyes. Yes, he is a good capper. notice the period there, thats it.

    The thing with homer is that he is such a standup guy that I dont believe for a second he would ever agree with wiz if he was talking shit about us or this forum, in fact I am sure he would stick up for BC. THerefore, ya gotta look at this from a perspective that Homer and Wiz get along and Homer is helping him out, nothing more.

    I, for one, have never visited the site (dont even know what it is) and will never ever support it because of the terrible way Wiz has conducted himself repeatedly. I am, however, in on the idea that we can make that place a living (cyber) hell for him by posting just bull shit all the time, at all times of the day, every day!

    Basically, to end my rambling, I never thought that in an internet forum that one could actually feel respected and valued as a member. Monte and Wayne absolutely make me feel that way, and I will forever show my loyalty to them by making this site home forever. Some people feel they need to take a stand on this issue to prove a point, and others don't see it so seriously. Different strokes for different folks.

    p.s. homer ya know I love ya and always will.
    Everybody dies, but not everyone lives.


    • #62
      All I can say is

      I found a home and I'm here to stay!


      • #63
        I don't have anything to hide either!!! I'm sitting here capping my games and took a break for a minute and just saw this!!! I haven't been through every post but I will later!!! I joined Wiz's site on the 17th I think but couldn't say anything because I knew it wouldn't be right to Monte!!! Wiz e-mailed me and told me he started a site and I decided to join!!! I'm here to Help anyone I can, I've said many times befor (I Hate to see people lose their money)!!! I haven't tried to bring anyone over and I wouldn't because of the Respect for Monte, Wayne, Spark and different ones!!! I would Love to tell a couple of people that thought alot of Wiz but I didn't and I still won't!!! Wiz never did a thing to me wrong, he always backed me and helped me if I needed it!!! I've always told people to make their on decisions or Opinions on someone and not what someone else say's!!! Wiz never did me wrong, as far as Monte or anyone else I don know about!!! I'm very Sorry if anyone Thinks any different about Me but I'm the same person I've always been!!! I will continue to post there also and If it's a problem just let me know!!! I don't feel like I've done anything Wrong and I'm sorry if anyone thinks I have!!! If I wa trying to hide anything, I wouldn't have used Knockonwood on Wiz's site!!! It' not like I didn't know anyone would find out but I didn't think it would come to this!!!That's all I have to say about this for now!!! For now, more important things are!!!
        I'm looking at!!!
        SW Miss.St!!!
        N.West/Ill game Under!!!
        I'm very sorry to anyone I feel like I Hurt!!!


        • #64
          I signed up over at Wiz's site, doesn't mean i'm leaving here. I'm registered at 15 sites actually.I noticed 888 is a moderator there too which made me chuckle. I don't know the personal rif between a lot of you but Wiz and I never had words.

          I run an online gaming forum and am part of a community of clans, gamers,etc...the same thing that this site is except for gamers. I've seen this before in the gaming community. I wouldn't worry about it. We had an incedent similar to this but much, much worse. It pissed me off when i would see members of my community registered at the other. It's just a curiousity thing to most. And i couldn't actually tell people not to visit them. (although i really wanted to)

          I didn't read the 1st 4 pages of posts either, just Monte's at the beginning, so if i'm off topic here i apologize.

          When the other admins of my gaming community and i talk about what happened with our situation months back we just laugh, cause we realized all the trouble makers and the asshats were gone. So if that's the way you guys feel about Wiz then isn't this all for the best? It's all about your community IMO, and this one is at the top in the gambling world. The asshats come and go but the true community core of friends always stays.
          "You like the odds of lightning?"


          • #65
            Originally posted by BigTicket

            The thing with homer is that he is such a standup guy that I dont believe for a second he would ever agree with wiz if he was talking shit about us or this forum, in fact I am sure he would stick up for BC. THerefore, ya gotta look at this from a perspective that Homer and Wiz get along and Homer is helping him out, nothing more.

            p.s. homer ya know I love ya and always will.
            I will keep this part of the post. You hit it right on the head.

            He has never told me anything about bring this site down. If he had or even implied it. I would say fuck off and stop that minute. He also has never asked me to promote the site. I would also have said the samething.

            I have never steared anyone on this site wrong and never plan on it. Like I said I know users will be pissed and don't like it. I'm truly sorry. If you forgive me great if not then that sucks also.

            Ticket you know I have the same for you as well.

            GL tonight
            1 of 1 Morons


            • #66
              Now from the voice of reason......

              I was here when some of the Wiz antics were going on, but I was probably so nervous about any posts I put in that I didn't really take notice. The beef with Wiz seems to have been between a certain few and I will allow them to judge and comment on them.
              Now that I feel like part of this FAMILY I do feel an obligation to say all families have some dysfunction. Speak your minds, Work through them and move on. Don't let thoughts go unsaid. Acorns become Oak trees.

              BC you are running a class site here that has improved by leaps and bounds in my short time here. I Thank you and the other mods for that.

              ....And about going to another site, In the age of free agency I will go to the highest bidder. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!
              Remember the three R's:
              Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


              • #67
                this site is great; has lots of info and many member help each other etc..

                great job by all!


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Homer
                  Like I said I know users will be pissed and don't like it. I'm truly sorry. If you forgive me great if not then that sucks also.

                  Yep it sure does suck. Glad to see the honesty came out.
                  Last edited by 10DimeBry; 02-23-2005, 04:17 PM.
                  2013 NCAA POD Record

                  8-3ATS +3.80 units

                  2013 NFL POD Record

                  1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                  • #69
                    I did not know that the thing between Monte and Wiz was this personal and I do not know what went on between them and YES I did email some of my friends or people to let them know I was a moderator there also but I did NOT ever say go there and not come back here or anything to that nature.
                    THICK 1


                    • #70
                      Homer, As much as i like you i really don't think you "Get It". You are one of about 3 that i trusted to use my "Home" email and we've talked for a couple years. We also had many talks about wiz and your words matched mine on how you felt about his antics and what he has done here. YOU agreed and said some things about him that at least made "Me" feel like you knew where we were coming from. I told you ALOT and always have. The thing that blew me away was how often you said things about him through email that mirrored our thoughts. If you had signed up and left it at that it probably would not have been such a big issue but to become one of the 1st moderators there was an obvious attempt by us of you helping him get that ball rolling. I couldn't believe it after talks we had in the past and to be honest i still can't. You stated if it was a problem for BC that you wouldn't moderate and i thought it was known that it was kind of a hurtful thing to BC and since finding that out nothing has changed on your end. Yes, i'm very confused by that and i still don't understand it i guess. You agreed with me many times about him, even AFTER he attacked your character more than once here. I really, really don't understand and for me personally trusting and knowing you like i did i expected you to be the last one to sign up there, never mind moderating for him. Am i pissed or do i hate you. No, but you signing up has definately bothered me personally more than any other member signing up there.



                      • #71
                        Originally posted by THICK 1
                        I did not know that the thing between Monte and Wiz was this personal and I do not know what went on between them and YES I did email some of my friends or people to let them know I was a moderator there also but I did NOT ever say go there and not come back here or anything to that nature.
                        He threatened many things from personal to professional and threatened things like having feds look into the service plays thread here and so on. He is a fraud and will kiss all ass now that he's in monte's position at his own hell hole!


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by BigTicket

                          IMO, this all comes down to intentions and that's where the beef comes in. Wiz said some extremely horrible things to people, most of which I probably have no idea. Monte has also stated that WIz told him he was going to undermine this site. Bingo, there's your intentions, Wiz created a forum to undermine this site, the BEST on the net, and that's wrong. That along with his threats to monte, wayne, and other members makes this guy a head case in my eyes. Yes, he is a good capper. notice the period there, thats it.

                          "Intention" always reveals the truth..........well said.


                          • #73
                            this is the best site period wayne and theres no way i would go anywhere else when we have the cream of the crop right here.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by dodger
                              this is the best site period wayne and theres no way i would go anywhere else when we have the cream of the crop right here.
                              Thanks dodger. Wiz also sent me emails bitching that Monte let 888 (x xx) here for "Hits" on the site and it was wrong because he was an ass. Anyone see who's posting there at wiz's site while banned here? That's right 888 (x xx). Talk about being a Hypocrite!!


                              • #75
                                Wayne well said.

                                I'm not gonna beat around the bush on this. I'm FUCKIN PISSED OFF. Truth be told I could give a shit less about WIZ or his site. I got no issue with anything about his site or him having a site or who visits it. Thats not whats got me fired up. What I'm mad about is "my friend" Homer being his right hand man. WTF is that about?? Then on top of that having to find this out on this forum. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that I'm best friends with homer, but I thought as a so-called "friend" I would be atleast told about this in advance aparently not. Oh well, its back on my own for me. Sorry Doc,RJ, I'm out of the group. No more mice for me!!!

                                2013 NCAA POD Record

                                8-3ATS +3.80 units

                                2013 NFL POD Record

                                1-2 ATS -4.50 units

