Actually "DUDE" ... We adopted the 3 year old pup from the pound when he was 6 months old. His name when we adopted him was Nomar already and being Red Sox fans we thought "Perfect, it's meant to be". Needless to say we kept the name and brought him home. Two weeks later the real life Nomar was traded. Since then, all my friends have called him Orlando (When Cabrera was here), Edgar (When Renteria was here) and Alex (When Gonzalez was here). The poor dog don't know his name and now he will be called "Julio" in about a month!
Actually "DUDE" ... We adopted the 3 year old pup from the pound when he was 6 months old. His name when we adopted him was Nomar already and being Red Sox fans we thought "Perfect, it's meant to be". Needless to say we kept the name and brought him home. Two weeks later the real life Nomar was traded. Since then, all my friends have called him Orlando (When Cabrera was here), Edgar (When Renteria was here) and Alex (When Gonzalez was here). The poor dog don't know his name and now he will be called "Julio" in about a month!
They think it's hilarious!
WOW .... that is hilarious ! Thanks for the promotion to "DUDE" .
I've actually had people start after one week and still finish in the money. Doc actually has one thing in his favor. He hasn't used any driver yet. He still has Stewart, Jr. and all the other shitheads who sucked. I know people who had Stewart are crying right now cuz they expected NOTHING SHORT of a Top 5 finish. I guarantee they know starting with Stewart and getting 43rd puts them WAAAAY behind the 8 ball already!
WOW .... that is hilarious ! Thanks for the promotion to "DUDE" .
Are you EVER going back to WORK ???
dawg, the lady with Comp called me this morning. This is week 6 of my 6 weeks out. She said she wants me to be cleared by a foot specialist before returning to work because of the misdiagnosis before. She can't get me in until March 7th. I go that day and see what they say. I will either be cleared to drive and work or i'll be told i need more time. Until then she said sit tight and stay off your foot. That means you guys are screwed and i have at least 3 more weeks off. WOOOOO HOOO!