I do not understand something .. Please hear me out ..
Why is it that we can all joke and play around in here .. constantly calling me an elder hahaha, Cut up kb for his drinking habits, jc being called Dr phil, Dimer for his belly and you a stalker??... but as soon as Wayne starts joking around things get real serious ... why is that???
I'm not sure why it gets serious. Maybe because Wayne comes off as threatening more so than others do. Wayne is hard to read IMO. You don't know if he's serious or saying things in jest. Most of the time he's kidding, but he comes off more as a guy with little sympathy or conscience for lack of a better word. Spark, JC, Dimer has more than once showed a soft side. Haven't really seen it from Wayne.
As far as the word 'stalker.' The reason why it offends me, is because it is referring to me as being that way with Meg. I consider Meg a friend, I respect her and I would not want her to start believing that I'm that way. And that could very well happen.
The above statement was over the top. Then the herd started in and JC manned up and put an end to it. GET OVER IT......I didn't say anything because I was basically trying to be ***** skinned. If someone throws it out there here and there I let it go. The more I bring it up, the more people think you are the week one in the herd. This place reminds me of high school, cuz that's how the week ones were kept in place. I don't comment when it's thrown out there for the most part. But you were a little over the top, and considering that you have made it clear you don't like me, it was uncalled for. I have never called you names. If I did, I would be banned.
Yes or no, if I called you a pot smoking dumbass who would rather screw a sheep instead of his girlfriend, would you, or would you not ban me?
That to me is no different.....I told Spark two months ago I thought the word stalker was offensive.
Look, I'm done arguing with you. I'm not trying to be the 'victim' here. JC is a great guy for this place, and if he leaves, this place would be less off.
I'm cool Wayne. Like I said, if we met, you'd probably think I was a decent guy who is a lot like you as far as personality goes.....Let's drop it!
Kaz, i am not going anywere, just drop it. I can take care of myself. Relax and enjoy your weekend bud.
Thats good, im sober go figure . Wifes at work and i got the 3 year old, all she does is boss me around. Daddy i want juice, Daddy can i watch spongebob, Daddy turn the lite on in my room. Impossible to watch a recorded Lost
LMAO ... I come off threatening? Have you ever met ... Ah forget it.
You are right Kaz, you don't know me and you are way off with your thoughts.
You're right, I don't know you. I've just felt more distant from you than anyone else on here. It was an opinion Wayne. Maybe I am way off. Sometimes people's opinions are. I was shooting from the hip and giving my thoughts when Spark asked a question.