Does what I do bore you?....Go sit on a hickory smoked Canadian meat stick for entertainment....
Why don't you take your little office gal to a Habs hockey game, and when she sees the wood you spring when the player introductions are announced, maybe she'll get the hint.....
Does what I do bore you?....Go sit on a hickory smoked Canadian meat stick for entertainment....
Why don't you take your little office gal to a Habs hockey game, and when she sees the wood you spring when the player introductions are announced, maybe she'll get the hint.....
I've been gone for a few weeks but I see some things never change !!!
Hope all has been well with everyone
Doing better than i deserve Jimmy, your back feeling any better??
I have my days, but for the most part it is doing better than usual. I'm just starting to feel a little bit of burning in my legs and feet again. It's been about 6 months since I had one of those nerve block injections, so I figure it's almost time for another one.
"Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"