poor kaz. just cause the guy lives with cats doesnt mean he likes sausage.......oh wait yes it does
They painted Dimer like that once. Took a full 5 gallon drum of Sears Weatherbeater special and a team of six painters to finish the job. And that was just the front of him painted in the same color!
Of course not, but did you get KB's economics paper?
Yes....Ran out of asswipe so it came in handy. Sorry. Don't expect to get it anytime soon if he's going to do it after he updates the hoop contest standings...
Chado couldn't paint it.....he'd stop before he ever got to her puss and go home after comtemplating how cruel reds12 and the BC guys were treating him!
He would stop and tell the hot naked chick that Reds12 was disrepcting him by fading his plays
Yes....Ran out of asswipe so it came in handy. Sorry. Don't expect to get it anytime soon if he's going to do it after he updates the hoop contest standings...
yeah, whats up with that. i never know how i am doing cause you cant find it. and if you do, its like 3 weeks old
geeze, i have no idea why that dude has a hard on for me.
good thing im not a mod, cuz he would be gone
I thought he was joking at first.I have not been here long but I haven't seen you try to run anyone off or use any racist statements.He just came out of nowhere and got on your ass.