Fucking feels like I ran a fucking marathon last night my legs and shit are so sore. Didn't do a damn thing either
It's probably hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hyponatremia...loss of electrolytes that accompanies dehydration. In the ER when someone comes in who's detoxing from alcohol intake they give what's called a 'banana bag'. It's an IV fluid mixture that's rich in electrolytes. Gatorade time.
It's probably hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hyponatremia...loss of electrolytes that accompanies dehydration. In the ER when someone comes in who's detoxing from alcohol intake they give what's called a 'banana bag'. It's an IV fluid mixture that's rich in electrolytes. Gatorade time.
Got a buddy who swears by that Pedia Lite stuff they give to babies. Says it works better than gatorade. May have to give it a try
Yeah, the Pedialyte probably is better than Gatorade...probably doesn't have as much sugar either.
In high school, we had to drink Pedialyte before every football game. This stuff really works. I only got cramps one time during a game ... and it really was my fault for not taking in more fluids during the game.
"Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"