ah yeah, and i'm the best man in this one. its one of my closest friends. Today @ lunch i went and got a big ass bottle of Jager put it in the office freezer and a big bottle of grey goose is sittin in the car. we are pregaming @ my friends house about 20 of us. got 1/2keg of bud, 3ft sub, couple hundred wings, bunch of pizza's, gonna play a $25 buy in hold'em game do some drinking watch nyy/sox and the CFB game, then going out on the town to a couple nasty strip joints. should be another train wreck.
funny you say that I'm fixing to go to the state fair and check out all the 2 toothed carnies
"Step right up, we need another player. $3'll get ya 5 $5'll get ya 10."
state fair's are the best... when u ride any of the rides their its not the ride it self that makes u scared its that u think those meth heads didnt put all the tracks on right so the thrill is you might fly off the track.... got 2 get boozed up 1st...