I couldn't be happier.....honestly...if the MLS really thought this one guy would be a savior to the league...they were sorely mistaken.
There is a reason England took him off the National team.
I don't think any MLS executives thought he would save the league, but if you have the opportunity to sign a player who draws 66,000+ to a game in New York, you've got to make it happen. He draws positive publicity to the league while all the other moajor leagues in the US are fighting their own negative publicity. It's unfortunate that he was hurt in a match that wasn't an official MLS game, but it happens and he'll be back soon enough. This wasn't a one-shot deal.
I don't think any MLS executives thought he would save the league, but if you have the opportunity to sign a player who draws 66,000+ to a game in New York, you've got to make it happen. He draws positive publicity to the league while all the other moajor leagues in the US are fighting their own negative publicity. It's unfortunate that he was hurt in a match that wasn't an official MLS game, but it happens and he'll be back soon enough. This wasn't a one-shot deal.
Lets just say this.....I hope that in a year or so, if not sooner, you can refer back to this post and tell me I was wrong. I have been against this since the beginning because i don't think it's gonna really help the mls as much as it's gonna help Beckham's pockets. i want to be wrong....i really do. i just don't see it.....
I hope he brings more guys to the states that can make MLS soccer more then irrelevent.