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What does everyone do for a living?

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  • #91
    I am a fill-in radio talk show host and a dialogue editor for Cartoon Network.


    • #92
      i am a general contractor in boston, ma


      • #93
        Pixie dust spreader on the tilt-a-whirl for a traveling carnival. Also womens weight guesser for same carnival. They sit on my face and I guess their weight!


        • #94
          I'm an operator for a oil refinery in the midwest. Before I started here 3 years ago, I worked as a Union carpenter, machinist, a postal worker, etc...


          • #95
            Originally posted by Sportsrmylife
            which company are you with right now. any good mutuals that you look at right now. let me know.
            I am working with a big Financial Institution in Toronto...


            • #96
              I'm double dipper. Retired and lovin' it. Spent 22 yrs in USN, and then another 21 with the USPS. Have been in Vegas almost 30 years. You won't get any posts from someone making money purely by handicapping. Think about - Why do all these services sell their picks to the public? They would starve to death without us buying their sorry picks. Just my two cents worth.


              • #97
                i eat pussy for a living


                • #98
                  GoldenGreek are you happy with your job? Are you hiring?


                  • #99
                    autocad designer/detailer
                    in MI


                    • Originally posted by GOLDENGREEK
                      i eat pussy for a living
                      that must be a dream job


                      • Originally posted by GOLDENGREEK
                        i eat pussy for a living
                        With only 16 posts you must have all the time in the world to enjoy your life-style. Speaking for myself and others we don;t need job descriptions like yours. Take it elsewhere. This is a great forum and we would like to keep it that way.
                        On the Outside Looking In


                        • [QUOTE=nuanta]that must be a dream job [

                          EXEPT FOR ALL THE HAIRBALLS
                          Last edited by GOLDENGREEK; 01-15-2005, 04:41 PM.


                          • Started my own business working out of the house 2+ years ago brokering paper. Selling mostly to label printers all across the US, but also do a fair share of exporting. So everyone keep buying stuff with lables on it and indirectly support my gambling habits. Currently working on a project supplying 1,000,000 pounds a year for burrito wrap. How many fu%@ing burritos do people eat? RJ, any good deals on freight? I ship a lot of stuff out of NJ back to the midwest.
                            You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


                            • Originally posted by SHORE BET
                              With only 16 posts you must have all the time in the world to enjoy your life-style. Speaking for myself and others we don;t need job descriptions like yours. Take it elsewhere. This is a great forum and we would like to keep it that way.

                              RELAX--JUST SOME HUMOR--IM SURE GUYS ENJOYED IT
                              WHY SO THIN-SKINNED?


                              • goldengreek

                                do you like working in the dark and what do you do during those monthly 3 day vacations?
                                Get the best line possible....or you can just gamble!

