morning guys. feeling a little under the weather. like a body flu or something. been happening since monday, but this morning was the worst. been popping all sorts of cold pills to break my fever throughout the day. i'll live
morning guys. feeling a little under the weather. like a body flu or something. been happening since monday, but this morning was the worst. been popping all sorts of cold pills to break my fever throughout the day. i'll live
Went through that last week buddy ... not fun ..
Hope you feel better .. just call your love-muffin King .. he will take care of you ...
When we watch t.v. and see the destruction everywhere from Hurricanes, tornados and earthquakes, along with stupid little problems like deadly sharks, snakes & gators ... We have very little to worry about up here. Snow and cold. That's it. In the summer, you can swim in water anywhere and sleep in the middle of the woods too without any worry about animals anywhere. We do very much enjoy not worrying about any of that stuff. Watching the news and the lives that get destroyed daily by this stuff is shocking and pretty scary too.
Bingo ... ditto ...
You can have that hot soggy weather .. I hate it ... with the bugs
You can have that hot soggy weather .. I hate it ... with the bugs
As much as everyone loves Florida, and they do. I couldn't live there. Everyone up here goes down there on vacation but they all say the same thing. It's a nice place to visit but i wouldn't want to live there. My Fiance's parents own a place down there and they go down every year usually between October and March. They like it but the stress brought sometimes from trying to reach them every time tornado's touch down or hurricanes hit isn't always worth it. I've never had to board my house up or move sand bags. I can imagine having to do that. Their friggin' neighbor lost their dog a few months ago to a gator. The thing got out of the house and sure enough, they went down back near the water just in time to watch it happen. I seriously was like WTF???
They also woke up one night and when her mother was going to the bathroom she noticed a snake wrapped around the bottom of the toilet that was about 4 feet long. She was half asleep and almost had a heart attack. They also have boarded their windows up about 4 times in the last 2 years and i swear, they never seem to have a peaceful month there but when you get to that age, alot of people's bodies do not like the cold.
As much as everyone loves Florida, and they do. I couldn't live there. Everyone up here goes down there on vacation but they all say the same thing. It's a nice place to visit but i wouldn't want to live there. My Fiance's parents own a place down there and they go down every year usually between October and March. They like it but the stress brought sometimes from trying to reach them every time tornado's touch down or hurricanes hit isn't always worth it. I've never had to board my house up or move sand bags. I can imagine having to do that. Their friggin' neighbor lost their dog a few months ago to a gator. The thing got out of the house and sure enough, they went down back near the water just in time to watch it happen. I seriously was like WTF???
They also woke up one night and when her mother was going to the bathroom she noticed a snake wrapped around the bottom of the toilet that was about 4 feet long. She was half asleep and almost had a heart attack. They also have boarded their windows up about 4 times in the last 2 years and i swear, they never seem to have a peaceful month there but when you get to that age, alot of people's bodies do not like the cold.
i honesly dont think i will live anywhere else...i love fl...the weather is unbeatable....hurricanes ad all that stuff really isnt that bad
I sure as shit don't miss shoveling snow, chopping ice off the front stoop, spreading the salt over the side walks or digging out the cars after the snow plow went through.
Your summers are probably more unbearable than mine.
I can watch a sunrise off the Atlantic in the morning, drive an hour and watch it set on Gulf.
...and I can play golf, softball, basketball, swim, fish etc. ALL YEAR LONG.
I don't pay a state tax.
Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.
I sure as shit don't miss shoveling snow, chopping ice off the front stoop, spreading the salt over the side walks or digging out the cars after the snow plow went through.
Your summers are probably more unbearable than mine.
I can watch a sunrise off the Atlantic in the morning, drive an hour and watch it set on Gulf.
...and I can play golf, softball, basketball, swim, fish etc. ALL YEAR LONG.
I don't pay a state tax.
My vehicles are in a garage. The plow comes and leaves me literally about 3 feet long of a path to shovel. I never have to clean my car off either. My porch is covered and we throw about 2 cups off salt off the deck to cover everything. It's really not the problem you make it out to be for all and it beats shitting my pants while boarding up my windows or sitting in a traffic jam for 5 hours trying to get out of town.