Good Morning Sparkman and family. Gonna be another good day. Nippy but well needed to help keep storms away.
Spark- hope all is well- everything is mucho well here since I took a month off. Amazing, how much clearer I am feeling on my business (great half page writeup in the paper) and my relationship and family. Not to mention a high percentage of winning since returning. So I feel compelled to pass this along to anyone who feels they need a total break for awhile- Just do it- Its not always about winning or losing but how absorbed you are in the process of it. If it affects your priorities- then it needs to be put on hold until you work those areas out again and get clearer on your life goals.
And Spark-----Thanx again for your help - Many do not realize the unwritten values of behind the scenes compassion, understanding and decision making moments that go into being a Mod and a fine friend. Best of luck to you always. I know if I need to check out again to get my priorities in order- You will be there for advice.
- everything is mucho well here since I took a month off. So I feel compelled to pass alomg to anyone who feels they need a total break for awhile- Just do it-
YES... I have heard other's say that. I am in the midst of a "break" right now. So I am just checking in now and then because I miss my BC buddies. No wagering for me for a few weeks at least.
YES... I have heard other's say that. I am in the midst of a "break" right now. So I am just checking in now and then because I miss my BC buddies. No wagering for me for a few weeks at least.
But you see DC you do not have to gamble to hang ... This forum is yours to enjoy ... if you are slumping back off like you are .. very smart ... but still be part of the forum ... does that make sense???
Spear, Thank You for that post ... You are such a valued member here ... So glad things are going good for you you and the family .. pls tell your wife I said hello ... I wish you nothing but continued success buddy ....
I think Macarver (sp) and Buck really do a dry play by play. When I was younger I remember listening to Tim and I loved it. Now I think he is a complete moron. And Buck I have never liked. He's only there cause of his daddy. Is this just my byast opinion? And I guess congrats to the CWS. I had my "real" first experience with my team winning the Championship with the Tarheels in the NCAABB. It's a great feeling.
Spark... we were up late last night and the first up this morning. Don't you sleep? I guess I get about 6-7 hours average per night. Ugh!
same thing i said when i saw you here this morning.....
DC I had one of those days yesterday that nothing went right ... I mean nothing from the time I woke up ... Ton of stuff on my mind and I just could not go to sleep so I fired this thing back up ... hahahaha I usually only get 4-5 hours a night anyway ...