I think we can all agree that there is plenty of good and evil in this world, I'll leave it up to you to sort out who is responsible for our actions & perceptions of it.
I saw a stat that over 1 billion people do not believe in god, devil, heaven & hell, many live in china & russia
there are also thousands of religions, and nobody has proof of anything
What a fucked up but interesting world we live in
I hear ya Brother .... No One has Really ever clued me in ....I just like to give IT the benefit of the doubt and a Shout Out.... too hedge my Bet !!
I know you will not belee me, but I have Not forgotten about Your CD.... I still have your original envelope sitting right here in my IN Box .... I'm shooting for sometime around MLK Day !! Told u I was ssssll o o o o w w w w ...
Bover's out in a cow pasture late at night, the moon is almost full, and its gleaming off his favorite heffer Bessy's cow bell. The air is crisp and smells of unholy love in the arizona night. Just as Bover is about to climax, with his hands on Bessy ample rear, Monte appears and decapitates Bover with a Scythe, his severed head rolls away like a tumbleweed as Monte chalks up another notch on his list
Bover's out in a cow pasture late at night, the moon is almost full, and its gleaming off his favorite heffer Bessy's cow bell. The air is crisp and smells of unholy love in the arizona night. Just as Bover is about to climax, with his hands on Bessy ample rear, Monte appears ands decapitates Bover with Scythe, his severed head rolls away like a tumbleweed as Monte chalks up another notch on his list
JMO i like it the way it is. It has a lot of history and extremly funny shit in it
Cool with me .... Majority Rules !
Let me be clear that I do Not have an AXE to Grind with ANYONE.... I'm just disappointed ! And I do hear most peeps here .... 'It's in the PAST We're Moving ON ' !!
And that's ALL I have to say about that !
Forrest Gump
Bover's out in a cow pasture late at night, the moon is almost full, and its gleaming off his favorite heffer Bessy's cow bell. The air is crisp and smells of unholy love in the arizona night. Just as Bover is about to climax, with his hands on Bessy ample rear, Monte appears and decapitates Bover with a Scythe, his severed head rolls away like a tumbleweed as Monte chalks up another notch on his list
Ok, bover BB just let you know what's coming your way