I've been out on the patio enjoying the beautiful weather, drinking gatorade to get rehydrated so I can drink some cold brews here in a bit and watch the race
My boss is awesome so i can't complain about working too much
As some of you may know, I had a recent death in the family. My uncle Gary passed way thursday night. My dad's brother. He was very sick for awhile now. He had a long fight with diabetes and skin cancer. So this wasnt coming as a shock. Still hurts the same though. I really feel for my dad. My uncle was only 66. I wont be around much mon-tuesday. Just wanted to take a minute to let my extended family here know what has been going on. Thank you all for your support it means more than you'll ever know.
As some of you may know, I had a recent death in the family. My uncle Gary passed way thursday night. My dad's brother. He was very sick for awhile now. He had a long fight with diabetes and skin cancer. So this wasnt coming as a shock. Still hurts the same though. I really feel for my dad. My uncle was only 66. I wont be around much mon-tuesday. Just wanted to take a minute to let my extended family here know what has been going on. Thank you all for your support it means more than you'll ever know.
As some of you may know, I had a recent death in the family. My uncle Gary passed way thursday night. My dad's brother. He was very sick for awhile now. He had a long fight with diabetes and skin cancer. So this wasnt coming as a shock. Still hurts the same though. I really feel for my dad. My uncle was only 66. I wont be around much mon-tuesday. Just wanted to take a minute to let my extended family here know what has been going on. Thank you all for your support it means more than you'll ever know.
You're in my thoughts and prayers buddy! You know that. Give me a ring if you need anything pal
I've been out on the patio, THAT I GOT AT HOME DEPOT, and enjoying the beautiful weather, drinking gatorade to get rehydrated so I can drink some cold brews here in a bit and watch MY FAVORITE RACER, SMOKE, WIN the race
Enjoy your day GayB
"Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"