Unfortunately, surgery is postponed. My church raised some money for us but not enough, and Adison's doctors won't do the procedure without payment in full because my occupation doesn't have a constant income coming in.
I've got a appointment with the charity hospital in Charlotte today to see if they can do it because I don't want to wait any longer, it's not fair to Adison.
Hoping to do well in the superbowl and that would go a long way if not 100% done with getting the money needed to pay for her procedure.
Keep your fingers crossed....but THANK you for the emails.
Rook do you have a University Medical School near you? If so they usually get grant money from the Government for people who don't qualify or don't have insurance. Plus they shouldn't be able to refuse to do surgery. I mention this as the University Medical School here where i'm at has this grant program. Plus they have signs up that they cannot refuse service to anyone.
I don't even think its legal for them to take a stance like that if you're signing paperwork stating that you're going to pay which all Hospitals make everyone sign. At worst case scenario if they didn't get paid they either write it off as a tax break or turn it in to a collection agency.
You could try contacting a lawyer and run it by them for free legal advice to see if they were interested in the case. And you could call a free legal service that your State or City has and run it by them as well.
If the problem with your daughter could get worse (I hope not) then you could more than likely file a lawsuit against that hospital for discrimenation among other things.
I hate hospitals as all they give a fuck about is the almighty $ as i've dealt with them numerous times. Heard you in like cattle and heard you out like cattle.