Hi its Meg&...Kaz. please press 1 for english 2 for spanish.
(1) Hi you have reached the voicemail of Meg & Kaz we are sorry that we arent available to take your call right now, we are currently at a hillary clinton fund raiser. At the tone please leave a message with your name and your social security # so we can tax you for this call. Thanks and have a nice day.
Hi its Meg&...Kaz. please press 1 for english 2 for spanish.
(1) Hi you have reached the voicemail of Meg & Kaz we are sorry that we arent available to take your call right now, we are currently at a hillary clinton fund raiser. At the tone please leave a message with your name and your social security # so we can tax you for this call. Thanks and have a nice day.
good morning everyone. Just want everyone to know that JC is lying through his TOOTH in the neckcar survivor thread. I dont need a magazine for neckcar.
good morning everyone. Just want everyone to know that JC is lying through his TOOTH in the neckcar survivor thread. I dont need a magazine for neckcar.
you've been busted.
p.s. you can buy all the magazines you want and still not come close to beating me