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What does everyone do for a living?

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  • Originally posted by ceasar sports
    I work during the day as a Therapist and during the Football/Basketball Season a Capper via Ceasar Sports. Can't leave my day job yet!!!
    Without being nosy, can I ask what type of therapy you do?


    • I wish i could get paid to shit my pants cause I have shit them a lot lately


      • Gamble by day, pimp by night.. Actually, Im a jiggolo, but didnt want to make anyone feel like they are less of a man.. LOL we are up 140.17 units


        • Occupational Therapy
          2015-2016 Season
          NCAA Football:0-6, -15 UNITS
          LOCKS: 0-0
          NFL: 0-0, +0 UNITS
          LOCKS: 0-0
          NBA: 0-0, +0 UNITS
          LOCKS: 0-0
          NCAA HOOPS: 0-0, +0 UNITS
          LOCKS: 0-0


          • Pretty cool reading this thread
            Myself work in a machine shop ..Shipping and Rec. Along with other duties and whatever else my boss tells me to do ..Also do some web Design on the side .
            2005 MLB Team Ball Champ
            2005 NASCAR Surivor Champ


            • But really and no shit I am professional Order Buyer


              • Lightbulb repairman.


                • acupuncture physician and Doctor of Oriental Medicine
                  and part-time free-lance gynechologist
                  "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.


                  • Originally posted by Lucky Leo
                    I am a bricklayer/ construction worker / carpenter in Omaha, NE. Bad place to be if you work outside cause of the bad winters there is no work. So that is when I retire to the internet and have time to study and post my picks on here. Which is my fav. Would like to hit lottery so I could be a professional gambler. Who wouldn't.


                    Was wondering if you could put out a amber alert for lucky leo?? Where did he go?? thanks
                    2013 NCAA POD Record

                    8-3ATS +3.80 units

                    2013 NFL POD Record

                    1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                    • i'm a pimp, i have 35 girls at my disposal, all bettorschats members will recieve a 25% discount


                      • Originally posted by waynechung
                        i work behind the glass at the local adult book store-hang on theres one coming thru the hole now-the nutt!!the pay is good and it took care of my hemorrhoid problem-l.o.l.

                        Damn dude.. I guess I spent too much time at the bar Fri. night and all... but that is the funniest shit I heard all week!! Laughing my ass off!!
                        Love like you've never been hurt, gamble like you don't need the money


                        • Financial donater for the local books down here in Hawaii!! :christmas :christmas
                          (Utilities worker / coach for highschool and club teams)
                          "Sometimes it's not what you play, but what you don't play."


                          • I am a partner in a custom electronics and security company in central florida.


                            • I am a retired school administrator.


                              • i work in a cube as product manager/shipping manager/jack of all trades for an AED (semi-automatic heart defibrillator) company.

