You know what i do not understand John?? People like you that complain about threads and members like that but you sit there and read the threads all day ... even make comments in the threads ...
That is the rant, politics and religion forum ... you do not like it Phil??? Don't click on it ...
Whatever Joe, its an observation, an opinion, a thought that i typed.
John, all joking aside ... damn, we need something ... Bears, Cubs, Bulls .... and about the White Sox
There is no doubt Joe.....Bears and Bulls are such a HUGE disappointment this year. There was so much expectation with them, and even though the Blackhaws are doing much better then people one really cares other then the core fans.
The White Sox might as well be the florida marlins....cause they have fuked up their offseason plans so bad its comical. Couldn't happen to a nicer GM and owner though I have to admit.