Bry, do you like that real t hick crust pizza? Is that the type of pie you guys have up there?
95% of the places have what you all call NY style pizza which is simply thin crust round 18" pie. Its great. up here anyway. Some places here have ***** crust Chicago style pizza which is great too.
yeah i go there with my dad, we usually hang out there when we take his boat out. It's a pretty popular place.
my parents live about 10 min from gator joe's i had a bunch of beers there one time it was fun. Cool place. Those are the kinda places i like to go to. I'm not much of a Club guy. I'm more of a darts and pool guy when i go out.
my parents live about 10 min from gator joe's i had a bunch of beers there one time it was fun. Cool place. Those are the kinda places i like to go to. I'm not much of a Club guy. I'm more of a darts and pool guy when i go out.
Gator joes is a real cool place to hang out on the weekend.
the pizza is shit down there too. No real mom and pop places. All domino's and papa johns pizza hut. Thats all crap. We have dozens of pizza places around here.
my family's rest. is good you'll have to try our pizza when your ass comes down after your beating in golf
Gator joes is a real cool place to hang out on the weekend.
Jeff I think kelly and I are coming down to FLA sometime in the winter, prolly xmas time or in late jan. to stay @ my parents place in Spruce Creek. If you and charlie want we could meet up @ gator joes. Then plan to hit one of the golf courses. I'll let you know the date prolly in a month or so
Jeff I think kelly and I are coming down to FLA sometime in the winter, prolly xmas time or in late jan. to stay @ my parents place in Spruce Creek. If you and charlie want we could meet up @ gator joes. Then plan to hit one of the golf courses. I'll let you know the date prolly in a month or so